Patient B. a week ago I returned from a business trip from the Far East. Acutely ill, body temperature rose to 390C, worried about headache, vomiting. I had an epileptic fit. The face is hyperemic, there is a hemorrhagic rash on the body.
The neurological status is represented by stunning, delusional statements, left-sided central hemiparesis, persistent clonic twitching of the facial muscles, pronounced stiffness of the neck muscles, positive symptoms Brudzinsky.
MRI of the brain was performed, which revealed symmetric hemorrhages in the projection of the basal ganglia, thalamic areas (figure).
This clinical picture is typical for the meningoencephalitic form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. This is an acute viral disease with a natural focus. The natural focus and circulation of the virus is supported by small rodents (vole mice, for example), viruses in the human body get through the air and dust by inhaling the air of dried excrements (feces, urine on hay, straw, when cleaning garden plots).
Treatment of this disease involves hospitalization of the patient in the ICU, monitoring of vital signs, bed rest, strict accounting the injected fluid (infusion and drinking) and its volume of excretion, the appointment of antiviral drugs and immunoglobulins, detoxification using intravenous infusion.
Also prescribed are antiplatelet agents (pentoxifylline, courantil), angioprotectors, glucocorticosteroids, diuretics, etc. drugs for the correction of shock and anuria.
Patient B. a week ago I returned from a business trip from the Far East. Acutely ill, body temperature rose to 390C, worried about headache, vomiting. I had an epileptic fit. The face is hyperemic, there is a hemorrhagic rash on the body.
The neurological status is represented by stunning, delusional statements, left-sided central hemiparesis, persistent clonic twitching of the facial muscles, pronounced stiffness of the neck muscles, positive symptoms Brudzinsky.
MRI of the brain was performed, which revealed symmetric hemorrhages in the projection of the basal ganglia, thalamic areas (figure).
This clinical picture is typical for the meningoencephalitic form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. This is an acute viral disease with a natural focus. The natural focus and circulation of the virus is supported by small rodents (vole mice, for example), viruses in the human body get through the air and dust by inhaling the air of dried excrements (feces, urine on hay, straw, when cleaning garden plots).
Treatment of this disease involves hospitalization of the patient in the ICU, monitoring of vital signs, bed rest, strict accounting the injected fluid (infusion and drinking) and its volume of excretion, the appointment of antiviral drugs and immunoglobulins, detoxification using intravenous infusion.
Also prescribed are antiplatelet agents (pentoxifylline, courantil), angioprotectors, glucocorticosteroids, diuretics, etc. drugs for the correction of shock and anuria.