Why is it buzzing in my head?

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Be sure to consult your doctor before applying any recommendations. Self-medication can be hazardous to your health.

So the working day is over. The system unit stopped making noise, colleagues have already dispersed, silence is around. But why is it buzzing in my head, why does it feel as if a transformer is working at full power nearby? Is it stress or overwork? Or, worse, symptoms of some kind of illness? It is possible to answer these questions only after examination and identification of the causes of the hum in the head.

So the working day is over. The system unit stopped making noise, colleagues have already dispersed, silence is around. But why is it buzzing in my head, why does it feel as if a transformer is working at full power nearby? Is it stress or overwork? Or, worse, symptoms of some kind of illness? It is possible to answer these questions only after examination and identification of the causes of the hum in the head.

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The main causes of the disease

There are a large number of reasons for the noise that is heard in the head, ranging from simple fatigue to the most dangerous diseases, for example, tumor-like neoplasms in the brain. However, the main reasons are highlighted that can lead to the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms. It is not necessary to make a diagnosis on your own - this is the doctor's task.

So, the following reasons can cause such discomfort:

  1. Perhaps the development of cerebral hypoxia, which is provoked by a failure of the cardiovascular system, which violates cerebral circulation, leading to the appearance of volumetric neoplasms: benign and malignant types tumors.
  2. Individually increased sensitivity to the ear's sense of the external environment also induces hum in the head. These include a neurotic state and neurosis, overwork and nervous overstrain.
  3. The first reason, which is not associated with overwork and aging, is cerebral aneurysms, or impaired blood circulation. In the case of aneurysm, the noise will be accompanied by a pulsating pain syndrome. With such symptoms, it is worthwhile to immediately visit a neurologist in order to prevent the development of an aneurysm and its transition to severe stages.
  4. The processes of perception or transmission of nerve impulses in one or both of the auditory nerves may be impaired. This kind of hum has a monotonous characteristic, causing hearing loss. The causes of this condition are head trauma, altered cerebral blood flow, and inflammation of the ear and auditory nerve.
  5. The activity of the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for maintaining balance and coordination, is impaired. Noise appears when a sudden change in body position, tilt or turn of the head.
  6. One of the causes of noise is often atherosclerosis. This disease can be characterized by the appearance of cholesterol formations in the cerebral vessels, which acts as an obstacle to the movement of blood. Thus, the blood begins to move more slowly, causing a hum. With oxygen deficiency, the brain may "starve", which also causes the appearance of hum and noise in the head.
  7. Noise is caused by age-related changes in the hearing aid. No cure is possible, although in other cases the problem can be resolved.
  8. Impaired kidney function also causes noise. In this case, it is worth being examined by a urologist, and then starting treatment.
  9. The noise is caused by instability of the cervical ridge. The blood that goes through the vessels passing near the spine to the brain cannot flow in the required amount, since the vertebral processes often squeeze the arteries.
  10. Vegetovascular dystonia is often accompanied by tinnitus. In this case, vasodilator drugs are prescribed, and sometimes it is advisable to take medications to normalize the level of adrenaline and glucose in the blood. Pumping blood can affect the noise in the head.
  11. Diseases of the endocrine system often provoke noise in the head. In some cases, it is worth undergoing an examination for the presence of tumors resulting from injury.

Possible diseases

In addition to the above reasons, it is worth noting several conditions that are also accompanied by noise in the head:

  1. Meniere's disease.
  2. Lack of vitamins or iodine deficiency.
  3. The appearance of an acoustic neuroma.
  4. Stroke.
  5. Diseases of the central nervous system.
  6. Schizophrenia.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Thyroid pathology, middle ear disease.
  9. Hearing loss of the sensorineural type of chronic or acute form.
  10. Hypotension.
  11. Traumatic brain injury and fracture of the temple bone.
  12. The use of certain medications for the treatment of diseases.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that the noise in the head is a consequence of various pathological conditions in the body.

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is worth curing the root cause, since it is simply impossible to influence the noise in the head itself. To determine the causes of the appearance of noise in the head, it is necessary to diagnose the head and ears, and as early as possible. Diagnosis is carried out by an otolaryngologist, as well as other specialists: cardiologist, neurologist, psychotherapist, etc. Treatment will depend on the underlying disease identified. It is not worthwhile to carry out treatment on your own and look for reasons, it is better to trust the professionals.

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