Diet for food poisoning in children and adults: what you can eat and drink

When a patient develops a food intoxication, the digestive system first hits the patient. That is why when poisoning is so important after detoxification and relief of pathological symptoms has compliance with the curative nutrition program.

Goals and rules for a diet for food poisoning

In the first days after poisoning, any food is excluded, only water, mineral water or other drink in unlimited amounts.

The main purpose of the diet is to reduce the maximum load from the digestive system by selecting sparing dishes.

Since food intoxication is usually accompanied by an emetic reaction and severe diarrhea, the therapeutic diet should:

  • First, to eliminate dehydration and reduce inflammatory reactions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Second, restore the electrolyte balance;
  • Third, accelerate the healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Also, the therapeutic diet should provide the body with minerals, vitamins and proteins.

Drink in small portions so as not to accidentally provoke a second emetic reaction. The daily volume of liquid should not be less than two liters, then the body will soon cope with toxic substances and withdraw them from the body.

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If on the second day the body does not want to eat, then you do not have to force it. Better drink a kissel, a weak chicken broth or drinking low-fat yogurt.

When there is an appetite, many patients mistakenly try to fill the stomach to the dump, because the body was starving and it needs to make up for it. But this is wrong, too much food can trigger a relapse of intoxication symptoms.

Just the intestinal mucosa has not yet recovered, so it starts to get annoyed again. And the enzymatic activity has not yet been properly established, therefore, with a sharp overeating in the patient after poisoning, soreness appears and the state of health worsens.

Therefore, you need to eat little by little and often, and the temperature of consumed dishes should be a little warm, comfortable for the gastrointestinal tract. Dishes must be steamed or boiled, eaten in a puree or mashed through a sieve.

What can you eat after intoxication to adults and children?

In the first days of the patient is weak, like his body, so it is impossible to load him with carbohydrates and fats, because for their full mastery, a lot of energy is needed, which is already lacking.

Therefore, the maximum that can be expected in the first days after intoxication is a drop of vegetable oil in a salad of boiled vegetables.

Fruits are still banned because they can cause fermentation in the intestinal parts.

Make sure that there is enough protein in the diet, making the meals with its contents a priority in the daily menu, as the body, with food intoxication, loses a lot of protein. With the right selection of diets, the risk of vomiting will be minimal.

Authorized products

To supplement the diet with new products after food poisoning is necessary gradually.

The diet should be balanced, with a sufficient number of proteins( better animals), since protein components are needed to form new cellular structures and to regenerate mucosal tissues.

Patients and carbohydrates are also needed, but it is better to focus on their complex varieties. They can be obtained in sufficient quantities from compotes and fruit and berry jelly.

The category of permitted products is:

  • Low-fat meat, poultry without skin, rabbit. Meat can be eaten in the form of various steam meatballs or cutlets, as well as in a boiled form;
  • Secondary or non-welded broths are useful on the basis of poultry, lean meat;
  • Low-fat fish;
  • Mucous soups from oatmeal and rice, semolina, etc.;
  • Wiped porridge from porridge, buckwheat or rice;
  • Wiped non-fat curd low fat, low-fat milk;
  • Omelette for steaming or boiled egg;
  • Butter, but only a little bit, you can add to the porridge;
  • Kissels made from fruits, berries, compotes, mousses or jelly;
  • Crackers and crackers;
  • Natural fruit juices, which must be diluted in half with water, tea with the addition of milk, but only not strong, water with a slice of lemon, dill or boar.

These products can easily create a very diverse and balanced menu, which also helps the digestive system to recover.


Patients with food intoxication are expected to abandon many products, although it is not necessary to be upset, because these restrictions are only temporary.

It is necessary to exclude from use all products provoking an increase in gastric secretion.

This is a necessary measure, as it is necessary to minimize the irritating hydrochloric acid effect and the effect of enzymatic substances on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also necessary to exclude overly spicy or salty foods, dishes with a high content of organic acids or essential oils. Under the ban and complex carbohydrates, which are present in plant-derived dietary fiber, because they increase digestive stress, enhance the processes of fermentation, provoking painful spasms, swelling and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Under the ban are such products:

  1. Any baking and bakery products;
  2. Complex soups and rich, thick broths;
  3. Oily and fatty meat varieties, as well as fatty birds and fish, any canned food, sausages and smoked products;
  4. All vegetables and mushrooms;
  5. Semi-finished products, fast food and fast food;
  6. Sour milk products, sour cream, any sorts of cheese;
  7. Rough cereals such as yachts, pearl barley or corn;
  8. Marinades, salines, legumes, including canned peas;
  9. Spices, pepper, mustard and horseradish, vinegar;
  10. Any sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup;
  11. Fresh vegetables, berries and fruits, characterized by high acidity.

In the first few days for rapid recovery of the body, these categories of food must be excluded from the patient's diet necessarily.

What should I drink?

Patients after food intoxication are advised to drink more liquids in order to accelerate the elimination of toxic substances, and restore water-salt balance. But not all drinks are suitable for consumption.

The best option is to use cooled boiled water, mineral water without gas and pharmacy-rehydrant medicines like Smekty, Regidron, etc. You can also give the patient herbal teas and decoctions of dried fruits, berries, dog rose fruits, mint or rice broth, chamomile or ginger, etc.

Drinks and drinking solutions should be taken in small sips so as not to provoke repeated vomiting. At a time it is recommended to drink half a glass-a glass of liquid, which should be taken once every half hour.

If there is no rehydron, then you can make a drinking saline-alkaline solution yourself. To prepare it for a liter of boiled, cooled water take half a large spoonful of salt and a half large spoons of sugar. A weak broth of dill is also effective.

Approximate diet menu

Approximate diet for two weeks after food poisoning, starting from the fourth day after poisoning should be based on such principles:

  • For breakfast it is better to eat a small piece of cracker or dried yesterday's bread with a weak tea, better herbal;
  • For a morning snack unsweet compote and porridge on the water( oatmeal, etc.) will fit;
  • For lunch, a rice soup prepared on the basis of vegetable broth is recommended;
  • During the day you can have a snack with crackers;
  • For dinner, veal cutlets for steaming and garnish from boiled rice are best;
  • You can have a snack after dinner with a vegetable broth.

Variants of dishes can be adjusted and changed according to their taste preferences, the main thing is that the products are from the category of allowed.

Weekly regimen

In the first week after food intoxication, you can drink boiled low-fat milk, kefirs or yoghurts without dyes and flavors. You need to drink little by little, so as not to overload the stomach and not to provoke vomiting reactions.

In the second week you can eat vegetable soups without cabbage and legumes. You can eat viscous mucous gruel with the addition of honey and milk.

The third week is gradually introducing baked goods and fried, and soups are allowed to season with spices. It is allowed to include sweets in the diet. On the fourth week of the diet, the patient gradually returns to the usual diet, but if the intoxication is serious and the patient has been in the hospital for a while, then the food restrictions last for a week.

Video about what you can eat after food poisoning:

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