Unconventional treatment of pancreatitis

Along with traditional treatment, more people are looking for opportunities to defeat pancreatitis by unconventional methods, such as

  • Homeopathy;
  • Yoga;
  • Hirudotherapy;
  • Conspiracy;
  • Urine therapy;
  • Ayurveda;
  • ;
  • Esoterics;
  • Acupuncture.

With the right approach and the implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, unconventional treatment of pancreatitis will give its results, contributing to the speedy recovery of the patient. However, it is foolish to sweep away the traditional or to use all methods of non-traditional, indiscriminately. Each of these methods has its pros and cons, some of them will help only under certain conditions, others can be recommended to almost all patients.

Homeopathy and yoga refer to such methods of non-traditional treatment of pancreatitis that have almost no contraindications, and if they can not help with this particular disease, then, at least, they will contribute to overall strengthening of the body and improvement of the patient's well-being, and this is a huge plus intreatment of any disease. But hirudotherapy and conspiracy will help only in certain cases. The use of other methods of non-traditional therapy depends on the patient's philosophy and personal beliefs.

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The advantage of homeopathy as a method of non-traditional therapy is that it is available to people with any financial capabilities. Homeopathic remedies do not conflict with antibiotics and do not become addictive after giving up drugs.

Yoga classes lead to strengthening and healing the body, clarifying the mind and calming emotions. With the help of yoga exercises, it is possible to influence the tone of smooth muscles, the violation of which leads to a variety of dyskinesias, and the result of dyskinesia of the pancreatic duct of the pancreas, most often becomes pancreatitis.

Hirudotherapy or treatment with leeches is most advisable to apply for signs of stagnation of venous blood in the organs of the abdominal cavity. The effect of this method is carried out with the secretion of the salivary glands of leeches, which include a thrombin inhibitor of natural origin hirudin, which gets into the pancreas, through the round ligament of the liver, prevents the coagulation of fibrinogen.

Another method of unconventional treatment of pancreatitis are conspiracies, which are recommended for use by hypochondriacs who believe in magic and the evil eye. The main influence in this case is not what the person says, but how he believes that his actions help him.

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