The test of Reberg: what shows how to collect urine, algorithm, decryption of results

In medical diagnostic practice, the Reberg test is one of the most accurate laboratory tests to identify a variety of renal pathologies. The database of medical research is constantly being updated with new diagnostic methods, but Rebberg's test has for many years been undoubtedly an accurate and reliable technique.

Rebirth test

The Reberg test is also called the endogenous creatinine clearance or glomerular filtration rate. This technique shows the state of the kidney structures, their functionality, etc. Diagnosis is prescribed to pregnant women, when the kidneys are under immense load, so it becomes difficult for them to cope with their functions. As a result, pregnant women have late gestosis, hypertension hypertension and general deterioration of well-being.

Description of the method

Urine test for Reberga allows to determine the degree of concentration of creatinine in the composition of urine. Therefore, in fact, this study can be considered an ordinary laboratory analysis of urine, which is aimed at determining the clearance of endogenous creatinine in order to assess the glomerular filtration rate and the efficiency of renal structures in general. Usually, a simple calculation formula is used to determine the rate of filtration activity of the glomeruli. The algorithm of the procedure looks like this:

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F =( Cm / Cp) * V, in which V is the minute urine output, ie, the volume of urine excreted per minute, Cm-creatinine in urine, Cp-creatinine in plasma, and F- the required glomerular filtration rate.

In people whose health as a whole is within normal limits, the filtration rate in the glomerular can fall on the background of emotional experiences or increased physical exertion, and when consuming high-calorie meals and heavy drinking, it, on the contrary, falls. Data on filtration rate are important indicators of renal function, because this rate falls much earlier than the concentration renal function is violated and accumulation of nitrogenous slags occurs in the blood. It is the lowering of the filtration rate that is considered an early bell, which warns of developing renal impairments.
Video presentation on indications and methods for conducting a sample of Reberg:

Indications for

Usually, a urine test for Reberga is performed primarily for diagnostic purposes. It is especially important to conduct a similar study for patients at risk of kidney pathologies or persons suspected of developing disorders of parenchymal renal activity.

The most important diagnostic value of Reberg's test is in the detection of pathologies like:

  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Nephrotic syndrome;
  • Renal amyloidosis;
  • Nephropathies of diabetic origin;
  • Idiopathic glomerulonephritis and other pathological conditions impairing renal function.

Quite often such a study is used to diagnose people with signs of kidney failure, which include:

  • Decrease in daily diuresis;
  • Hyperintelligence;
  • Intoxication symptoms like pallor and weakness, tenderness in the abdomen and manifestations of nausea;
  • Frequent heartbeat and increased blood pressure;
  • Convulsions;
  • Dyspeptic disorders and vomiting.

Also, the decrease in glomerular filtration is characteristic of such pathological conditions as nephritis, kidney damage in diabetes and hypertension, glomerulosclerosis. If the filtration rates fall to critical levels, this indicates a persistent and pronounced renal insufficiency or terminal stage of renal insufficiency.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more »

Preparing for the

study To ensure that the results of the Reberg sample show reliable information, certain training requirements must be observed.

For this it is necessary to exclude categorically:

  • Physical overload;
  • Strong coffee or tea;
  • Alcohol;
  • Increase in drinking regimen, it is better to drink the usual amount of liquid without abusing;
  • Limit the consumption of meat dishes.

The results of diagnostics may be affected by medication such as cortisol, methylprednisolone, corticotropin, thyroxine, furosemide and other drugs, so before you take the samples correctly, they will refuse to take them. Before collecting urine, you need to thoroughly wash yourself. Women during menstruation should not be diagnosed.

Urine collection should also be important. We need to collect urine daily. Immediately after the first urination, it is necessary to detect the time indicating the beginning of the collection of the biomaterial. In subsequent urination, it is necessary to collect the urine in clean and dry dishes. The last portion is collected exactly one day after the time marked. Then the entire urine is mixed and the total volume is measured, approximately 50 ml is cast into a separate container for further diagnosis.

Analysis of the

Interpretation of results should be handled by an experienced urologist, because the transcript does not yet indicate the presence of a specific diagnosis. The clearance of creatinine only indicates abnormalities in the endocrine and renal system. And only a qualified specialist will be able to compare the data of the Reberg sample with other aspects of the clinical state.

The following are considered normal values ​​of creatinine clearance:

  • Children under one year of age - 65-100 ml / min;
  • Boys and men 1-30 years of age - 88-146;
  • Girls and women 1-30 years of age - 81-134;
  • In 30-40-year-old men - 82-140;
  • In 30-40-year-old women - 75-128 ml / min;
  • 40-50-year-old men - 75-133;
  • 40-50-year-old ladies - 69-122;
  • Men 50-70 years - 61-126;
  • Female 50-70 years of age - 58-116;
  • After 70 years in men, the creatinine clearance reaches 55-113 ml / min, and in women of the same age group the norm is 52-105 ml / min.

Deviations from the norm

If the results obtained deviate from the normal values, this does not mean that the patient has any pathology. Taking medications, improper nutrition with lots of meat and high physical activity - all this can provoke deviations in the results. Even burns and pregnancy can distort the results of Reberg's test.

Enhancement of

If the results obtained are significantly higher than normal, this may indicate the development of pathological conditions such as arterial hypertension, nephrotic syndrome or diabetes.


If Rebega's robe showed creatinine clearance below the generally accepted nephrological standards, this indicates a pathology such as renal failure

  • , with a filtration rate of less than 15 ml / is a question of decompensated form of renal failure.
  • If the filtration index is 15-30 ml / min, renal failure is diagnosed.
  • With GFR more than 30 ml / min, there is a moderate decrease in renal function.

All possible deviations from normal indices can also indicate the myeloma pathology or hypofunctionality of the adrenal cortex, malaria or eclampsia, cystinosis, etc. Due to such a variety of diagnostic interpretations, it is the specialist who must evaluate the results.

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