Chronic gastroduodenitis in children, differential diagnosis, cardia deficiency, prognosis, are they taken into the army?

Physicians pay attention to the fact that chronic gastroduodenitis is a collective concept that indicates the existence of a pathology affecting both the stomach and the duodenum. The disease occurs for several reasons and has a whole bunch of various symptoms. Knowledge of them will help in time to sound the alarm and start an objective treatment.

Like any other disease hr.gastroduodenitis has several stages of development. Each has its own degree of expression. Bright symptoms are observed only in the stage of exacerbation. At this time, the patient is concerned about severe pain in the stomach, which occur immediately after eating. The pain is often accompanied by persistent nausea and vomiting, there is a loose stool. The acute phase can last for a week, and can be prolonged for a whole month. But then the decline invariably occurs.

In the remission phase, the symptom picture is chronic.gastroduodenitis is erased, but the discomfort, nevertheless, remains. It is connected with the fact that there is a constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, often there is an acidic eructation, an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth. The patient has symptoms that he does not associate with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a headache, severe irritability, fast fatigue.

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Alternate onset of acute phase and periods of remission and gives the right to diagnose chronic gastroduodenitis. In the acute stage, the disease can last for a week, ten days, some are delayed for a month. In advanced stages, pathology is indicated by rather blurred signs. As a rule, the aggravation is associated with seasonal weather changes, most often it occurs in the spring and autumn, when seasonal dishes and products appear in the diet of the patient. The rest of the time the remission phase lasts.

Why appears hr.gastroduodenitis?

There are several factors that can provoke cron.gastroduodenitis. Most often it occurs when a person is eating poorly, eats a lot of dry food, likes too spicy or salty foods, fatty, fried foods. Less chronic stages are associated with psychogenic factors. Psychotraumatic situations, constant stresses become the causes of development of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and it in turn affects the secretion, blood supply and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. These are the causes of chronic gastroduodenitis in children.

According to the statistics, chronic gastroduodenitis in children occurs in 400 cases out of 1000. In the risk group, children 10-15 years old, most often the boys suffer. Children's hr.gastroduodenitis has a hereditary-constitutional predisposition.40% of patients have a family burden.

To provoke changes in the mucosa may also prolonged intake of medications, damage to the mucous bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It settles on the sites on which the metaplastic epithelium is located. The products of vital activity of the bacteria are very toxic, besides, metaplasia is extremely unstable to the contents of the duodenum, therefore erosions, other morphological changes, characteristic for the described disease occur.

Are there any restrictions for chronic gastroduodenitis?

As a rule, chronic gastroduodenitis is a disease in which the patient is not hospitalized. He is prescribed treatment, the main component of which is a therapeutic diet. In addition, the gastroenterologist ascribes a course of taking pills, and also during periods of exacerbation he advises taking certain courses of physiotherapy. Effectively removes the symptoms of acupuncture, acupressure, affecting the biologically active points and promoting the production of bile.

Correctly this scheme helps to prevent the transition of acute inflammation to the chronic stage, and also to remove the unpleasant discomfort associated with the appearance of cutting pains in the stomach, nausea, feelings of heaviness and swelling. In addition, effective treatment contributes to the normalization of gastric acidity, restores the intestinal microflora.

The person remains fully capable, only in acute phases the capacity is slightly limited. That is why it is not included in the list of diseases that do not take into service, the diagnosis of "chronic gastroduodenitis" in the army is defined as "fit with limitations".The conscript will not fall into the amphibious forces, but to the staff service will be suitable.

Chronic gastroduodenitis and army

Today, the army takes into account the difficult conditions and meet those who fall under the item "b" of Article 59 of the "Schedule of Diseases".Postponement, according to this document, can be given to those who:

  • chronic gastroduodenitis occurs against the background of a violation of the secretory and acid-forming function;
  • who gets exacerbated more than twice a year, and in this case the army will not be able to provide proper treatment to the patient;
  • at whom the acute phase forces the patient to spend more than two months on a hospital bed;
  • BMI should be at least 18.5-19.9.

And yet, according to Article 59( b), the army refuses to appeal to those to whom inpatient treatment does not help.

Prognosis and prevention of chronic gastroduodenitis

Chronic gastroduodenitis is treatable, the prognosis will necessarily be positive if the patient adheres to general preventive rules. They are as follows:

  1. The main thing is observance of the principles of proper nutrition. Is necessary often, in small portions. Hot food is banned, as well as very cold. During periods of exacerbation, only allowed foods should be eaten. The patient is prescribed diet number 5.
  2. It is necessary to try to completely exclude psycho-emotional overload.
  3. It is useful to rationally alternate mental and physical labor.
  4. Any foci of infection should be extinguished immediately, using all available means.
  5. At the first sign of gastroduodenitis, immediately consult a gastroenterologist.
  6. After treatment, doctors are advised to undergo rehabilitation.

Patients with chronic diseases should be registered with a gastroenterologist, annually undergoing follow-up examinations on ultrasound and FGDs. Remembering that chronic.gastroduodenitis is a favorable background for the development of other more dangerous diseases, follow more carefully to listen to the recommendations and take care of your health, in advance carrying out full-fledged preventive measures.

Diagnosis of chronic gastroduodenitis

Anyone who finds at least one of the above symptoms, should definitely seek the help of an experienced gastroenterologist. Because of the blurred clinical picture, chronic gastroduodenitis is very difficult to determine, but a differential diagnosis helps to identify both the degree of pathological changes and their precise localization. What is used for this? Special computer programs that independently process the data of the history, identified complaints and the results of laboratory diagnostics.

If, for some reason, there is no possibility of differential diagnosis, the traditional diagnostic methods are used:

  • Endoscopy makes it possible to visually see diffuse changes in the stomach and duodenum.
  • Histological examination is used to identify the focus of inflammation.
  • With the help of a breath test, the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria is detected.
  • Fluoroscopy shows the presence of edematous phenomena.
  • Ultrasound and computed tomography can eliminate other similar pathologies.

To achieve full recovery when the diagnosis of chronic gastroduodenitis is confirmed, it will be difficult. This can be done only with the help of integral medicine. The course of treatment for each patient is made individually.

It is carried out in several stages, which must be completed completely. Only this will help prevent the development of the disease and very quickly transfer the acute phase into a stage of prolonged remission.

The basis of treatment, as already mentioned above, is diet. Its peculiarity is that all dishes are prepared for a couple.

Antacid preparations, H2 blockers, sedatives, course of antibiotics should be taken if the cause of the disease is the vital activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, as well as bismuth preparations.

Sometimes the cause of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract becomes a lack of cardia, chronic gastroduodenitis in this case is treated taking into account the reasons for the formation of this pathology. Therapy begins with their elimination and goes in parallel with the relief of other brightly expressed symptoms.

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