Medical food for dogs with pancreatitis, Royal Canin, diet, nutrition, feeding, what to feed?

For successful treatment of pancreatitis in dogs, veterinarians unequivocally recommend the observance of a specialized diet that allows to minimize the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. What to feed the dog with pancreatitis, and what features does this food have?

The optimal option is certainly specialized feed, which is designed directly for animals suffering from pancreatitis, and therefore fully consistent with their needs and body characteristics. They should form the basis of nutrition for a sick pet, especially since such feeding will not create additional difficulties for its owners.

It often happens that a dog, already accustomed to a tasty and varied, albeit harmful food, simply refuses to switch to diet food. In this case, it makes sense to wait a few days and if the pet does not stop the forced hunger strike, include additional foods in the feeding.

In pancreatitis, dogs are best served with dietary meats such as chicken, rabbit, turkey. Of course, boiled and chopped with a blender or meat mincer, you will need to mix with the cereals. Ideally in this case, suitable rice, as well as wheat porridge. In small quantities, you can feed your dog with vegetables, only by boiling them for at least half an hour and then rewet to a puree state. Diet for dogs should in no case contain cabbage, in any of its species. Feed your pet is best cooked with squash, carrots, beets, in small quantities you can give potatoes. Periodically, feeding should include such dairy products as cottage cheese and milk, certainly completely fat-free. However, it is important to understand that protein food in pancreatitis of dogs should not be fed too often, so as not to provoke a recurrence of an attack of pancreatic inflammation.

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When treating pancreatitis in dogs, it is necessary to feed the animal only useful and intended for this food: special foods, dietary meats, cereals and boiled vegetables. From all sorts of delicacies, which the owners so love to feed their pets, it is better to completely abandon it, because nothing but a new attack and severe pains with exacerbation of pancreatitis will not bring such food to the pet.

Dog food for pancreatitis

The main task in this disease is a complete stabilization of the dog's body condition. And it's worth starting with food. A characteristic condition with such a disease is vomiting, after its termination it is necessary to water the animal with a copious amount of water. It is very important that it is fresh and cool. You can also slightly warm up the feed. This move will make it more attractive for dogs, especially if the pet already has signs of severe weight loss due to illness.

When pancreatitis is not necessary to force the pet to absorb full portions of food, it will be more appropriate to feed several times a day, in small portions. As a rule, veterinarians prescribe medicinal food for dogs with pancreatitis for a period of 21 to 85 days, depending on the severity of the disease, but it is not uncommon for a pet to have a chronic variety of such a disease. There will already have to follow a diet throughout life.

It is necessary to take care of the frequency of food after fasting. Fasting is mandatory, but after that it is necessary to observe the strictest regime of a constant diet. Some individuals have problems with traditional food intake, and doctors advise to feed through a catheter, directly into the stomach.

Therapeutic feed for pancreatitis

In the treatment of pancreatitis it is very important to follow a special diet. Owners need to properly make a diet for their pet, so that he as soon as possible went on the amendment. If the dog has acute pancreatitis, then during the first days the pet is generally not recommended to eat. On the second day you can gradually begin to apply fractional power.

To date, there is a huge selection of various medicinal feeds that are designed specifically for pets who have health problems. For example, with pancreatitis, you need a dietary dry food, low in fat and fiber. The protein should be easily digestible, it is desirable that unsaturated fatty acids, for example, omega-6 and omega-3, are present. They will help reduce inflammation in the diseased organ.

Veterinarians noted that animals that observed a special diet and were for some time on dietary nutrition, recovered much faster than those who ate ordinary food. It is also worth noting that the therapeutic diet with pancreatitis will help reduce the likelihood of relapse.

"Royal Canine" with pancreatitis

Many manufacturers produce therapeutic foods designed specifically for animals that have health problems."Royal Canin" is one of the best such manufacturers. In this company there are special laboratories where professional veterinarians conduct research and improve the formula of medical feeds.

In the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to give the animal a therapeutic diet, which contains little fiber and fat, for example, "Royal Canin Didestive low fat".Diet, as a rule, is appointed for one month. The pet should then be converted to food intended for animals with digestive problems, for example, "Royal Canin Vet size nutrition".If a pet has chronic pancreatitis, then it is necessary to follow a diet throughout life.

It should be noted that if an animal is ill, it must be taken to the veterinarian, so that he correctly diagnoses and prescribes treatment. If there are problems with the health of the animal, it is not possible to select the medicinal feed by itself, this should be done by the veterinarian. He is competent in this matter, so help determine the correct diet for your pet. Remember that your mistake can cost an animal life.

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