Pronounced, mild colitis

According to the nature of the course of the disease, colitis is divided into moderate and severe. In the first case, the symptomatology is manifested at different time intervals with different intensity, and there may be periods of complete extinction of the disease.

Severe colitis is accompanied by acute painful sensations, nausea( vomiting) and general malaise. In addition, there is increased gassing, and there is a constant desire to defecate.

The most vivid clinical picture has colitis of an infectious type, the cause of which is the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, introduced into the body from outside, such as staphylococcus, E. coli or streptococcus.

Moderate colitis may be ulcerative or ischemic. In this case, the symptoms are not as acute as in infectious colitis.

Symptomatology with mild colitis

The most striking symptoms of these forms of colitis are painful sensations of a pulling or spastic nature, accompanied by loss of appetite, diarrhea and general malaise. In especially acute cases, the frequency of stool can reach 20 times a day, and in fecal masses there is an admixture of blood and mucus.

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First of all, when diagnosing the disease, there are serious changes in the surface of the mucous membrane lining the intestine. This and dystrophic changes in the epithelium, and atrophic process, and inflammatory infiltration. When palpation of the abdominal area, increased soreness is noted in the course of the colon.

Severe colitis is accompanied by increased physical and mental fatigue, which adversely affects the quality of life. The majority of patients after diagnosing this disease fix their attention on the sensations and work of the intestine.

Features of treatment of mild colitis

Undoubtedly, therapy should be of a complex nature, while in case of exacerbation of mild colitis, fasting is recommended for 1-2 days, after which dietary food is allowed.

The main stage of treatment is most often antibacterial therapy. For the selection of drugs is determined by the severity of the disease. In the event that after 4-6 days of taking medication, the necessary therapeutic effect is not achieved, experts recommend the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It should be noted that the intake of antibiotics is necessarily accompanied by the intake of drugs, whose action is directed at the spread of beneficial bacteria. This will preserve the normal microflora of the intestine, and in fact, its violation is most often the cause of severe and moderate colitis.

To reduce the intensity of painful sensations, you can take such antispasmodics as No-Shpa, Papaverin or Spazmalgon.

A positive effect on the course of treatment of a pronounced disease is the reception of herbal decoctions, which allows to improve the digestive system. It can be herbal tea with mint and chamomile( reduces inflammatory processes), decoction of blueberry fruit with oak bark or gooseberry juice( with constipation).

Prevention of this type of disease is the timely detection and treatment of stages with mild symptoms. In addition, it is important to comply with rational nutrition, thorough chewing food, regular preventive examinations at the dentist, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and good work of the nervous system. In order to prevent radiation-type colitis, you must strictly follow the safety rules when working with chemicals.

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