Why are lymph nodes inflamed on the neck, and what should I do?

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system, they produce cells that help fight infections. This is a kind of biological filters that delay various infections and prevent them from penetrating into the whole organism.

The appearance of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is a fairly common occurrence, most common in children. In scientific terms, it is called cervical lymphadenitis.

Localized inflammation in the cervical lymph nodes, and it is very dangerous that these very lymph nodes are quite close to the brain. This means that if the cervical site of the lymphatic system does not cope with the infection, then the risk of its penetration into the brain tissue will increase significantly.

In case of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist. In time to diagnose and conduct effective drug treatment.

What are lymph nodes used for?

An enlarged lymph node is a signal from the immune system, so it is no longer able to protect the body from the infection or autoimmune inflammation that has entered it. Most of the lymph nodes are located on the neck of a person, these are:

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  • submandibular,
  • chin;
  • anterior and posterior;
  • anterior and posterior;
  • submandibular;
  • zasledochnye;
  • occiput.

Depending on which group or lymph node has increased, it is possible to suspect the cause of the inflammation. Functions of lymph nodes are:

  • participation in biochemical processes - exchange;
  • formation of immune cells - immunopoietic;
  • stimulation of cell multiplication of some organs - stimulating;
  • obstacle to the penetration of foreign substances into the body - barrier.
  • formation of blood cells - lymphocytes - hematopoietic;

Normally, peripheral lymph nodes, including cervical lymph nodes, are defined as single round formations with a diameter of 3 to 8 mm( submandibular - up to 1 cm, inguinal - up to 1.5 cm), soft consistency, movable, not welded to each other andsurrounding tissues, painless.

With increasing, the formation loses its elasticity and becomes somewhat painful due to irritation of the nerve receptors of surrounding tissues.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck

Why do lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed? The reasons for this can be quite a lot. Usually cervical lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but is a complication of the inflammatory process of other localization( more often - organs located in close proximity to the lymph node).

In some cases, lymphadenitis still occurs primarily: the infectious agent penetrates the lymphatic network through a mechanically damaged skin or mucous membrane.

The main causes of inflammation of the lymph node at the neck:

  • ARVI, influenza;
  • otitis media, stomatitis;
  • venereal diseases;
  • viral infection, fungus, parasites;
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sore throat;
  • tumor lesion of the lymphatic system;
  • mechanical damage to the cervical lymph node;
  • marked decrease in immune forces, caused by prolonged illness, hypothermia, anemia, beriberi, stress and nervous overexertion.

Rarely enlarged lymph nodes may indicate abnormalities in the body due to:

  • thyroid disorders;
  • disturbances of metabolic processes;
  • alcoholism;
  • allergic reactions;
  • connective tissue disease.

In most cases, lymphadenitis is formed by ingestion of pathogenic microorganisms. They often include staphylococci and streptococci. With a small lesion of the body, there can be no response from the lymphatic system.

Symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis

When inflammation of the lymph nodes is observed such symptoms:

  1. Significant increase in cervical lymph nodes in size;
  2. Subjective local symptomatology( lymph nodes on the neck ache, painful sensations significantly worse during swallowing, as well as during palpation of the affected area);
  3. General symptoms( general malaise, fever, constant feeling of fatigue, weakness).

It is important to understand that the lymph nodes are composed of lymphatic tissue. It is in the lymph nodes of a large number of protective cells that help fight with bacterial and cancer cells. Lymphonoduses are important for immunity, with the help of their body actively fights against viruses, microbes.

What to do with inflammation of the lymph nodes on the neck

The lymph node on the neck has inflamed what to do? Initially it is necessary to visit a medical institution, the diagnosis of this disease is not particularly difficult for a qualified specialist. The diagnosis is based on the study of the patient's anamnesis, his questioning, the results of the examination and the study of complaints.

To clarify the diagnosis is assigned to conduct such studies:

  • radiography of the soft tissues of the neck and submandibular zone;
  • biopsy of the affected lymph node;
  • magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography;
  • lymph node dissection with histological analysis.

Because lymphadenitis is threatening with its consequences for the human body, the treatment should be started immediately after the diagnosis.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is predominantly a secondary condition, therefore, the primary disease must first be cured, and removal of the infection and increased immunity will help get rid of lymphadenitis.

Most often inflamed lymph nodes in the neck are treated in conservative ways. The patient is shown adherence to bed rest. You can not walk for a long time, not to be in the wind or in extreme heat, go in for sports, actively walk around the rooms. Recommended antibiotics, selected in view of the sensitivity of the infectious agent, mental and physical rest. Also, along with various medications, it is mandatory to take multivitamins, immunostimulating drugs and foods high in vitamin C.

With purulent forms of lymphadenitis, the foci are opened, drained, and antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Such patients usually treat in a hospital, under the supervision of qualified specialists.


The disease in no case need to be treated at home. This is due to the fact that the cervical lymph nodes are located close to the brain and the pathological process on the ascending one threatens to reach the brain and lead to meningitis.

Also launched lymphadenitis threatens to get the infection into the blood, which means that there may be sepsis( blood infection) and spreading the infection throughout the body. In this case, the life of the patient is threatened with mortal danger.


What to do after recovery to avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck? So, as lymphadenitis refers to a disease that can develop for many reasons, it can be understood that as such there are no tips and recommendations for the full prevention of this disease.

To prevent the onset of cervical lymphadenitis, try:

  • to maintain the health of the immune system;
  • does not trigger acute infectious diseases;
  • exclude the possibility of being in draft or undercooling;
  • is correctly hardened regularly;
  • prevent the occurrence of micro-injuries, as well as infection of wounds;
  • observe personal hygiene and use a gauze dressing during the epidemiological season.

If the lymph node is still inflamed and causes inconvenience, then the first thing to do is contact the doctor. Especially when there is a suspicion of purulent lymphadenitis. The specialist will conduct the diagnosis, and tell you what to do.

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