Burn with boiling water - first aid and treatment at home

When burning with boiling water at home, the most important thing is a quick reaction to the situation. It is the ability to adequately react and provide the correct first aid after a burn of the skin with boiling water determines in the future how much the burn damage will be deep and to what extent it will spread.

In most cases, such burns occur favorably and do not cause serious consequences. In mild cases, they pass on their own for a couple of days.

What should I do if I get burned with boiling water?

With an insignificant degree of burn, one must be guided by the general condition of the victim. If a person, boiling with boiling water, is able to adequately perceive what is happening, the first thing to do is to cool the burnt surface with cool temperature water.

Keep the burn place under water for ten to twenty minutes. By this action, you will not allow the spread of the wound surface and facilitate the condition of the victim. The third and fourth degrees of burns are serious lesions, so medical help is needed immediately.

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What can not I do?

No need to pierce or cut through the formed bubbles, this can lead to the appearance of infection on damaged skin tissues.

You can not sprinkle burned places with starch, lubricate them with vegetable oil and cauterize with alcohol, iodine and other tanning substances, as their effect slows the healing process and intensifies painful sensations.

If the burns are too deep, you can not attempt to clean the wound from fragments of clothing or other contaminants yourself.

First aid for burns with boiling water

First aid measures for burns with boiling water should be really urgent. The timeliness of their provision will determine the severity of the process and its consequences. Do not panic, with whom this trouble did not happen.

Only a clear sequence of actions can help in the fight against the prevention of severe complications. It consists of such events:

  1. Immediately remove the clothes on which hot water has got to exclude her pestering to the skin and avoid the burning produced by her.
  2. Place a skin area with a burn under a stream of cool tap water or a container of water. This will relieve pain and avoid the spread of burns.
  3. It is advisable to treat the burn site with any anti-burn agent. If it was not in the home medicine cabinet, then run to the pharmacy and buy Panthenol.
  4. If it is not possible to perform the previous paragraph, then it is worthwhile to bandage the resulting wound with a sterile bandage. In extreme cases, use a different material, but be sure to iron it with a hot iron.
  5. For large or deep burns, accompanied by severe pain syndrome, the reception of pain medications is indicated.

After first aid is necessary to assess the degree of skin damage, this will help understand what to treat the burn with boiling water at home, and pick up special ointments and other remedies for blisters.

Assessment of burn degree

Official medicine divides burns with boiling water to 4 degrees. Let's consider each of them:

  1. The first degree burn is characterized by a slight reddening and swelling at the lesion site, sometimes small blisters can form.
  2. The second degree burn is also characterized by redness and the appearance of edema, this is also a superficial burn injury, but at the second degree, blisters are almost always formed, and a thin scab forms.
  3. The third degree burn is characterized by a deep lesion that can reach the muscles, there is always a scab, and the blisters instantly burst.
  4. The 4th degree burn reaches the bone, the surface tissues and the skin are necrotic. With such a burn, charring and blackening of body tissues can be diagnosed.

So, if the degree of burn is 1 or 2, you can get treatment at home. But at the same time, the vastness of the burn should not be more than 1% of the area of ​​the body( approximately no more than the area of ​​the palm of the victim).

In case of damage to the hand, foot, face, genitals, even with the first and second degrees of burn, it is better to consult a doctor, as scarring of these parts of the body can cause problems. If the degree of burn is higher, you need to call an "ambulance", the sooner, the better.

Ointment from burns with boiling water with blisters

Drugs prevent the deepest spread of burns in the layers of the skin, relieve swelling and pain. From the recommended for burns with boiling water preparations and ointments can be identified:

  1. Panthenol - perfectly forms and repairs damaged mucous membranes and skin, and also has metabolic and regenerative effects on damaged tissues. Panthenol very much relieves pain and burning sensation.
  2. One of the modern ointments for burns with boiling water is Sulfargin .It contains silver ions, perfectly copes with wounds of various types, quickly and painlessly.
  3. Levomikol - is applied by applying an ointment on a gauze bandage, and only then directly on the burn. This bandage should be changed every 20 hours - during this time, edema from the burn site is noticeably removed and the purulent masses are removed( if they had a place to be).
  4. Olazole has been using specialized centers for more than 30 years. This spray contains antiseptic and anestezin, helps to quickly cope with the consequences of burn injury.

These funds are intended for the treatment of burns of 1 and 2 degrees. With severe burns, therapy is performed solely by the doctor. It does:

  • anesthesia;
  • antiseptic treatment of the skin around the burn zone;
  • removal of dead epithelium and clothing;
  • cutting large bubbles for their emptying and accelerating the healing of the wound;
  • application of bandage with bactericidal ointment, which should be changed every 2-3 days to complete
  • healing( you can do it at home).

In severe burns, anti-shock therapy is performed, and, if necessary, surgical treatment, which includes excision of necrotic areas, closure of skin defect and plastic.

Than to treat a burn with boiling water at home

Not all expensive medications are suitable for everyone. In such cases, good folk remedies for burns with boiling water will be useful.

  1. Lotion with aloe : take a few leaves of aloe, grind them and wring out the juice. Wet gauze or bandage and attach to the burn. You can use the plant without squeezing the juice - just cutting the leaf along and attaching it to the wound.
  2. You need to beat chicken egg , and apply to the affected area. First there will be a burning sensation, after a minute it will become easier. The method is valued for the fact that, even if a severe burn, wounds and blisters after its application is not.
  3. Carrot juice .It is necessary to grate the carrot finely or crush it in a blender. Put the mass on a gauze pad and attach it to the damaged area. Change the compress every 2 hours. Carrots will allocate juice. It is very important that he gets on the burned area.
  4. Sulfur and Propolis .Mix 100 grams of butter, vegetable unrefined, melted pig fat( interior), beeswax and 10 grams of propolis, put on a weak fire. Seru wrap in gauze and put in the brew. After 15 minutes remove from heat, strain. Lubricate the burn four times a day.
  5. Plantain .Freshly picked leaves are what helps to heal burned skin. Before using the leaves, they must be rinsed with boiling water and cooled.
  6. Brew tea ( black or green) and then cool it. Cold brewing is applied to the burn site and from above, bandage it with a gauze bandage soaked in brewing. Do this compress 7-8 times a day.

Treatment at home by folk methods is carried out only with first degree burns, as self-medication of more serious skin lesions is fraught with complications that lead to an ugly scar.

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