Ascites of the abdominal cavity with oncology, stomach and bowel cancer, peritoneal carcinomatosis - prognosis, how much live, treatment, chemotherapy, how to treat?

When an oncology is detected in a patient, ascites often becomes the main companion of such diseases. Modern medicine has learned to identify the causes of such complications and develop the right treatment strategy. For positive predictions, it is important not to miss the first stages of development of water drop provokers. Therefore, it makes sense to describe in detail the symptoms of abdominal ascites in oncology, to tell about what treatment can be used when malignant ascites and peritoneal carcinomatosis are diagnosed.

The accumulation of ultrafiltrate in the peritoneum does not occur with all types of oncology, ascites becomes a companion of stomach and colon cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic oncology, breast, ovaries and uterus. In order to understand why cancer ascites develop in oncology and how to treat it, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the norm. Every day a healthy person in the abdominal cavity is constantly circulating fluid, the processes of its production and absorption occur in a dynamic equilibrium, that is, how much fluid is produced, as much and absorbed by the tissues of internal organs.

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When does cancerous ascites occur? There are many reasons for the development of a dangerous complication. We list the most basic and make predictions.

Peripheral carcinomatosis and ascites

What happens when abdominal ascites develops with oncology? What are the predictions, how many people live with these diseases? On the parietal and visceral sheets of the peritoneum, malignant cells begin to settle. They provoke a disruption of the resorptive function. Lymph vessels do poorly in their work, so the fluid gradually begins to accumulate in the abdomen. This forms the carcinomatosis of the peritoneum and ascites. The culprit of complication is close contact of the peritoneum with the organs in which oncology develops, very close fitting of the folds of the peritoneum to each other, an abundant network of lymphatic and blood vessels located in the organ described.

When the carcinomatosis of peritoneum and ascites develops, the prognosis, in most cases, is unfavorable. And all because the branched mesh of lymphatic and blood vessels located in the serous membrane of the peritoneum, communicates not only with closely located organs, but also with the whole organism. As a result, metastases spread very quickly throughout the body.

The most common carcinomatosis of peritoneum and ascites occur due to the development of oncology - cancer of the stomach, intestines and ovaries. The entry of cancer cells into the peritoneal walls can occur as a result of surgical intervention for the removal of tumors, the germination of the tumor in the peritoneal wall, metastasis of cancer cells by the flow of blood and the lymphatic system. In case of carcinomatosis, malignant ascites can occur after chemotherapy, and it can also cause cancer intoxication. To say unequivocally how many people live with such complications is rather difficult, each organism is individual, but doctors do not give such patients for more than a year.

Recognizing the symptoms of carcinomatosis on its own is quite difficult, almost impossible. And all because he is a consequence, not a cause. The symptoms of a primary disease come first. But if they combine with dull and aching pain in the abdomen, with an increase in the waist size with a noticeable weight loss, with digestive disorders, with nausea and rare vomiting, you can suspect oncology and ascites. And here the forecast is disappointing.

Malignant ascites in liver cirrhosis

Very often physicians diagnose abdominal ascites in liver cancer. Why does oncology give impetus to the formation of fluid in this case? Several answers:

  • Alien malignant tissue is constantly growing. As it grows, it begins to squeeze the main artery of the liver - the portal vein. Because of this, a high pressure is formed, which pushes lymph into the abdominal cavity.
  • In other cases, malignant ascites is formed because the diseased liver ceases to produce albumin, a protein that keeps the liquid component of blood in the vascular channels. That's why the liquid begins to move to where the protein albumin is most - in the peritoneum.
  • To increase the amount of fluid reacts and the kidneys, because of lack of fluid, they produce special substances that help increase blood pressure. It also contributes to the formation of cancer ascites.

Treatment of ascites in liver cancer is reduced to removing fluid from the abdomen by draining. Conservative therapy and the use of diuretics are possible only in the early stages of hydrocortisation, if a large amount of transudate accumulates inside the abdominal cavity, it is possible to get rid of it only with the help of a laparocentesis. Answering the question about how many patients live after such an operation, physicians pay attention to the fact that cirrhosis of the liver, like carcinomatosis, is very dangerous. But modern science has advanced so far forward that many situations allow us to make positive predictions.

The restriction of salt intake, when abdominal ascites provoked such an oncology, is not introduced. It causes a noticeable worsening of the patient's condition, chemotherapy allows to keep all the functions of the peritoneum and will give the patient a head start two months in advance, it is noticed that chemotherapy with ascites helps in 60% cases( 40% unfavorable forecasts).Facilitate the patient's condition in this situation helps and palliative surgery.

Ascites in stomach and bowel cancer

In five percent of cases with cancer of the intestine and stomach, ascites is formed. The clinical picture of this formidable union is rather complicated. The patient feels constant raspiranie stomach, heaviness in the abdomen, abdominal pain, flatulence. He complains of severe heartburn, acidic eructations, digestive problems, alternating constipation with diarrhea. With a large amount of the transudate appears dyspnea when walking, with the emptying possible small bleeding.

When ascites of the abdominal cavity is diagnosed in oncology, many are interested in the question of how many patients with such complications live? Responding to it is definitely difficult. Forecasts can be different. When the terminal stage develops, dropsy does not worsen the condition of someone who had an oncology, the treatment of ascites is done with the help of diuretics. But with a pronounced edema of the abdominal cavity forecasts are not always comforting. Excess fluid, of course, can be removed with a laparocentesis, but it will again accumulate, causing deterioration in the general condition of the patient. Repeated laparocentesis is very dangerous, it provokes the development of other very dangerous complications, they and oncology often are simply incompatible.

The pronounced therapeutic effect has an effect on the etiologic factor. Having eliminated the tumor by surgery, suppressing metastases by chemotherapy, it is possible to eliminate the source of ascites formation. When the main link in pathogenesis is eliminated, dropsy also disappears. And the main link here is oncology.

Another issue that worries patients with intestinal and stomach cancer, is chemotherapy effective in ascites, how many patients live with oncology after it. Systemic chemotherapy is effective only for intestinal cancer, but not for the stomach. In the second case, such treatment is only palliative( it anesthetizes, but no more).Ascites with this treatment will not go away. There are other types of chemotherapy that are used in oncology and ascites, but they can not provide positive predictions. For example, intraperitoneal chemotherapy leads to the formation of adhesions and to fibrosis, the biological treatment of abdominal ascites is very difficult to perform and has many side effects, hyperthermic chemotherapy has many contraindications, with neglected forms of oncology it is not used at all.

Knowing how to treat malignant ascites of the abdominal cavity, one can understand that it is impossible to start such diseases, the sooner the treatment starts, the more favorable the forecasts can be, the more accurate it will be to answer the question of how many patients live.

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