Treatment of diet pancreatitis, nutrition with inflammation of the pancreas, how and what to treat?

Endocrine insufficiency and chronic diseases of the pancreas gastroenterologists recommend to treat, including, a balanced daily diet. Pancreatitis with exacerbations includes treatment with a diet of the first variant, which lasts two weeks. Then comes the turn of the second variant, the term of which is much longer - all life. The therapeutic diet in most cases guarantees the absence of periods of exacerbation of the pancreas, in remission of iron quite successfully copes with a full-fledged menu within 3 thousand kilocalories.

Apis preparation of the sixth dilution in the dosage of three grains and a therapeutic diet for pancreatitis will help improve the state after the crisis, if you take both, every four hours. This coincides with diet regimen, swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation in this case disappear. Treatment with pancreatic vitamins should be made on the recommendation of a doctor, iron requires an individual approach. Do not quit smoking diet and treatment for pancreatitis, you should forget about alcohol-containing beverages, do not use toxic substances:

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  • detergent
  • household chemicals with chlorine
  • hair spray, nails
  • paints with toxic impurities

Therapeutic diet is very important for all internal organs,since the pancreas takes a few hours to make this gland get a chronic form of pancreatitis after the first attack. Along with alcohol, the development of the disease is facilitated by:

  • abdominal trauma
  • hormonal preparations
  • pregnancy and postpartum period
  • duodenal ulcer, stomach
  • liver cirrhosis, hepatitis
  • stones in bile
  • an abundance of fried foods( especially fatty)

Requires acceptance of artificial enzymes and a course of mummytwice a day with doses of 0.2 g, diluted pancreatic water, treatment with diet should be combined with walking, homeopathy, phytotherapy. The treatment zone of pancreatitis is on the middle part of the sole, daily massage brings good results, removes toxins.

By the time the second part of the diet for the pancreas body lasts from six months to one year, flowing into a constant. Treatment and prevention during remission include in the diet fresh fruit, baked vegetables, safe for pancreatitis.

Pancreas is much better when using phytotherapy, the sick iron is restored a little, even after the operation. The therapeutic diet in this case is combined with the reception of the decoction according to the recipe:

  • a half a kilo of parsley( use only the rhizome) is poured over with boiling water.
  • is cut into saucepan with milk
  • in an oven with an average temperature. The milk should thicken
  • melted milk, and hourly drink a spoon or two

Allthe volume should be drunk within 24 hours, therefore, the dose should be calculated, the remedy is used immediately after the attack. Proper treatment of pancreatitis has some rules that are mandatory for all patients, regardless of the stage of illness and age:

  • prohibition of nicotine, alcohol-containing liquids
  • water is recommended by doctors without gas and medium-mineral in warm condition.
  • coffee and cocoa are replaced by tea with milk, broth of rose hips, vegetables andfruit( non-acid)
  • pilaf is cooked with dried fruits, cereals in soups are wiped through a sieve
  • pasta in pancreatitis should be used small
  • in the basic fifth diet instead of sugar usingsubstitutes are excluded, all porridges except buckwheat are excluded, the potato is forbidden

Digestion is often upset when switching to a medical diet for the first time, after an operation or an attack. Within two weeks, all is normalized, when entering remission, the amount of daily liquid is increased to 2.5 liters.

Diet for the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas

The use of diet in the treatment of pancreatic inflammation involves the inclusion in the diet of nutrients such as:

  • vitamins;
  • calcium salts;
  • of phosphorus salt;
  • table salt( in limited quantities).

In this case, the food should be necessarily fresh, but somewhat under-salted. Do not eat foods that lead to bloating.

If you follow a diet, in case of treatment of pancreatic inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, fatty, sweet, fried foods, as well as dishes with a high carbohydrate content. It should be noted that you should not completely exclude from the diet butter and vegetable oil, which can be added to ready meals.

Diet 5 in the treatment of pancreatitis

One of the most common rations in the treatment of pancreatitis is table number 5, the essence of which is a significant protein content in food, as well as a reduced amount of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to take very cold and hot dishes.

Use this table if there is chronic pancreatitis during recovery.

The goals of diet 5 in the treatment of pancreatitis are as follows:

  • normalization of pancreatic function;
  • providing shuddering of intestines and stomach, both chemical and mechanical;
  • normalization of the function of the gallbladder;
  • prevention of the process of fatty liver infiltration.

With diet 5, you need to take food quite often( five or six times a day).As a rule, these are two breakfasts, a snack, a dinner and a meal at night.

How to treat the diet with the pancreas?

In the treatment of inflammation of the pancreas, it is extremely important to adhere to proper nutrition in order to stimulate the release of gastric juice digesting food.

If there is an exacerbation of pancreatitis, then at this time it is better not to eat at all, but only to drink water that contains a small amount of alkali. After the pain subsided, it is necessary to drink 100 ml of curdled milk every half hour. A day after this, you can eat a little cottage cheese( up to two hundred grams), and a couple of days later - chopped boiled products. After this menu, you can expand somewhat, excluding fried, spicy, salty and marinated dishes.

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