Catarrhal otitis of the middle ear: causes, symptoms, treatment of acute form

Sharp pain in the ear, which crosses out all plans, weakness and fever - everyone knows these signs of otitis. In an effort to stop the anguish, many immediately begin self-medication, however, this is dangerous, because each form of otitis is treated differently. And if the external form can not lead to serious complications, then catarrhal otitis with wrong treatment will lead to deafness.

Etiology of the disease in ICD-10

Catarrhal otitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the middle ear, entraining cavity, Eustachian tube, mastoid process. Usually, the disease is characterized by rapid flow, especially in childhood, but sometimes it is sick and adults.

Causes of

It is believed that otitis is always a consequence of hypothermia, the effects of drafts or ingress of water into the ear. However, catarrhal otitis is not associated with this, and its cause is infection of the body with a bacterial or viral infection.

Predispose to the development of a catarrhal form of otitis such conditions:

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  • adenoids;
  • enlarged tips of nasal concha;
  • curved nasal septum;
  • pathological conditions in the nasopharyngeal openings.

Also, the disease can be a consequence of traumatizing the tympanic membrane, getting the infection into the injured area. In rare cases, the acute form is caused by infection in the ear through the blood.

Visual picture of the location of adenoids:

Symptoms of

The most pronounced symptom of catarrhal otitis is ear pain. The nature of the pain can be different, depending on the form and neglect of the disease: constant, pulling, shooting, pulsing. Also, pain symptoms can be given in the area of ​​the jaw, temple and nape.

Other symptoms of catarrhal form of otitis media are:

  • tinnitus;
  • purulent discharge;
  • congestion in the ears;
  • hearing impairment;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • painful sensations behind the ear.

These symptoms can be observed in one ear( left-sided or right-sided), and in both( bilateral form).

The disease manifests itself and general symptoms, for example, weakness, high fever, irritability. Otitis is accompanied by symptoms of ENT diseases: congestion and discharge from the nose, pain in the throat.

How to recognize catarrhal otitis in children

Recognizing ear disease in a child in the initial stage is problematic, especially if he has not yet started talking.

An alarm bell can become such signs:

  • The child rubs and constantly reaches for the ear.
  • He aspires to lie down to rest, and on the sick side.
  • Mood worsens considerably, the child becomes irritable.
  • He loses his appetite, there are disturbances in sleep.
  • Regurgitations appear or increase.
  • The child does not respond to quiet sounds.

Types of

The catarrhal form itself is a subspecies of acute otitis media. The very form can wear:

  • Acute character. It spreads to the ear tissues and the surrounding ones. It is manifested by sharp deterioration of state of health, pronounced symptoms, acute otitis quickly flows into other forms.
  • Subacute nature. Leak less than 3 months and have more mild symptoms compared with acute form.
  • Chronic character. Last more than 3 months and accompanied by periodic suppuration from the ear cavity.

Also, catarrhal otitis can be unilateral and bilateral.

Treatment of

Treatment of catarrhal otitis is aimed at reducing the swelling of the mucous membranes of the auditory tube and nasopharynx, restoring air access to the middle ear, eliminating infection.

Treatment measures are carried out at home, hospitalization is shown only to children under 2 years of age and adults with severe conditions.

The treatment consists in taking a group of medications, as well as observing the general recommendations of the doctor, the appointment of physiotherapy procedures.


As a medicine the doctor can prescribe:

  • Anesthetic drops.
  • Antibacterial drops if there is a defect of the tympanic membrane. Otherwise, the drops will not pass through it.
  • Drops with antibiotic if perforation of the tympanic membrane is observed.
  • Vasoconstrictors in the nose.
  • Systemic antibiotics for concomitant diseases.

Also, in the presence of diseases of the nose and nasopharynx, medications are prescribed for their treatment, antipyretic and analgesic in the presence of symptoms.

Alternative methods of

In addition to drug treatment, the following recommendations are indicated:

  • Peace and copious drinking.
  • Paracentesis if the disease has reached the preperforative stage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Blowing the ears.
  • Exercises for the auditory tube.
  • A warming compress on the area near the ears( only at the initial stage).

It is important to protect the ear from water ingress, overheating, additional infection.

The pediatrician explains when otitis should be treated with antibiotics and what kinds of this disease is most dangerous, see the video:


Prevention is divided into primary and secondary. Primary preventive measures must be observed throughout life, especially for children:

  1. to avoid hypothermia;
  2. to be hardened;
  3. minimize bad habits;
  4. to go in for sports, whenever possible in the open air;
  5. constantly follow the rules of hygiene;
  6. treat chronic diseases, especially those associated with the area of ​​the ears, nasopharynx, throat and oral cavity.

Secondary prophylaxis is observed when a person has already fallen ill with ARI.In this case, he needs to properly flaunt, alternately closing each nostril and opening his mouth. At the first symptom of otitis media, it is urgent to see a doctor, as self-medication can lead to serious complications.

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