Gastroptosis - omission of the stomach and large intestine in the small pelvis, causes, effects, diet, how to determine?

Gastroptosis - is the descent of the stomach and intestines, which occurs due to congenital or acquired pathologies. Normally, a hollow, elongated stomach is located on the left side of the hypochondrium, it lies almost parallel to the diaphragm and slightly deflects downwards, to the right. In this position it is held by a group of muscles and ligaments. When their tone weakens, gastroptosis is formed - gastric emptying, if the stomach falls, the intestine also falls.

Many are already born with the omission of organs, or it develops later against the backdrop of incorrect constitution of the body. Excessive leanness, a small volume of the chest, narrow shoulders - all this as a whole becomes prerequisites for the development of the phenomenon described.

But the omission of the large intestine and stomach( gastroptosis) can occur in other cases. Here is the most basic list of factors affecting the weakening of the muscular skeleton of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Pregnancy, frequent childbirth, childbirth with serious complications.
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  3. Various surgical interventions related to the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and organs located next to it.
  4. Different diets are also capable of provoking bowel and stomach dumping, the reasons in this case lie in a sharp loss of weight, in the appearance of a deficiency of proteins and vitamins necessary for the human body.
  5. Malnutrition is the constant overeating and eating of excessively heavy food.
  6. Abuse of fizzy drinks.
  7. Eczema of the lungs or pleurisy can also be responsible for the development of gastroptosis.
  8. Getting internal injuries that cause weakening of the tonus of the muscular framework that holds the stomach and intestines are the most common causes of abnormality.

What are the signs of gastroptosis?

As you can see, there are quite a lot of causes of gastroptosis, according to which there can be a bowel leak in the small pelvis. And how does the omission manifest itself? Doctors pay attention to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are directly related to the severity of the disease. Conditionally they divide the course of gastroptosis into three stages. For the qualification the position of small curvature of the stomach, its upper concave edge is used:

  • In the first stage it is located 2-3 cm above the line of the location of the gallbladder.
  • In the second stage, the upper concave margin is flush with the gallbladder.
  • In the third stage, the concave edge drops below the marked waterline.

The first signs of the development of pathology occur when there was a significant lowering of the stomach and large intestine, the identified causes of gastric emptying become the starting point for the treatment of the disease. But there are early signs of certain signs that should make you pay attention to your health. This:

  • The feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, which appears after a plentiful diet.
  • Unsustainable appetite: you always want something sharp, salty, but sour-milk products are disgusting.
  • Periodic nausea.
  • Strong gas generation. Erection and flatulence.
  • Unstable chair.
  • If gastroptosis is accompanied by intestinal dysfunction, peristalsis decreases, stasis stools occur and, as a rule, permanent constipation.

In the third stage, already expressed symptoms are formed. This is a severe pain in the abdomen, it is acute. Pain increases during any sudden movement, and when the patient enters a state of rest, the pain subsides. The main causes of pain are weakening of muscles and ligaments, irritation of nerve endings that are in them.

Then, when gastroptosis is diagnosed( gastric lagging), the consequences can provoke a violation of the vegetative system. Therefore, the listed symptoms are added to the violation of blood supply, increased heart rate, increased excitability. The patient also has a strong sweating, dizziness, a pronounced reaction of the skin to any mechanical effect.

Often, gastric and intestinal dysfunction( gastroptosis) is paired with hypotension. Sluggishness of the organ leads to a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid, to the lowering of the large intestine into the small pelvis, to the disruption of the position of other organs located side by side, the consequences in this case may become irreversible, so it is so important to recognize the disease in time and make an adequate decision.

How is gastric emptying determined?

Self diagnosis of gastroptosis is impossible, the presence of pathology can be detected only by an experienced doctor. When examining with a conversation, he first carefully collects an anamnesis, writes down all the characteristic signs, and then visually inspects the patient. The examination shows the following signs of gastroptosis:

  • The abdomen has a pendulous appearance.
  • If the patient lays down in a horizontal position, the top of the organ described falls somewhat.
  • In this case, the pulsation of the abdominal segment of the aorta becomes clearly visible.
  • If the doctor pulls the peritoneurally upright, the patient's pain immediately passes.
  • Becomes visually noticeable and the outline of the stomach.
  • Palpation reveals a clear omission of the pylorus of the organ described.
  • It is also easy to feel the lower convex edge of the stomach.

After the examination the patient will be advised to take the analysis of gastric juice. When there is bowel descent, a similar laboratory test will necessarily show the presence of achlorhydria - a noticeable decrease in the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. In addition, an x-ray study was also shown. It will help to visually see the elongation of the contours of the organ, the presence of convergence of its small and large curvature, the deepening of the pole into the lower part of the small pelvis. Knowledge of how to determine the position of the stomach, gives the right to each of us in time to identify gastroptosis and begin treatment.

Features of gastroptosis therapy

Can gastric and intestinal cancellation be eliminated?- Drug therapy in this case does not help, although it is used to eliminate painful symptoms. The main directions of therapy are the selection of special physical exercises taking into account the physiological state of the patient, and the therapeutic diet. At first glance, nothing complicated. But it is important to understand that gastroptosis is treated for a long time, and ignoring the necessary rules can provoke progress - severe gastric emptying, the consequences cause weakening of the sphincters, which leads to casting bile in the esophagus, to the appearance of constant heartburn and bitterness in the mouth. The end result is the formation of ulcers, the appearance of bleeding, the perforation of the walls.

If physical education and proper nutrition do not help, the patient can be advised to wear a special bandage. When he does not help stop the progress of gastric emptying, gastroptosis can be corrected only by surgical intervention. It is important during conservative therapy to direct all measures to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Features of the diet for gastroptosis

When there are no functional disorders and a decrease in the intensity of gastric juice production, the diet is not very strict. The patient is advised to stop overeating, try to regulate the regimen, start eating on time with small intervals between the main meals. It is important to try to completely eliminate from your diet spices and spices.

The therapeutic diet for bowel descent involves a complete rejection of fried foods, fatty foods, semolina and rice cereals, bakery products. Doctors advise to increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits in the daily diet that help to fill the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the patient's body. Proper nutrition helps to stop the development of gastroptosis.

It is useful after each meal to lie down in a horizontal position for an hour. This helps reduce the burden on the stomach.

Physiotherapy for gastroptosis

Hypodinamy is the main cause of bowel and stomach intubation, therefore, without a change in lifestyle, recovery is impossible. But those who have been diagnosed with gastroptosis, do not, immediately after the examination, run into sports halls and load your body with high physical loads. Such a rush will only exacerbate the situation. Yes, physical culture should henceforth become a part of the patient's life, but it is necessary to do sports, gradually increasing the load, selecting the necessary exercises useful for the abdominal press. They are familiar to each of us. This:

  1. The legs are lifted from the position, lying on the stomach.
  2. Bike in the same position.
  3. Leg bending.
  4. Pelvic lift.
  5. Exercises for the development of the press.

A very effective set of exercises has already been developed for the treatment of gastric emptying. You can learn it in any exercise center. They are not difficult to carry out at home, but you must always follow one single rule - after the end of the session, the patient should lie on his back for 15 minutes, placing a soft roller or a folded towel under his feet. It is also useful to take professional massage sessions together with physical education. The course of treatment consists of a threefold execution of 15 sessions. The interval between each 15 sessions is a month. Together with massage and physical education it is useful to do aqua aerobics.

Knowledge of how to determine gastric emptying, how to treat a pathology, what diet to observe, you can achieve full recovery and prevent the development of the very last stage. The pathology can only be corrected surgically.

And yet gastroptosis is better to warn than to cure. When possible causes and consequences are well known, the importance of preventing gastric and intestinal dysfunction is perceived differently. Prevention of pathology is helped by proper nutrition, active lifestyle, refusal from alcohol and smoking, moderate exercise.

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