Symptoms of gastric and intestinal dysfunction, signs and treatment of gastroptosis

Omission of the stomach can occur for various reasons, the symptoms of gastroptosis are not immediately apparent. The patient begins to worry only when the disease enters the heaviest - the third stage of development. In this case, there are dangerous complications, the treatment is of a lasting nature, sometimes in order to correct the pathology, it is necessary to perform a surgical intervention.

When the intestinal and gastric intubation is ignored, the symptoms become brighter. Changing the position of the organs leads to a digestive disorder. Peristalsis is reduced, stool masses stagnate, constipation occurs, which is very difficult to eliminate. Simultaneously with this process, the work of both sphincters that prevent the release of gastric juice back into the larynx is disrupted, the contents of the duodenum return to the stomach, provoking the development of erosive gastritis. Emissions damage the mucous membrane of hollow organs, an inflammatory process develops, it, in turn, often causes ulceration, and even oncology.

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Due to incomplete closure of sphincters, strong gas formation forms inside the gastrointestinal tract, air escapes outward and through the larynx, causing severe heartburn, and through the anus. In addition, gastric emptying invariably leads to bowel and kidney dysfunction. The organs located in the small pelvis experience incredible pressure, and this also affects the worsening of the patient's condition. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize this pathology at the earliest stages.

Symptoms of gastroptosis

Symptoms of gastric emptying are similar to those of any other gastrointestinal disease. In the first two stages, the pathology does not manifest itself in any way. The patient complains of frequent heartburn, acidic eructation, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Since the lowering of the stomach causes the bowel to lower and the peristalsis to decline, there is a strong rumbling in the intestines, the patient experiences a feeling of fullness of the stomach when taking even a small amount of food.

Poor peristalsis causes constipation or diarrhea. The main signs of gastric emptying are bad breath and loss of appetite. At the person the gastronomic habits are sharply changed. He always wants a salty or sharp, but the sour-milk products, on the contrary, cause a strong disgust. A strong appetite against a background of constant uncontrolled weight loss is another characteristic symptom that accompanies the descent of the stomach and intestines, the treatment of diseases in the first two stages passes without the use of drug therapy. And the forecasts in this case are always positive.

Increased urination and the appearance of sharp pains in the lower abdomen are signs of gastric emptying in the 3rd stage. If a diagnosis of gastroptosis is made, the pain increases in the vertical position of the body and completely pass when the person takes a strictly horizontal position. Pain can be projected into the lumbar region and the heart, and it is difficult to connect them with the intestine and stomach lowering, since similar symptoms can accompany other diseases unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract. The patient begins to complain about the heart, thinks that he has problems with the spine and begins to try to solve the problem on his own. Therefore, it is so dangerous to engage in self-medication in this case.

What other signs of gastric and intestinal cancellation? Denote the most striking symptoms of the 3rd stage:

  1. Vegetative disorders: persistent dizziness, blood supply disorders, increased heart rate, increased excitability, severe sweating, dermographism of the extremities.
  2. Severe severe pain that occurs during any movement of the body.
  3. Burp with the smell of a rotten egg.
  4. Prolonged constipation, which is difficult to eliminate even with the help of laxatives.
  5. Sharply depleted person without loss of appetite.
  6. The appearance of signs of vitamin deficiency.

When gastroptosis develops, its symptoms become apparent when viewed visually. An experienced doctor will immediately notice the abdominal wall. Then he asks the patient to lie on his back. In the horizontal position, the lowering of the stomach and intestine is more noticeable. The upper part of the abdomen strongly sinks, the pulsating aorta becomes prominent. If the patient pulls the peritoneum up, all the pain sensations immediately pass. And this is another bright symptom of the described pathology.

Symptoms and treatment of gastric and intestinal descent

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will advise you to do an X-ray. When the image shows a noticeable stretching of the organ in an upright position, doubts disappear, gastric and intestinal entrapment is accompanied by all the above symptoms, the treatment is prescribed taking into account the existing clinical picture. In any case, the patient is advised to restore the correct diet and exercise physiotherapy. Medication therapy is used to eliminate painful symptoms. Sometimes to correct the neuralgic background sedatives are prescribed. To restore the functions of the stomach and intestines, enzymes and gastric juice are used.

Positive predictions are always given if the first two stages of gastroptosis are identified. In the complex treatment of the third stage, massage of the anterior part of the abdominal cavity is necessarily included. Operative intervention is indicated only in particularly severe cases. As a rule, it is used only when a relapse occurs.

Traditional medicine for symptoms of gastric emptying

In addition to the methods listed above, people's remedies are actively used to treat gastroptosis. What can help ease the health of someone who has a diagnosis of bowel and stomach intubation? Folk treatment is aimed at increasing appetite and normalizing the secretion of gastric juice. For this, you can use:

  • Herbal infusion, prepared from millennia, bitter wormwood, dandelion root, marsh and chicory. A tablespoon of vegetable raw materials collected from the collection listed, it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water and insist for half an hour. A decoction of broth is taken before meals.
  • Similar properties have a decoction of plantain. It is prepared quite simply. Fresh leaves are brewed with boiling water and cooked over low heat for half an hour. A medicine is taken half a cup for half an hour before meals.

Knowing about the symptoms of gastric and intestinal dysfunction, you can start adequate treatment on time. In the initial stages of gastroptosis passes completely.

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