Compotes for gastritis from dried fruits

Those who are forced to follow a diet that allows you to restore the functions of the stomach, should carefully choose food and drinks. In this article I will tell you about whether it is possible to drink compote with gastritis, which should be given priority when preparing a drink: fresh berries or dried fruits. Recipes for their preparation are extremely simple. After heat treatment, fruits and berries continue to retain their useful properties. True, this does not apply to all vitamins.

The preservation process withstands vitamin PP, there are a lot of it in apple, plum and cherry decoctions, so they or their combinations are very useful.

With minimal heat treatment, vitamin C. is well preserved. It is abundant in the currant, in peaches, strawberries, sea buckthorn, pineapples and gooseberry.

When preserved, vitamin B2 is also preserved, which actively participates in the restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Due to this circumstance, the described biologically active substance is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory processes. A lot of vitamin B2 is in the cherry, in the plum and in the sea-buckthorn. Prepared from them compote with gastritis is actively used as one of the components of treatment, but only if the disease occurs against a background of reduced secretion of gastric juice.

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Compote of dried fruits with gastritis

In winter, when there are no fresh berries, dried fruits are used for preparation of drinks. Doctors believe that compote of dried fruits with gastritis can also be very useful. They retain most of the beneficial microelements, each dried fruit has its own healing properties, so the right combination of ingredients allows you to prepare a very valuable for the body of drinks.

The therapeutic compote for gastritis can be prepared from dried apples and pears. There will be a lot of vitamin A, B, C, E and P. There are also pectin, iron, zinc and iodine in them. This composition favorably affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is not only possible to drink it, but it is also necessary with a decreased secretion of gastric juice.

The maximum composition of the above composition helps to prepare correctly. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. All my ingredients are under running water.
  2. Fold them in a pan.
  3. Fill with cold water.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Cook apples and pears for half an hour, the remaining fruits are cooked less( 15-20 minutes).
  6. You do not need to put sugar. Dry fruits are sweet in themselves, but if you want to sweeten the drink a little, sugar should be replaced with honey.
  7. The decoction is considered ready when the dried fruit increases in volume and becomes soft.

Improving digestion is capable of prunes, figs activate the pancreas, dried apricots eliminate anemia. Properly choosing dry fruits, it is easy to cook a medicinal compote of dried fruits, with gastritis you can drink any, but only if the patient has a lowered acidity of gastric juice.

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