Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis: causes, symptoms

Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, also called necrosis of the pancreas, is a disease accompanied by a sharp surgical abdomen, as well as a shock state of the patient. The outlook is unfavorable. Death can occur during the first day of illness.

Most often, acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis affects young men prone to obesity and overeating in combination with alcohol abuse. This activates trypsin within the pancreas( normally, its activation should be observed only inside the intestine), which in no small measure contributes to the high pressure in the duct of the pancreas, which can be caused by its clogging with a stone, an infection of the gland or traumatic hemorrhages.

Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, in most cases, develops suddenly, as a rule, the reason is the intake of fatty foods in combination with alcohol at the time of active digestion. Patients feel a sharp pain, localized in the epigastric region, giving back.

A characteristic symptom of hemorrhagic pancreatitis is the confused consciousness, as well as the ashy-gray color of the skin and the filiform pulse. In this case, there is a delay in the activity of the intestine until its complete obstruction. In the laboratory study of blood tests, there is a significant increase in leukocytes, as well as erythrocytes.

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Shock condition of a patient with hemorrhagic pancreatitis is a consequence of strong intoxication of the body due to decomposition of the pancreas, as well as a pain syndrome caused by a painful condition of the pancreas, rich in nerve endings.

The clinical picture of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis is characteristic of gangrenous cholecystitis, perforation of peptic ulcer and a number of other dangerous diseases of the abdominal cavity organs, which often leads to an incorrect diagnosis, the adjustment of which occurs already during surgical intervention. For the correct diagnosis of hemorrhagic pancreatitis, the appearance of symptoms immediately after ingestion is important.

In severe hemorrhagic pancreatitis, death can occur within one two weeks, less often during the day. Recently, there are reports of less severe cases of the course of the disease and persistent remission resulting from comprehensive treatment. And yet it is better to remember that acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis is easier to prevent, adhering to a reasonable balanced diet, than to treat.

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