What medicines for insomnia and stress to choose: donormil, melaksen, without a prescription, on herbs, reviews

Medications for insomnia are medications that improve sleep. They take away the symptoms, but not the cause of insomnia. This is a temporary way to fight the disease.

The funds are conditionally divided into:

  • Prescription drugs.
  • Preparations of synthetic origin, which are dispensed without a prescription.
  • Combined preparations that contain synthetic ingredients and plant raw materials.
  • Preparations based on plant raw materials.

Separately, not medicinal products are distinguished:

  • Traditional medicine herbs
  • Acupuncture
  • Homeopathy
  • Self-hypnosis
  • Hypnosis, etc.

Medications for insomnia and stress that are sold without a prescription

The main advantages of medicines that are sold without a prescription are accessibility. But they affect the nervous system more than the means of alternative medicine. Different medicines are suitable for different ages.

For children

Doctors do not advise to use medical products to get rid of insomnia of children. But with serious disorders of the nervous system should resort to them. Their choice depends on how old the child is.

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  • 0 to 3 years - infusion of valerian root.
  • From 3 to 12 years - syrup Alora, tablets Persen.
  • From 6 years old - Dormiplant.
  • From 12 years old - New Passit, Persen in capsules.

These drugs consist mainly of some herbs. They normalize the child's sleep.

For adults

Without prescription, they produce medicines for insomnia based on plant material. The safest products on grasses are considered as safest:

  • Novo-Passit. It relaxes the central nervous system and restores sleep.
  • Afobazol. Calms, retaining the ability to work and clear consciousness. Wait for the effect to be on the 4-5th day after taking.
  • Persen. The drug normalizes the mental state and improves sleep.
  • Motherwort. Produced in the form of tinctures and tablets. In tablets it acts faster. Relaxes and makes more calm.

Popular medicinal preparations of synthetic origin and combined:

  • Melatonin or its analogue Melaxen.
  • Dormiplant.
  • Rosemeer.
  • Zopiclone.
  • Imovan.
  • Phenibut.
These medications should be consumed at night because they cause a strong and prolonged sleep. Also, their use should be discarded if you need to drive a vehicle or work with cars the next morning.

For the elderly

Elderly people need to select the means that help to fall asleep, but do not affect the mental functions, do not cause retardation or the desire to fall asleep during the day and do not disturb the balance. But the choice of the drug depends on the type of the disease itself:

  • Transient, or transient, insomnia - plant remedies.
  • Expressed insomnia - drugs coming out for hours. They are not collected in the body and exclude toxic effects and overdose.

Universal drugs, according to doctors, is Zolpidem and Zopiclone. They allow you to quickly fall asleep, but at the same time provide a close to natural sleep. They are easily tolerated by almost any organism. Also they do not cause drowsiness or lethargy even with prolonged use.


This is a remedy that can be used to treat at home. They are safer, but they are used in the treatment of short-term insomnia. This is the use of relaxation techniques, herbal decoctions or infusions and other non-traditional methods.

Insomnia carries the scientific name of insomnia. How does insomnia appear? What methods of struggle exist? What measures need to be taken to always forget about insomnia?

Feeling of constant sleepiness while a person sleeps enough time is called hypersomnia. If you find yourself experiencing symptoms of hypersomnia, then you will not be uninterested in the following article.

Traditional medicine

  • Valerian. Alcohol tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy, and the broth is prepared from the roots of valerian itself.
  • Hops. Use the tincture on alcohol, infusion, powder and stuff the pillow with a plant.
  • Dill. Prepare the infusion with the wine "Cahors."
  • Lavender oil. They smear whiskey or take inside on a piece of sugar.
  • Hawthorn. Use tincture and decoction.
  • Peony, or marjin root. Apply pharmacy tincture.
  • Honey in combination with milk or lemon.


With this problem, acupuncture increases the nighttime level of melatonin - the sleep hormone, which affects its duration. Melatonin regulates natural biorhythms, depending on daylight.

Choose for acupuncture points on the head and those parts of the body where the organs are located, problems with which caused the problem.

Acupuncture quickly restores the work of the nervous system, normalizes it.

Alternative medicine

  • Homeopathy. Apply different methods and drugs, depending on the level of sleep disturbance. The dosage of the drugs is too small to cause addiction and side effects.
  • Self-expression. There is a whole complex of exercises that are aimed at gradual relaxation of the whole body, which leads to falling asleep.
  • Hypnosis is a quick method based on removing the subconscious mechanism of insomnia.
  • Baths with the use of essential oils, needles and herbs.

Exercises for insomnia:
http: //www.youtube.com/ watch? V = Ffq89otCP_M

Choosing the most effective means without addiction

What medications for insomnia are worth choosing. Here is their list.

  • Donormil .Has a hypnotic and sedative effect. Increases the time and quality of sleep. It lasts about eight hours.
  • Melaxen .Normalizes biological rhythms, relieves headaches and dizziness, reduces the number of awakenings during sleep at night, speeds up falling asleep and improves well-being in the morning, adapts the organism to changes in time zones.
  • Melatonin .Analog of the hormone of the epiphysis. Has adaptogenic, sedative and hypnotic action. Normalizes body temperature, sleep-wake cycle, regulates neuroendocrine functions.
  • Imovan .Applied for the treatment of situational, temporary and chronic insomnia. It helps to balance the psyche, has a miorelaxing and sedative effect, stabilizes the function of fast sleep and allows you to quickly fall asleep.
  • Zopiclone .Acts almost instantly. It makes sleep quality, allows you to quickly fall asleep and less often wake up at night, is involved in the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine.
  • Roseme .Acts positively on the nervous system as a whole. Does not cause addiction.

Which of them is the best medicine for insomnia itself, depending on the characteristics of the body and the doctor's recommendations.

Sleep is a natural physiological process. But in the modern world, an increasing number of people have problems with sleep. To interfere with a quiet sleep can night attacks of fear, nightmares, this disease is called parasomnia. In children, parasomnia is more common than in adults.

Cure insomnia is necessary, because it can cause neuroses. What symptoms are observed in a hysterical neurosis, as well as about preventive measures read in this article

Perhaps you will be interested in what a polysomnographic examination is and for what purpose it is carried out. Details at http: //gidmed.com/obsledovanie/ narushenie-sna-i-polisomnografiya.html

Prices for insomnia

The most affordable are folk remedies due to the fact that they can be cooked at home. It is enough to buy the main ingredients: herbs or alcohol tinctures. Their cost is in the range of 50 to 300 rubles.

Drugs are more expensive. Donormil will cost about 250 rubles, Melatonin - 300-400, Melaxen - 400-500, Zopiclone - 100-200.

Not medications have different costs. Self-expression will be completely free. Homeopathic preparations - within the limits of 50-150 rubles. Services for hypnosis and acupuncture - from several thousand.

Autotraining for insomnia:

Reviews of doctors and patients

Doctors-somnologists are sure that you need to use such tools for insomnia that do not have a negative effect on the body: herbs and psychological methods. Medications are recommended only after personal consultation. They assure that should first understand the causes, and then get rid of the symptom itself with the help of medications.

But sleeping pills are not recommended for abuse. After all, many types of insomnia can not be cured with the help of these medicines.

Especially dangerous, according to doctors, are inexpensive drugs.

For example, people in the age group use drugs containing phenobarbital. This is a strong substance that adversely affects your health. Therefore, auto-trainings and herbs are more preferable when it comes to self-treatment. Sometimes prescribe antidepressants.

Among the patients, folk remedies are also popular. But many more trust traditional medicine and herbal medicines.

Sales leaders are funds based on the root of valerian, motherwort and other plants. But the novelties in this market are treated with caution, preferring traditional methods of struggle.

Medicines for insomnia are made on the basis of plant or synthetic components. The former are safe, but less effective. The latter can only be used in case of serious problems with sleep.

Children should not use medical products to normalize sleep. Elderly people better use drugs that do not affect mental functions.

Also used to get rid of insomnia are folk and non-traditional medicine. Their effectiveness has not been proven and depends on the individual's predisposition.

We offer you to watch a video with detailed comments of a neurologist about how to properly cure insomnia:

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