Day-time pollakiuria in children, men and women: types, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Frequent urination( pollakiuria) is usually the result of a large volume of drunk fluids, supercooling - conditions that are not harmful to health. If this phenomenon does not disappear within 2-3 days, you should contact the urologist, children - get a pediatrician's advice.

Pollackiurie - what is it?

The number of mycoses in day-time pollakiuria depends on the state of health, the quality of food, and the amount of fluid consumed. On average, an adult visits the toilet 4-8 times, getting rid of 150 - 300 ml of urine for one visit.

With a pollakiuria, the daily volume of urine( diuresis) does not change, but the number of mycoses increases. On the day, the number of trips to the toilet can reach 40, which is terribly exhausting, does not allow you to sleep at night, and during the day makes you constantly look out for the toilet nearby.

Causes of

There is a distinction between pollakiuria:

  • physiological - it is not associated with the disease, it stops on its own when the irritating factor is eliminated;
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  • pathological - accompanies diseases.


This type of pollakiuria is characterized by frequent desires due to natural causes: wet, wet weather, consumption of large amounts of liquid. So, pollakiuria during hypothermia occurs as a result of a spasm of the blood vessels of the kidneys. As soon as a person can keep warm, the vessels relax, and the frequency of the muscular movement normalizes.

Physiological pollakiuria, caused by pregnancy, appears due to pressure of the uterus on the bladder. This phenomenon is not dangerous, after birth completely disappears, not reflected negatively on health.

Common causes of pollakiuria for men and women are hypothermia, overexcitation, including sexual( orgasm).Frequent miscarriage in adults is observed with alcohol intoxication, the use of drugs with a diuretic effect.

Mikses are getting older at old age. They are the result of aging, a general decrease in the tone of smooth, skeletal muscles, the lowering of the internal organs.

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In old age, pollakiuria shifts at night, it accounts for the bulk of daily diuresis( up to 2/3).The displacement of urinary excretion at night( nocturia) in men can indicate a tumor of the prostate gland.

In children, physiological pollakiuria can occur as a result of severe stress caused by tensions in the family, vivid emotional experiences. In general, the phenomenon is observed in boys 5-6 years old, has no organic causes and after 2-3 months passes completely.


Frequent remarks are noted in diseases of the endocrine system - sugar, diabetes insipidus. Diabetes also increases the volume of daily urine.

The causes of pollakiuria can be:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary system - cystitis, urethritis;
  • tuberculosis of the genitourinary system;
  • nerve disorders - phobias, neuroses.

In the case of urinary disorders caused by neuroses, there is no urge to urinate at night. With diseases of the genitourinary system, frequent urges are noted throughout the day.

Daytime pollakiuria at any age can be caused by pyelonephritis. But in women, this upward renal infection is 3 times more common than in men.

Among the causes of pollakiuria in women are:

  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases - infections of the genitourinary system, tumors of various etiology of the pelvic organs;
  • premenstrual syndrome.
The cause of rapid urination

To cause an increase in urination is capable of anatomical features of the structure of the urinary tract - narrowing of the urethra, tightening of the tissue of the neck of the bladder, foreign body that closes the current of urine.

Rapid urination may be the result of radiation therapy in the treatment of malignant tumors of the uterus, ovaries, bladder.

A common cause of pollakiuria for adults and children is the obstruction of the urinary tract as a result of urolithiasis. But in this case, at night, as well as at rest, the pollakiuria disappears.

In children, the cause of increased frequency of urination may be, among other causes, infection with helminths. And also, especially in girls, irritation of the urinary tract mucosa by means of personal hygiene. Shower gel, soap foam, shampoo cause irritation of the mucosa, which causes a urge to urinate.

The increase in the number of nighttime murmurs is noted in cardiovascular diseases. In the horizontal position, the load on the heart decreases, the outflow of fluid from the lower extremities improves, and the excretion of the liquid increases.

Women suffer from nicturia in diseases of the uterus, prolapse of the rectum. Sluggish urine stream in men, frequent urination observed with adenoma of the prostate.

Symptoms of

The main symptoms of pollakiuria are:

  • increasing the incidence of mycoses while maintaining the daily volume of urine;
  • feeling of fullness of the bladder after urination.

In an adult, the volume of urine isolated from a single exercise is normally 150-300 mg, and the number of daily percussion is from 2 to 8.

The number of mics per day depends on the age of the children:

  • The frequency of micturition in infants during the first month of life isup to 25 with a daily diuresis of about 500 ml;
  • from month to year the number of mikings reaches 15, and the daily volume of urine - up to 800 ml;
  • from 1 year to 3 years - up to 10 times, diuresis - up to 800 ml;
  • at the age of 3-6 years the number of mycoses on average 8, diuresis per day - 900 ml;
  • from 6 to 10 years old the child must urinate on average 6 times with a daily diuresis of 1200 ml;
  • after 10 years, the number of mycoses is 4-6, diuresis is 1200 ml.

With pollakiuria caused by inflammation of the bladder, frequent burning and burning pains are added to the frequent mixes. Worse and overall health - night trips to the toilet deprive a full night's sleep, cause a decline in performance, drowsiness, lethargy during the day.

Symptoms of pollakiuria in pyelonephritis are expressed:

  • pain in the abdomen, giving back;
  • temperature increase;
  • with urine of dark color;
  • signs of general intoxication of the body - nausea, vomiting, weakness.

Symptoms of pollakiuria in children caused by psychoemotional stress most often pass independently after 1-4 weeks, but may last for a longer time.

Frequent urination in children is an indicator of internal tension, too tight schedule of the day, leaving the child free time, which does not allow to be distracted from duties.


To cure a pollakiuria, it is necessary to find out what caused this phenomenon. For this purpose, the most careful consideration relates to the collection of anamnesis, including the transferred infectious diseases, surgical operations, traumas.

Women must conduct an examination of a gynecologist, nephrologist, psychotherapist. When pregnancy is mandatory, consult an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Men are prescribed a consultation with the urologist-andrologist, if necessary - a sexologist, an oncologist. The cause of pollakiuria in men may be prostate cancer.

To determine the cause of pollakiuria in children, it may be necessary to consult a pediatrician, a psychotherapist.

The diagnosis is established based on the results:

  • of urinalysis total, according to Nechiporenko;
  • blood test;
  • ultrasound;
  • X-ray study of the urinary tract - cystography, urethrography;
  • computed tomography.

Patients are advised to keep a diary, noting how much urine was allocated, how much fluid was drunk, indicating the persistence of urges, the presence of leakage.

Treatment of

For elimination of pollakiuria, the main disease that causes frequent urination is treated. The cause is established by the results of a diagnostic examination. With frequent micturition caused by urolithiasis, the patient is shown a stone crushing operation or a medicamental treatment aimed at removing the stone.

If the cause of pollakiuria is inflammation of the bladder, ureters, then prescribe antibiotic treatment. Pollakiuria, caused by taking medications, is eliminated by withdrawal of drugs. For the success of treatment limit the amount of fluids drunk per day, do not drink beverages that have a diuretic effect - tea, coffee, alcohol.

To prevent recurrence of the disease, preventive measures are carried out. In men, preventive measures include an annual examination with a urologist-andrologist, an examination of the prostate gland. Women, in order not to allow the return of the disease, must visit the gynecologist twice a year to detect inflammatory diseases, volumetric processes( cancer, fibroids, cyst) in the genitourinary organs.

Children, in order to reduce the risk of pollakiuria, it is recommended to create a friendly home, not to allow emotional violence towards the child, to attend a child psychotherapist.

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