Treatment of bulbar of the duodenum with folk remedies and herbs

To diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is bulbit, folk remedies often become part of complex therapy. Together with a therapeutic diet, decoctions and teas help to remove pain and restore the integrity of the mucous bulb. As practice shows, folk treatment of bulbita gives excellent results, therefore it can not be ignored. The choice of this or that folk remedy depends on the causes of the ailment, it is they who determine their use.

Folk treatment of the causes of bulbitis

Most often inflammation of the mucous bulb arises due to malnutrition. In the daily diet of man more and more often began to appear artificial products( dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives), often the diet itself is violated, almost everyone today is eating on the move, preferring fried and fatty fast food. Acute, salty, sour, very hot or very cold food can also provoke a bulb. Folk remedies can eliminate the consequences of such violence against the body. What do I need to do?

Follow the diet. Reduction of the load on the gastrointestinal tract gives the first results: weight disappears, heartburn passes, pain subsides. Noticeably improves the state of two-day hunger. You can get out of it by eating porridge on the water, sour-milk products, steamed dishes cooked from scrolled meat.

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Competent treatment of bulbit with folk remedies is aimed at removing inflammation and repairing the mucous bulb. Therefore, before meals, doctors recommend drinking a decoction prepared from flax seeds, rose hips. Good ovolakivayuschee effect have oatmeal kissels and decoctions of nettles. All listed folk remedies additionally increase the protective functions of the body.

How to remove bulbits using popular methods?

Juice of a plantain mixed with honey helps to eliminate inflammation. To make it, you need to blend a large bundle of grass leaves in a blender and strain the resulting gruel through the gauze. Three tablespoons of plantain juice are taken one tablespoon of liquid honey. Such a folk remedy not only immediately removes the inflammation, it stimulates the regeneration of cells of the mucosa, so recovery occurs much faster.

There is another very useful collection, consisting of chamomile and Icelandic moss. He also helps to overcome bulbits, herbal treatment perfectly removes the inflammatory process. It is not difficult to prepare a medicine from the indicated ingredients.

  1. Take a tablespoon of each herb.
  2. Fill the collection with 400 grams of boiling water.
  3. We insist the remedy during the day.
  4. We take the infusion before meals for half a glass three times a day.

A good result provides a collection of chamomile, licorice root, althea root and St. John's wort. Herbs are mixed in equal amounts, two tablespoons are poured with boiling water( 400 ml) and infused for 12 hours. Infusion is taken before each meal of 50 ml in a warm form.

Oak broth is treated with erosive bulbite, folk remedies made from such an ingredient, have astringent and antimicrobial effect. The broth is taken 30 ml before each meal.

When the bulbitis is caused by parasites

Parasites are also capable of provoking bulbit of the duodenum, herbal treatment and here will help to speed up recovery. As part of anthelmintic folk remedies, there must necessarily be a carnation, tansy, bitter wormwood. The birch, the elephant and the oregano, the centipedes and the mistletoe possess the properties of glistening. Brew herbs can be separately( monosboro), but it is more efficient to prepare the collections of three, four ingredients. They are mixed in equal quantities. Two tablespoons of the collection are poured over with boiling water( 500 ml) and infused for an hour. Take the money needed for a glass half an hour before meals four times a day.

Parasites kill a little, they need to be removed from the body. For these purposes, enemas with garlic serve. A few cloves of garlic are poured into 100 ml of water, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooled. The whole garlic broth is used for one-time administration. The treatment course against parasites in the bulbite consists of 7 procedures. Then a break is made for two weeks, then the course is held again.

In no case should you engage in self-treatment, if you are diagnosed with bulbar of the duodenum, folk remedies can only be part of a comprehensive therapy. They are not able to cure the described disease on their own. The intake of herbs and infusions, teas and broths only helps to speed up recovery and exclude the possibility of relapses.

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