Drug addiction as a chronic disease: definition, classification and species, stages of development

Addiction, or rather - different forms of substance use, is recognized by the doctors of all countries as an independent mental illness. It is included in the classification of the ICD, so the approach to it should be serious and responsible. Moreover, today this disease is a serious social problem that can affect anyone.

Drug addiction - definition of

Drug addiction is a progredient disease caused by the consumption of narcotic substances and leads to mental and organic damage to the body and personality. Since most types of drugs cause rapid addiction and addiction development, it is considered that drug addiction is a chronic disease.

Addiction is widespread in the world. Particularly difficult is the situation in developing countries and where control over the cultivation and synthesis of narcotic substances is not organized. Everywhere even teenage drug addiction occurs, stimulates the development of which the possibility of easy acquisition of modern drugs via the Internet and "bookmarks".If not so long ago, a drug addict was considered to be a person who injects heroin into a vein, but now opiates are largely replaced by synthetic drugs that can be snorted, smoked and even drunk. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the behavior, habits of a person, not relying on the examination of his body.

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Forms of dependence

Answering the question what is addiction, it is impossible not to say its types, namely physical and psychological. Physical dependence is more characteristic of opiates, although less so in other types of drugs( not all).It means the development of painful, painful symptoms in withdrawal syndrome. Among addicts, physical dependence is often called breaking, and the sensations from it can reach incredibly high strength.

Only one more dose of "dope" can get rid of the drug addict's break-up. Over time, the duration and intensity of breaking increases, so quitting the drug becomes more difficult and a simple habit develops into a deadly disease. The break is caused by the restructuring of the body due to the use of psychoactive substances, which begins to protest when the dose is abandoned. An abstinence syndrome also appears when the drug is neutralized with the help of special substances - antagonists.

Psychological( psychic) ​​dependence develops with respect to the absolute of any kind of drug.

It exists in two forms:

  • Positive - the drug is needed to get pleasant sensations, buzz
  • Negative - a psychoactive substance is required to eliminate bad mood, well-being, thoughts, etc.

Most drugs provoke such cravings with repeated use, but some modern types of "synthetics" form a dependence on one or two doses. A person often embraces an irresistible desire to consume a drug that he almost can not resist. It is because of the psychological and physical dependence that a number of addicts are able to commit crimes, just to get a dose.

Classification of

Since the list of substances that are considered to be drugs is very large and constantly expanding, there are only approximate classifications by their groups. Some groups may overlap, because sometimes plant components are layered with synthetics, new preparations are being created, the formulas of which are very difficult to calculate. Alcoholism and tobacco smoking also belong to the types of drug addiction, and there are many more in the world.

By the type of narcotic substance, such forms of drug addiction are distinguished( with examples):

  1. Opium. It is based on the consumption of opium - poppy juice( morphine, heroin, codeine).
  2. Hemp. Cannabis contains cannabinoids, which cause a narcotic effect( hashish, marijuana).
  3. Cocaic. Is one of the most ancient, includes consumption of cocaine - the constituent leaves of coca bush( cocaine, crack).
  4. Based on taking sleeping pills. Tranquilizers, barbiturates and a number of other substances also give a narcotic effect in case of abuse( barbitol, seduxen).
  5. Hallucinogenic. After taking such substances, bright hallucinations develop( mescaline, LSD).
  6. Amphetamine. It is associated with the consumption of derivatives of ephedrine( speed, methamphetamine).
  7. Due to the use of modern synthetic drugs( salt, spices).

Stages of drug addiction development

Drug addiction is formed over time, when a person podszhivaetsya on regular intake of psychoactive substances. Usually, drug addiction and craving for drugs develop in one scenario, passing through four main stages, each of which, knowing the symptoms, can be diagnosed.

Acquaintance of

The first stage, or "acquaintance" arises, when a person for different reasons feels like trying a drug. Usually this happens in adolescents, young people, whose company already has "experienced".A person thinks that he will just try, and then he can easily give up the "potion".But, as the buzz in the initial stages of drug use is high, quitting and not trying the next dose is incredibly difficult.

The immediate causes of the first experiments with drugs can be as follows:

  • Curiosity, boredom.
  • Finding opportunities for a pleasant pastime and creating a new, more interesting life.
  • Impossibility to refuse friends, beloved guy( girl).
  • The desire to be "like everyone else", the fear of standing out and losing friends. The propensity to believe myths about drug safety.
  • Lack of knowledge about the consequences of drug addiction.
  • The need not to live an adult life, irresponsibility.
  • Low self-esteem, unwillingness to take care of yourself.

After the dating phase, a person can go different ways. The first is the cessation of use, the refusal of further smoking, inhalation, etc.psychoactive substances. More than half of people go in this way. The rest continue to catch high, and inoffensive pampering develops into a serious mental illness with severe consequences.

"Pink" period

At this stage, to prolong the consumption of human drugs makes an acute desire to get high, it goes into taste. The dependent is deliberately looking for a drug and company for pleasure, plans his actions, and also seeks an excuse for them. Often there is a reassessment of the value of friendship, the composition of the company changes, the most "loyal" ones remain, that is, those who use, at times, with experience, pulling money from the beginner.

Depending on the type of drug it is used to improve the quality of sexual acts, to communicate with people, against bad mood, from complexes, etc. Dosage of the psychoactive substance is gradually growing, because the body requires more and more for buzz. Usually at the end of the stage, the addict moves on to more serious drugs, even if he starts with the lungs.

The time of denial

This stage is characterized by the formation of physical dependence, and the drug almost does not give rise to buzz, or it is very short-lived( a few seconds).This substance is necessary to eliminate lumps, as well as to bring the state back to normal. Despite many problems( dismissal, divorce, poor health), the patient does not yet want to associate them with drug addiction. To give up drugs, you need the help of a specialist, you can not throw yourself.

Description of the addiction at this stage:

  • Lack of control over one's own behavior, the desire to obtain a drug at any cost.
  • Diseases - STI, heart disease, kidneys, liver, decreased immunity.
  • Problems with loved ones.
  • Lack of money, loans, loss of work.
  • Quarrels, conflicts with the whole environment.
  • Illegal acts.

Steady Dependence

At this stage, the patient with drug addiction reaches its bottom. He uses drugs to survive, the need for them is the strongest, the constant. Day and night can only be occupied by the search for a dose. A person goes to blackmail, extortion, some to robbery and murder. The patient is destroyed as a person, values ​​are lost. Many try to commit suicide, others find themselves in a hospital or die from an overdose. Still others suffer a violent breakdown in order to lower the dose, and start from the beginning( in this case reaching the previous dose is a matter of a couple of months).

The brain does not control the body and actions. Effective treatment of drug addiction is possible only in 1-3 stages: if the loved ones noticed the problem in time and paid proper attention to it, a person can be saved! Addiction is now considered curable, the main thing is not to run it to the last stage.

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