Reviews on medications that are effective in treating migraine

1 Clinical picture of

For many people, migraine is an ordinary headache, which, through ignorance, is being treated with the usual methods. Meanwhile, it is an independent problem that requires a serious approach. In particular, the patient needs to distinguish between the main symptoms inherent in migraines:

  1. Immediately during an attack, patients usually experience a throbbing pain that literally pierces the head. This manifestation is considered one of the most typical, since in almost all other cases the pain is usually permanent.
  2. In the vast majority of cases, migraine affects only one side of the head. It usually does not spread to the second hemisphere.
  3. Dependence on external changes. Migraines can cause nausea and even vomiting in the event that a person does not make any attempts to eliminate it for a long time. In addition, intensify it is capable of excessively bright light, as well as loud sounds.

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The nature of migraine is not always known to the patient. It can be determined only in the course of laboratory research, which should be conducted within the walls of a medical institution. Excessive experiences of a person suffering from a headache, to nothing. That is why, when faced with this phenomenon many times, you should immediately go to the hospital, where the right treatment is most likely to be prescribed.

2 Thinness of taking medications

Migraine tablets today are freely available, and reviews about them can easily be found on the Internet. However, before you run after the vending medicine, which promises to overcome migraines, reviews about which are extremely positive, you should correctly interpret your own condition.

At its core, migraine symptoms can be:

  • rare and relatively weak;
  • intensive;
  • is very strong, almost paralyzing human activity.

In the first case, if you believe the reviews, it is possible to take relatively easy analgesics - aspirin and analgin. However, when using such drugs with migraine, the patient should be very careful! People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract can take the pill only after eating, squeezed with an impressive amount of milk or jelly. And what is especially important, you need to do this only in the most extreme cases!

In contrast to aspirin, analgin in Europe has been a prohibited drug for several years, which may well cause complications from the kidneys, circulatory system and liver.

In domestic medicine, its use, including migraine, is permissible. But this does not mean that such drugs can be abused!

In addition, women who often have a migraine at home need to carefully analyze their condition and understand when exactly discomfort sets in. Perhaps it marks the arrival of menstruation, taking aspirin in which it is highly undesirable! Of course, he is able to relieve migraines, along the way liquefying blood and thereby increasing bleeding.

These drugs, according to reviews, are the most affordable and effective. If they have not helped more than 3 times, they should be discarded. The correct pill for migraine in this state of affairs will be able to appoint only a doctor, having previously conducted detailed diagnostics of his patient.

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