How to cope with a constant headache

1 Clinical picture

Very often it is accompanied by increased drowsiness, weakness and dizziness. A person feels broken and wakes up in a bad mood. There are problems with memory and speed of thinking, it becomes difficult to focus on something other than a headache.

When should I delay the visit to the neurologist:

  • headache does not pass even after sleep;
  • she has new unusual features;
  • more than fifteen days a month headache;
  • in order to get rid of a headache, you have to take medication more than once a week;
  • pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and loss of consciousness;
  • headaches were preceded by craniocerebral trauma, even if small;
  • despite the treatment, there are no improvements;
  • appears weakness in the limbs, speech or concentration of attention is disturbed;
  • pain is sharp and explosive;
  • pain reduces the quality of life and interferes with professional activities.

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2 Causes of the disease

Headache is not an isolated disease, but a symptom that can indicate a variety of ailments. The reasons for its occurrence can be quite a large number. The most common cause of permanent headache can be from one of the following:

  1. Hypertension
  2. Intoxication
  3. Headache of tension
  4. Chronic migraine
  5. Problems with the spine
  6. Brain hypoxia that develops against the background of atherosclerotic stenosis
  7. Infectious diseases
  8. Psychogenic headache
  9. Head injuries
  10. Problems with ENT organs
  11. Constant stress
  12. Diabetes mellitus
  13. Parasite infestation
  14. Disruption of outflow of liquor
  15. Bloem with vessels
  16. Regular intake of painkillers
  17. incorrectly matched lenses or glasses

types of chronic headache:

  • liquorodynamic pain. It develops under increased pressure, if a person takes an upright posture, it is accompanied by dizziness.
  • Muscle tension. Cephalgia covers the entire head, squeezing it with a ring.
  • Neuralgic pain. Pressing on certain areas in which the pain is localized, it spreads further and is accompanied by dizziness.
  • Vascular pain. It is pulsating with the stretching of the arteries. Dull pain, which begins in the morning and can continue all day with a full flow of veins.
  • Vertebrogenic headache. It is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, weakness. In some cases, dizziness does not go away, even if the person is in a horizontal position.

3 Manifestations in the temples

About forty five different diseases can provoke a constant headache in the temples. The most common cause of such pain are the following reasons:

Infectious diseases .They can be caused by viruses or bacteria. In order to get rid of the headache in this case, you need to eliminate the very reason. To do this, use antiviral drugs or antibiotics. If the constant headache is caused by fever, then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory antipyretic drugs such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Nimesulide or Ketorolac are used.

Intoxication of .In this case, a constant headache in the temples can cause chronic poisoning with chemicals that are added as preservatives in food, alcohol or spices, or by harmful vapors. It is worth paying attention, at which point the head starts to hurt, whether it is preceded by eating. To get rid of this type of headache, it is necessary to exclude from the diet products that provoke a headache.


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Pathology of the lower jaw composition .The pain can be given in the temple, making it difficult to diagnose. In this case, temporarily dispose of the headache will help all the same non-steroid drugs, such as Nurofen, Panadol, Ketanov. But for elimination of a pathology it is necessary to address to the doctor.

Temporal arteritis .In this case, the pain in the temples is pulsating, sharp and arises from attacks. To temporarily eliminate it will help combined drugs such as Sedalgin or Tempalgin, Kombizpasm, Spazmalgon.

4 Gives back to the nape

The most common causes of permanent headache in the nape are:

  1. Various diseases of the cervical spine, such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, traumas that damage blood circulation. In this case, pain can be accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, nausea, visual impairment, coordination of movements, pallor of the skin and frequent fainting. In order to get rid of these pains, complex treatment, and in some cases even surgical intervention, will be required. To remove a symptom for a certain period will help drugs such as Nimesil, Nimid, Ketorolac.
  2. Neuralgia of the occipital nerve. It is accompanied by a throbbing pain in the nape, cervical spine, lower jaw and shoulders. In order to alleviate the condition, external agents such as Menovasin, Formic Alcohol, Diclofenac-based Ointments or Indomethacin can be used. Combined preparations with dicyclomine such as Trigan are also used. Neuralgia is quite a serious disease, which is fraught with complications in the form of hyperesthesia, in which the sensitivity of the occiput increases.
  3. Tension headache. It can be regularly experienced by people who, by virtue of their profession, are in the same uncomfortable position or moral strain for a long period. Pain can be localized in the occiput or cover the entire head. You do not need to take medicine. To relieve the tension headache, it will be sufficient to provide fresh air, to do neck massage and a small physical workout. A cold or hot compress, or a cabbage leaf placed on the occipital region, will also help. Compresses can be alternated. You can also get rid of cephalalgia by drinking a cup of hot tea or just for a short period of time, changing the situation.
  4. Cervical Migraine. In addition to the pain in the nape, it is accompanied by a visual impairment, vomiting, nausea. The attack can last up to seventy-two hours. If it lasts longer, then it's about migraine status. When migraines will help drugs that belong to the group of triptans, such as Antimigren, Nomigren or Zolmigren.
  5. Increased blood pressure. Most often on this background, a headache occurs in the morning. It can also be accompanied by nausea. In order to get rid of it, you need to take timely medications to lower the pressure prescribed by your doctor.
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5 Dizziness

Vertigo is the second complaint after a headache with which you are referred to a neurologist. Accompany the headache it can in the case:

  • cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, the patient may lose consciousness after a fit of dizziness;
  • internal ear disease. Ménière's disease is accompanied by an increase in the volume of the labyrinth fluid, which presses on the cells responsible for regulating the body in space;
  • diseases of the vestibular apparatus;
  • is a disorder of cerebral circulation;
  • psychogenic disorders;
  • head injury;
  • low pressure.

6 Vomiting and nausea

The cause of this may be elevated or lowered blood pressure or poisoning. Migraines can also be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With brain tumors, there is often a symptom such as spontaneous vomiting, which is not preceded by nausea. With a headache, which accompanies nausea, you must always consult a doctor.

Also, a headache may be accompanied by nausea in the event that a person does not eat for a long time.

7 Ailment during pregnancy

Often, future mothers are faced with the fact that the head constantly hurts. Especially it is observed in the early stages of pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body changes. Fluctuations in the hormonal background can cause permanent headaches. Most often, the second trimester, it weakens or even completely ceases.

Future mothers need to carefully choose medicines, since taking most of them can harm an unborn child. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to pay a visit to your doctor and discuss with him treatment. Usually during this period the doctor can appoint No-shpu or Paracetamol, and in the second trimester preparations based on Ibuprofen.

Pregnant you can use traditional medicine methods, such as applying, to the place of pain localization of a previously mashed cabbage leaf or burdock leaves. You can also use Vietnamese balsam "Star", which should be carefully applied to the whiskey, it will act as a distracting and topical irritant. Do not forget about compresses and massage. With your index fingers, you need to massage the whiskey and the bridge of your nose, or the scalp.

8 After sleep

This type of cephalalgia after sleep can be associated with taking anesthetic medications. It is felt as much as possible after awakening. You can get rid of it only after stopping taking medications.

Also, cephalgia can be associated with vegetovascular dystonia. In this disease, there are violations in the autonomic and central nervous system. It starts within five minutes after waking up and its level remains unchanged all day. To treat it it is necessary in a complex, applying:

  • sedative preparations: Sedasen, Persen, Valerianu;
  • tranquilizers: Phenazepam, Gidazepam;
  • nootropic drugs: Thiocetam, Pyracetam, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin.

9 Tsefalgia in children and adolescents

The most common cause of constant headache in adolescents is stress. It can last from half an hour to seven days and is monotonous. It arises as a response to mental stress and physical stress.

Teenagers spend a lot of time behind the school desk, the neck and eye muscles are straining. To reduce the symptoms prescribed a single dose of drugs on the basis of Paracetamol and neck cervical massage.

In some cases, the child simply manipulates adults, complaining of a constant headache. This is mainly done by children who lack parental attention.

In adolescence, the cause of the headache may be a change in the hormonal background. Often, cephalgia, which is accompanied by other nerve symptoms, can cause phimosis. In girls, it can be associated with the onset of the menstrual cycle.

To establish the correct diagnosis, in order to assign the right treatment will help magnetic resonance imaging of MRI.People who often experience a headache are advised to keep a diary in which they record the activity, after which cephalgia occurs. And also the products that a person has previously consumed, the time in which it occurs and the remedies that bring relief. This will help the doctor to determine the cause. In some cases self-limiting headaches gradually pass by themselves.

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