Characteristics of hypermetropia and ICD 10

1 What is the farsightedness of

In the modern world in connection with the spread of electronic gadgets that require a strong visual concentration, the number is steadily increasing and the average age of the appearance of eye pathologies is declining. One of these pathologies is hypermetropia, or farsightedness: vision loses clarity when you need to consider an object located near the eyes. At the same time, the clearness of the vision of distant objects is not always preserved, despite the name of the anomaly, alas, good distance vision is not an indispensable attribute of hyperopia.

From the point of view of physics, hypermetropia is a violation of refraction( refraction of light rays) inside the eyeball, when the image passing through a too flat, relaxed lens is projected not on the retina, as should be normal, but shifts for it. The blurred, fuzzy, defocused image falls on the retina. By analogy with optical equipment, we can say that the lens( lens) has too much focal length and insufficient curvature.

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The change in the curvature of the lens for the adjustment of vision is accomplished by the force of special muscles and is called accommodation. At a young age and with a faintly expressed farsightedness, with the help of accommodation it is possible to focus a clear image on the retina. However, with age, these muscles weaken, and vision deteriorates.

2 Degrees of severity of

pathology By severity, hypermetropia can be mild, moderate and high.

  1. Hypermetropia in a weak( initial) degree is almost not noticed by the patient and does not cause any special complaints about visual acuity in a domestic environment, a person simply does not yet realize that he has visual impairment. Small problems can arise if you need to perceive small details in the immediate vicinity of the person: reading small print on the labels or smartphone screen, manipulating very small objects with needlework( for example, classical threading a needle) or working with parts of household appliances and electronics andetc. Sometimes this condition is subjectively perceived as eye fatigue, difficulty concentrating, but in fact it is a visual impairment. Over time, the condition gradually deteriorates and sometimes even causes a headache, so long-sightedness should be treated at this stage, when the correction will be from +1.5 to 2.0 diopters.
  2. Mild hyperopia is already felt by the patient as a significant discomfort. The person pushes the object to be examined, at arm's length, as near it it completely loses its clear outlines. At this stage, the correction is up to +5.5 diopters and the patient can fully interact with the nearest environment only in glasses. It happens that he sees distant objects much more clearly than people with normal eyesight, but this is more typical for age-related changes in vision, and young people with an anomaly of refraction in many cases see in the distance as badly as near.
  3. With a high degree of hypermetropia, when accommodation possibilities are not enough to give the lens the necessary curvature, the area of ​​clear perception is shifted too far and it becomes extremely difficult for a person to navigate in a space without glasses with a force of more than 5.5 diopters.

In order to keep the vision as long as possible and not miss the moment when it is necessary to start correction, it is necessary to visit the ophthalmologist on a regular basis even in the absence of complaints: up to 40 years every 2 years, after 40 years - annually.

3 Corrective measures

If the diagnostic study has identified hypermetropia, then you have several options for vision correction:

  1. Old good generations proven by eyeglasses. This is the most simple, affordable and safe way to correct vision. Correction is carried out using biconvex lenses, correcting the refraction of light so that a clear image gets to the retina. In addition, it is a stylish image detail, emphasizing individuality. However, they are not always practical and impose certain limitations, for example, on physical activity. The glasses should be chosen by your doctor, since incorrectly selected glasses with inappropriate optical power can cause eye strain and contribute to the further progression of the disease.
  2. Modern contact lenses. They, too, should appoint a doctor, then they will have a pronounced therapeutic effect. In the absence of contraindications, contact lenses can be worn throughout the day, observing a series of hygienic requirements for the use and storage of lenses to avoid possible eye infections. There are special curative night lenses that help to correct vision to +3 diopters.
  3. Hardware treatment. For example, Amblyotrener, Amblykor, Synoptophor. The course of treatment is conducted every six months or a year in the amount of 5 to 10 sessions.
  4. Radical operative surgery. Now the correction of hypermetropia with the help of a laser is very popular and in demand. It is prescribed to people over 20 years after passing through all the preliminary stages of diagnosis, correction is up to +6 diopters. There are also more complex operations for the installation of intraocular lenses and even for the replacement of the lens with an implant of the required optical power.
  5. Physiotherapy and vitamin supplements, which can be prescribed as adjunctive therapy, but not as a primary treatment.


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To treat farsightedness is necessary to prevent further fall in visual acuity and possible complications.

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