Kidney on the right or left: what is it, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

With urostage of the kidney, normal urination stops, which leads to unpleasant consequences. This condition, if it develops sharply, requires urgent intervention in order to avoid complications.

Kidney urostasis - what is it?

Urostanesis of the kidney is a pathology during which urine stagnation occurs, that is, the difficulty of its outflow or the complete cessation of excretion. The term comes from the Greek "stopping urine".

Classification of urostasis includes such forms:

  1. Acute urostasis. It often develops with a complete stoppage of urinary excretion, mainly, it is provoked by mechanical obstruction of the renal tubules or another zone of the urinary tract. It is characterized by rapid progression, in most cases requires urgent medical attention.
  2. Chronic urostasis. Develops on the right or left for several months or years, is associated with the effect on the body of various dynamic factors. Less dangerous for human life, but in the late period does not always have a favorable prognosis, as it creates suitable conditions for the development of a chronic infectious or atrophic process.
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Reasons for

There is a huge amount of renal and other pathologies and conditions that can provoke urostasis. Chronic stagnation of urine is common, in which urine is slowly excreted from the body. Over time, the muscles of the ureters begin to contract worse, obstructive and inflammatory phenomena can join. As a result, urine can begin to move back to the kidneys. All the causes of urostasis are divided into two groups - mechanical and dynamic.


This group of pathogenic factors creates an obstacle to the outflow of urine that occurs anywhere in the urinary system. The possibility of outflow of urine under the influence of mechanical causes is violated completely or partially.

The most common mechanical causes of kidney urostasia are:

  1. Pregnancy. Most often affects the right kidney or right ureter, which squeezes the enlarged uterus. This condition is rarely accompanied by a complete stop of urine flow.
  2. Congenital malformations of the urinary system. Malformations of the kidneys and other organs cause the development of urostasis in the first months of the baby's life, but with a small degree of expression, a long period can remain undetected - up to adulthood. For example, with congenital narrowing of the ureter, chronic urine stagnation occurs in the renal pelvis, it expands, and the inflammatory process gradually joins. Also there is atresia( overgrowing) of renal tubules and other anomalies.
  3. Tumor. Neoplasm can affect the kidney, ureter or other parts of the urinary system, preventing a normal outflow of urine. In men, benign prostatic hyperplasia( adenoma) can also squeeze the outflow of urine, causing urostasis. Tumors of other organs( cervix, colon, retroperitoneal lymphoma, etc.) cause similar phenomena, squeezing the urine flow pathways.
  4. Urolithiasis - nephrolithiasis. Large concrements overlap the urinary tract at the level of the pelvis of the kidneys or ureters, completely or partially stopping the fluid flow.


This group of causes includes those that cause an abnormal urine flow through the urinary system.

The main dynamic reasons are as follows:

We recommend
For the prevention of diseases and the treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more »
  • Weakness of ureteral peristalsis - congenital or acquired
  • Rejection of urine, or reflux on the background of cystitis, neurogenic bladder, vesicourethral reflux

Dynamic causes most often contribute to the development of chronic urostasis, since they act on the body for a long time.

Symptoms of

The most important sign of the development of the disease is a decrease in the amount of excreted urine, or oliguria. A person can mark both a general decrease in urine and the appearance of it in small portions in individual cases. In acute urostasis, anuria is often observed, or complete cessation of urine flow.

Stagnation of secreted fluid, dilatation of the renal tubules cause the development of all the other components of the clinical picture:

  • Pain syndrome, localized in the back, lumbar region( in the projection of the kidneys). In chronic urostasia it is blunt in nature, with acute urostasis against a background of urolithiasis - cutting likewith renal colic
  • Pain during urination, as well as burning and itching in the urethra
  • Appearance of edema on the face and legs( swelling occurs in chronic urostasis and indicates the development of chronic renaldeficiency)

Stagnation of urine creates conditions for active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which causes infectious complications of kidney urostasis.


The clinical picture gives the doctor an idea of ​​the type and form of the emerging pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, its causes, the extent of the outflow of urine and the existing complications, other diagnostic methods are necessarily performed:

  1. General urine analysis. It reflects the inflammatory process, the presence of bacteria, the increase in the number of leukocytes, as well as the presence of salts and small stones in urolithiasis.
  2. Complete blood count. It is necessary to confirm or exclude inflammatory complications, in particular, pyelonephritis.
  3. ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder. Reveals any pathology of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system, helps to see the shape and size of stones, tumors, etc.
  4. MRI or CT.Recommended for more detailed visualization of neoplasms or concrements.
  5. Excretory urography. It is recommended to search for the dynamic causes of urostasis, especially urine reflux.
  6. Cystoscopy. It is prescribed if the cause of urostasis is located in the bladder.

On the video, left kidney:

Treatment of

Since the kidney and other organs of the system are affected by many factors, treatment will be directed at eliminating this effect. Mechanical urostasis is treated, for the most part, surgically. With congenital anomalies, dissection of adhesions is performed, the sites of stenosis of ureters and renal tubules are expanded, etc.

In pregnancy, stenting of the ureter is performed before delivery, or a number of physical exercises are prescribed to restore normal urine flow. Urolithiasis is treated with surgical intervention or ultrasound, laser crushing of stones. Tumors are removed or chemotherapy is applied, radiation therapy.

When diagnosing dynamic causes of urostasis, conservative treatment is practiced. For example, the correction of the central and autonomic nervous system helps to reduce the effects of the neurogenic bladder.

Consequences of

Only timely removal of the causes of urostasis is the key to a good prognosis for this pathology. The long-term retention of urine inevitably leads to unpleasant complications. These include infection of tissues, the appearance of sand and stones, atrophy of the renal tubules and glomeruli. Consequences of urostasia may be cystitis and pyelonephritis, reflux-nephropathy and deformity of the kidney, development of glomerulonephritis and arterial hypertension. A person often has chronic intoxication and the most formidable complication is chronic renal failure. Only early diagnosis and timely conservative or surgical treatment will prevent such consequences.

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