Hemorrhagic duodenitis

Hemorrhagic duodenitis is the most common cause of internal gastrointestinal bleeding. This form of the disease appears in the case of stress, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, iron-containing drugs, as well as chemicals( which include alcohol, alcohol, acids, alkali).

The cause of this variant of the disease, in addition to the above factors, can be vasculitis, prolapse of the mucous membrane. Incredibly, but the fact that also sometimes causes can be considered congestive heart failure, radiation injuries, mechanical injuries and even prolonged intense running.

In addition, one of the risk factors at which internal bleeding develops with this form of duodenitis may be age over fifty years. The use of a large number of preparations of nonsteroidal preparations against inflammation. And also their combination with glucocorticoid hormones. If there is a history of peptic ulcer and smoking, the likelihood of developing this disease also increases. It should also be noted that bleeding during hemorrhagic duodenitis often occurs without concomitant symptoms. The bleeding itself can be provoked by any excessive physical exertion, stress and even ordinary vomiting.

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Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhagic duodenitis

Unfortunately, there is no direct relationship between the severity of the pain sensations and the damage to the mucosa in the disease. Regular symptoms are regular painful sensations and bleeding, which does not depend on the intake of food. If the causes of hemorrhagic duodenitis are found and eliminated, then, as a rule, the bleeding quickly stops. In most patients there is a complete absence of symptoms of the hemorrhagic process in the duodenum. Bleeding is rarely massive. In this case, the symptomatic collapse is added to the painful sensations in the abdomen. The state of patients deteriorates rapidly even in the case of moderate bleeding. Often, massive bleeding may be accompanied by discharge of blood with vomiting or feces.

If a diagnosis is suspected, duodenofibroscopy is urgently performed, however, very carefully. It is associated with inflammation of the duodenum, as well as its multiple injuries. Most often, multiple erosions are located in the bulb of the duodenum. As a rule, this disease is diagnosed quite simply.

Treatment of hemorrhagic duodenitis should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist gastroenterologist, depending on the damage to the mucous membrane, as well as the frequency of bleeding and pain. In most cases, urgent treatment is needed.

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