What are the causes of pale pink discharge in women?

The structure of the female genitourinary system forces women to come across in their lives with different kinds of vaginal discharge. They are both liquid and curd, differ in smells from barely perceptible to fetid, and also have different shades( from yellow to brown-black).

Pink discharge can be a normal phenomenon, and can be a pathology, it all depends on the nature of the secretions. If the secretions have a non-standard color, they are dense and abundant, this may be a sign that a woman is progressing an inflammatory process, or there is some infection of the reproductive system.

If you notice the appearance of non-standard and not previously observed secretions, then you need to turn to a gynecologist in order to exclude the presence of diseases and pathologies, or if there are any, then a doctor's examination will help to identify them on time and be cured in time without serious consequences.

Causes of pink discharge

What is it can be? If you notice that there was a pink discharge before the menstrual cycle or in the middle of the cycle, it means that there is a small admixture of blood in the whites. And it can be dangerous for your health.

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The woman has a number of factors that can cause a discoloration of the discharge to pink:

  1. Hormonal contraceptives .This is one of the most characteristic side effects that occur when taking these medications.
  2. The intrauterine device , contraceptive patches or vaginal rings with combined contraceptives can also provoke the appearance of pink discharge.
  3. If you observe pink discharge after the act with a sexual partner, it may bleed the cervical erosion due to contact with the male's genital organ. However, this happens as a result of microcracks of the vagina because of intense sexual relations .
  4. Pink discharge in the middle of the cycle can talk about the hormonal decline before the ovulation of .If they are of a regular nature, their number is insignificant, then this means rejection of the endometrium during the period of ovulation. In this case, there is no problem, the presence of such secretions simply indicates that ovulation has taken place.
  5. The norm is considered pink discharge, which appears two or three days before the menstrual period. Then they pass into regular menstruation and continue for another two or three days after it ends.
  6. Some women have pink mucus discharge in small amounts appear during ovulation. During this period the hormonal background changes, and because of the high level of estrogen a small part of the mucous membrane is rejected.
  7. Pink discharge may occur due to insufficient activity of the thyroid gland. This painful condition appears due to the fact that the hormonal background is unstable, which provokes a variety of diseases that develop due to hormonal failure. It can also cause great stress.
  8. One of the signs of pregnancy in the early stages.

If you detect pink discharge before the menstrual period, in the middle of the cycle or during pregnancy, especially when they are reinforced with abdominal pain, itching in the perineum, and the discharge has an unpleasant smell, you have an excuse for an urgent trip to the gynecologist. Any disease is easier to treat at earlier times.

If such discharge is not accompanied by any anxiety symptoms, such as abdominal pain, nausea or fever, there is no reason for panic. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the provoking factors, if any, and to visit the gynecologist for routine examination.


The appearance of pink discharge may indicate certain diseases of the female genital area.

They can occur when:

  1. Endometrite;
  2. Endocervicitis and cervical erosion;
  3. Endometriosis;
  4. Polyps of the endometrium and cervix;
  5. Benign and malignant neoplasms.

In order to find out the cause of pink discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor. After the examination, the doctor will appoint all the necessary tests and studies to identify or exclude various diseases. If any pathology is found, the doctor will prescribe the treatment.

Light pink discharge during pregnancy

The presence of pale pink discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester should not cause any special concern, since during this period there is a complete restructuring of the entire body - in the female genitals there is a rapid development of additional vessels, and the mucous membranes become more susceptibleshell.

Often light pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy indicates the presence of microtraumas of the mucosa. For example, after sexual contact, after ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor, after examining the gynecologist with the use of mirrors.
In addition, increased vulnerability appears in cervical erosions, they also begin to bleed slightly after minor injuries. Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy it is desirable to reduce the number of sexual contacts and to conduct them as carefully as possible.

More dangerous is the presence of bloody discharge at any time of pregnancy. The presence of bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy says either that a woman has a high probability of aborting, or she has already interrupted, and the fetus with shells go outside.

In late pregnancy, bleeding from the genitalia suggests placental abruption. This symptom is the reason for immediate contact with a doctor, otherwise the mother and the fetus may die from bleeding. Pink-brown discharge during pregnancy can be observed with a frozen pregnancy, endometriosis of the uterus, as well as with developing ectopic( tubal) pregnancy.

Pink discharge after monthly

Minor mucosal discharge after menstruation can be considered as a variant of the norm. The color of such secretions can be different - from dark brown to pink or transparent. The pink color of the discharge is in most cases due to blood, a small amount of which still continues to be released at the end of menstruation.

What should I do?

If you find a pink discharge and feel itching in the perineum, abdominal pain, and the discharge itself has an unpleasant smell, consult a doctor immediately.

The sooner you start treatment, the faster you will get rid of the problem. Also remember, only thanks to timely reception of necessary medical products you can avoid complications.

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