Why is itching in the anus in women?

Itching in the anus in women is considered a sensitive enough issue, which often causes a lot of discomfort.

This inconvenience can develop as a result of a minor banal factor, such as a stomach upset, with all its consequences or lack of personal hygiene, or else it has contributed to more serious disorders caused by diseases of the rectum

Sometimes, the itch of a woman can pass on her own, in other cases,it must be treated accordingly. And since there are a lot of causes of itching in the anus, it is first necessary to clarify why it itches in the anus, after which to take appropriate measures.

Causes of itching in the anus in women

The most harmless cause of itching in the anus is inadequate hygiene. Due to untimely washing, wearing close synthetic underwear, there are diaper rashes, and then the woman has an itch or burning sensation. In most cases this problem does not require serious treatment and is solved by hygiene rules.

However, sometimes itching in the anus can be a symptom of many, sometimes very dangerous, diseases. Most often it is:

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  • the presence of worms( often pinworms);
  • internal or external hemorrhoids;
  • frequent constipation, leading to the formation of microcracks and fistulas;
  • fungus or seborrhea against a background of thrush exacerbation;
  • polyps of rectum, condyloma;
  • pubic lice;
  • dermatitis or allergy;
  • infectious diseases of the genitourinary system( gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia).
  • frequent use of laxative preparations based on salts;
  • is overweight, causing increased sweating;
  • irritation from the use of toilet paper, especially flavored;
  • such internal diseases as diabetes mellitus, dysbacteriosis, intoxication, as well as diseases of the pancreas and liver.

These are the most common diseases that can cause itching in the anus in women. In some cases, such a symptom may be a sign of other, but more rare, pathologies.


When hemorrhoids develop venous congestion, and then there is an expansion of veins located in the rectum. Itching with hemorrhoids, as well as such symptoms as burning and false sensation of a foreign body in the anus, are due to the fact that the result of such stagnation is the thinning of the rectal mucosa and the skin around the anus.

Thus their sensitivity to irritating factors considerably increases. In addition, with hemorrhoids, the anal opening often becomes inflamed, and the inflammatory process further intensifies the irritation in the anal canal and in the perianal region.

Infection with parasites

The second cause of irritation, itching in the anus is the presence of various parasites in the human intestine. The most common invasions are caused by pinworms, especially in children and adolescents.

When a person sleeps, female pinworms lay eggs in the area around the anus, which causes discomfort, and itching in the anus. The cause of burning is also due to the presence of ascariasis and infection of other species of helminths, and this symptom often occurs after bowel evacuation.

Hygiene violations

It is possible to provoke the itching in the anal area by using coarse toilet paper with additives of various dyes and flavors, insufficient hygienic care for the perineal area, and the inability to take a shower for several days.

Skin irritation can cause wearing of close synthetic underwear with coarse sutures. Itchy sensations lead to combing of the affected area and the formation of microcracks, through which pathogenic bacteria enter the body, capable of causing serious infections.

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine

When the balance of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria in the intestine is disturbed, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and instability of the stool often arise. Constant irritation of the anus with calories causes itching and burning in the area of ​​the anus.

Diseases and infections of the genitourinary system

The development of itching of the anus in women is facilitated by gynecological pathologies. In addition, unpleasant sensations cause any sexual infections( gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis).

The most harmless factor that causes itching in women is candidiasis( thrush).At a pediculosis( pubic lice) the sensation of an itch extends on all area of ​​a perineum.

Alarming conditions, mental disorders

Some neuropsychiatric diseases that occur in people with an obsessive desire to always be perfectly clean cause the person to wash the area of ​​the anus a few times a day with soap, this leads to degreasing, drying out the delicate skin, leadingto itch and infection with pathogenic bacteria.

Alarming conditions, stress or depression also create conditions for itching in any part of the body, the skin becomes sensitive to the slightest irritation.


Certain foods, alcoholic beverages, chemical additives and certain medicines( mainly antibiotics) are expressed as a side effect in the form of itching in the anus.

Diabetes mellitus

The high blood sugar level in diabetes leads to its partial secretion through the skin pores, resulting in symptoms of skin irritation. In addition, hyperglycemia promotes the active reproduction of microorganisms, which can cause increased itching.


Diagnosis is based on the patient's complaints and examination of the itching area and anus. A finger examination of the rectum is performed to identify possible hemorrhoids and other pathological processes of the rectum.

In addition, if necessary, it is necessary to give a clinical blood test, a stool analysis in which it is necessary to investigate the presence of helminths and possible latent blood.

Treatment of itching in the anus in women

Therapy is prescribed depending on the cause of the development of discomfort. That is, you do not need to heal the anus, but the disease, as a result of which this problem has appeared.

  1. If the cause of anal itching in a woman is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, special treatment is not required. All that needs to be done is to carry out daily thorough hygienic procedures - and in the near future the itch will disappear. After the act of defecation it is recommended to use moist antibacterial napkins, which purify the skin of the anus from the remains of stool.
  2. When helminthiasis is prescribed special preparations from worms. The specific medicine is selected taking into account the main causative agent of the disease, the age of the patient, the presence of contraindications( Metronidazole, Vormil, Decaris, Vermox, etc.).
  3. In the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, rectal suppositories and other topical agents are commonly used, which help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms - burning, pain, itching in the anus( Proctoglyenol, Anuzol, Proctosan).
  4. If discomfort is caused by nervous disorders, the patient is shown a course of sedatives and antihistamines.
  5. Also need to give up alcohol, fried and salty, spicy food. It is also desirable to abandon synthetic underwear. It does not leak air, creating a greenhouse effect and causing excessive sweating.
  6. To calm down the unpleasant sensations, you can use baths with the addition of decoction from medicinal plants( oak bark, string, birch buds, chemist's chamomile).

Because itching may very well be a symptom of serious illness, then with a prolonged, not passing through this unpleasant and exhausting sensation, you should consult a specialist.

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