Harmonious work of the heart is well supported by a healthy lifestyle, positive habits of being moderate in everything and having positive thinkin...
When referring to the arrhythmia class, the lower atrial rhythm is manifested in the violation of the sinusoid manifestation of the heart contract...
At least once in my life a person was disturbed by attacks of sudden rapid heart rate. Especially, frightened of something or worrying. These shor...
This is a violation in the work of the heart of an innate character. Pathology can not bring anxiety. If there are significant disorders, treatmen...
Arrhythmias have different forms. They differ in the factors that trigger them and possible consequences. If a child has seen this phenomenon, mos...
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or PMA, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation( ICD-10 code: I48) is a common occurrence of atrial contraction. It is a tac...
The increase and increase in heart rate, felt by a person, does not necessarily indicate the development of ailment. Tachycardia can also appear i...
10 Mar 2018
Syndrome of weakness of the sinus node: symptoms, treatment, signs, folk remedies
Harmonious work of the heart is well supported by a healthy lifestyle, positive habits of being moderate in everything and having positive thinkin...
08 Feb 2018
Low-atrial ectopic and accelerated rhythm: what is this and is it dangerous?
When referring to the arrhythmia class, the lower atrial rhythm is manifested in the violation of the sinusoid manifestation of the heart contract...
21 Feb 2018
Paroxysmal tachycardia: symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention
At least once in my life a person was disturbed by attacks of sudden rapid heart rate. Especially, frightened of something or worrying. These shor...
10 Feb 2018
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in adults, children and newborns: symptoms, treatment
This is a violation in the work of the heart of an innate character. Pathology can not bring anxiety. If there are significant disorders, treatmen...
28 Feb 2018
Respiratory arrhythmia in children and adults: ECG, phases, symptoms
Arrhythmias have different forms. They differ in the factors that trigger them and possible consequences. If a child has seen this phenomenon, mos...
09 Feb 2018
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation( atrial fibrillation): treatment, forms, emergency care
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or PMA, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation( ICD-10 code: I48) is a common occurrence of atrial contraction. It is a tac...
06 Feb 2018
Sinus tachycardia in children, adults, pregnant women: treatment, causes, drugs, symptoms
The increase and increase in heart rate, felt by a person, does not necessarily indicate the development of ailment. Tachycardia can also appear i...