Diabetic foot is a syndrome of skin, vessels, joints and bones of the feet in people with diabetes. The syndrome arises from the high conte...
There is an opinion that in our time - the century of all kinds of innovations and new technologies, it is impossible to get infected with ...
Hernia of the esophagus is a very serious disease. If you do not contact your doctor in time, this ailment entails many other illnesses. Am...
The problem of an intimate nature, prostatitis brings a lot of inconvenience to men. After all, it is this problem that becomes more urgent with a...
Closed injuries, squeezing parts of the body, blows - all this causes damage to soft tissues of varying severity, called bruises. Often bru...
Alcoholism is a scourge of modern society, with which it is difficult to fight. Of course, if a person drinks on holidays and weekends, this can n...
Inflammation of the facial nerve occurs as a result of the influence of negative factors. In the area of the trigeminal nerve, a person b...
Proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract is the guarantee of the health of the whole organism. There there is a splitting of food on ...
With increased tearfulness of the eyes, a burning sensation, it is time to think about the presence of such a disease as conjunctivitis. It...
The most beautiful period of a woman's life is often overshadowed by attendant inconveniences, some of which are swelling, mainly manifested on he...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Which doctor treats a diabetic foot?
Diabetic foot is a syndrome of skin, vessels, joints and bones of the feet in people with diabetes. The syndrome arises from the high conte...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Worm treatment at home
There is an opinion that in our time - the century of all kinds of innovations and new technologies, it is impossible to get infected with ...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Hernia of the esophagus - symptoms, treatment and diet
Hernia of the esophagus is a very serious disease. If you do not contact your doctor in time, this ailment entails many other illnesses. Am...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Which doctor treats prostatitis in men?
The problem of an intimate nature, prostatitis brings a lot of inconvenience to men. After all, it is this problem that becomes more urgent with a...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Ointments from bruises, bruises and swelling
Closed injuries, squeezing parts of the body, blows - all this causes damage to soft tissues of varying severity, called bruises. Often bru...
12 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
Treatment of alcoholism with folk remedies at home
Alcoholism is a scourge of modern society, with which it is difficult to fight. Of course, if a person drinks on holidays and weekends, this can n...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
Inflammation of the facial nerve( neuritis) treatment at home
Inflammation of the facial nerve occurs as a result of the influence of negative factors. In the area of the trigeminal nerve, a person b...
25 Mar 2018
Home Treatment
How to treat constipation at home in adults
Proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract is the guarantee of the health of the whole organism. There there is a splitting of food on ...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
How to treat conjunctivitis at home in adults
With increased tearfulness of the eyes, a burning sensation, it is time to think about the presence of such a disease as conjunctivitis. It...
12 Feb 2018
Home Treatment
How to relieve swelling in pregnancy at home
The most beautiful period of a woman's life is often overshadowed by attendant inconveniences, some of which are swelling, mainly manifested on he...