Preparations for dysbiosis of the intestines in adults, a list of the best, effective and inexpensive, drug treatment and prevention, which is better to take?

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine in adults is a change in the number of constituents of a beneficial microflora, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria enter and develop.

With such an ailment, it is important to know what means from the large list of effective new antibacterial preparations of antiseptics, enzymes and other groups of medicines are treated.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis with antibacterial drugs

Some drugs from the list of antibiotic agents can be used for the therapy of dysbacteriosis. Antibacterial drugs against intestinal dysbacteriosis are required in order to suppress the excessive growth of pathogenic microorganisms. To do this, antibiotic means of tetracycline, penicillin, cephalosporin and quinol group are used, as well as Metronidazole.

Antibiotic agents with a wide spectrum of action can seriously disrupt the normal balance of pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms. Therefore, such medications for dysbacteriosis are used only if there is a violation of absorbent functionality and intestinal motility.

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Antibiotic drugs should be taken for 7, maximum 10 days, in accordance with the doctor's appointment by mouth, subject to normal dosing. It should be noted that if a patient has a clinic of severe course of dysbacteriosis in adults, caused by staphylococcus infection, then the treatment is carried out with the help of Co-trimoxazole or Nevigramon.

Antiseptic preparations against intestinal dysbiosis

In case of manifestations of diseases accompanied by dysbacteriosis, effective drugs will be prescribed for treatment that suppress the growth of prothoric, staphylococcal, fungal and other microorganisms that have a pathogenic effect, so that the microflora does not suffer much from the harmful effects. To this list of inexpensive drugs include: Intetriks, Furazolidon, Nitroxoline.

Enzyme preparations against dysbiosis

In the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in adults, new drugs with enzymatic activity are also prescribed that help improve the digestive system. A good treatment in the event that the dysbacteriosis caused a violation of the functionality of the pancreas, is with the help of Creon, Pancitrat and other means.

For the treatment of steatorrhoea, which is caused by various pathogenic changes in liver function, it is necessary to take funds containing bile components. These include Festal, Digestal, Penzinorm and others.

If the digestive system is disrupted due to gastritis, then Panzinorm is taken, which is a preparation against dysbiosis, which includes pectin and hydrochloric acid.

It is important to note that mainly pathology is accompanied by the appearance of flatulence. For the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in adults, drugs are used, in which, besides substances with enzymatic activity, dimethicone is also contained. These tools include Pankreoflet and Zimoplex.

For the normalization of the absorption function, such drugs against dysbiosis as Legalon, Essentiale or Karsil can be prescribed.

For removing the load from the intestine, medicamentally effective preparations based on enzymes are taken. They help not only in the digestive process, but also relieve irritation. The main rule is that drugs from dysbiosis should not have bile in its composition.

Sorbents in the list of drugs from dysbiosis

To eliminate diarrhea, you need to take sorbents. This can be the usual tablets of activated charcoal. However, over the past few years, white sorbents have replaced them, with more pronounced beneficial effects. Drugs used to treat dysbacteriosis from this group are used to remove pathogenic microorganisms and products of their vital activity from the intestines, thereby reducing inflammation, lowering the level of spasmolytic syndromes and painful sensations.

Antimicrobials for the dysbacteriosis

As such agents are Macropen, Ercefuril, Diflucan, Interix or Bactrim. It is forbidden to take drugs independently, especially when developing microflora disorders in children, as this can aggravate the course of pathology, and pathogenic microorganisms will acquire resistance to a certain group of drugs, which will complicate treatment.

Probiotics and prebiotics for dysbacteriosis

Probiotics are representatives of useful microflora, mainly lacto- and bifidobacteria, in some cases yeast.

To eliminate pathogenic bacteria and normalize the microflora, medicines containing lactobacilli are used. The most common and best are natural yoghurts and Narine. Such drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis in adults are available in the form of tablets and capsules. With lactose-containing drugs, flatulence decreases, pain attacks decrease, the stool stabilizes and nausea stops. It should be noted that probiotics are effective drugs for the prevention of microflora disorders.

Prebiotics are undigested food constituents that help improve health by stimulating the activity of certain bacterial groups in the intestinal cavity. They are processed by the enzymes and not absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract. A large list of their varieties can be found in products, both natural and artificial.

Symbiotics and eubiotics for dysbiosis

Separately in the list of new drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis are funds from the group of symbiotics, which contain pre- and probiotics simultaneously. They have a positive effect on the patient's body, while improving the survival of living bacterial supplements in the intestinal cavity, and also support the growth and activation of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

It is worth mentioning also about eubiotics, which are inexpensive drugs against dysbiosis, where anaerobic bacteria are taken as a basis. List of eubiotics:

  • Drugs that help in normalizing the physiological balance of microflora, stimulating the production of substances with enzymatic activity, the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, thereby creating an acidic environment that prevents the onset of putrefactive processes. The best remedy is Bactisubtil.
  • Means with the content of pure cultures of various strains with vegetative spores, for example, Flonivin BS.
  • Preparations for the treatment of dysbacteriosis in adults similar to Biosporin.
  • Similar to Bifidumbacterin.
  • Drugs against dysbacteriosis, containing substances that have good resistance to pathogenic bacteria, which normalizes the physiological balance of the intestinal microflora. Such a means is, for example, Colibacterin.
  • Inexpensive agents similar to Lactobacterin.
  • Preparations with the content of live acidophilic lactobacilli and warmed kefir fungi. They need to be taken in order to normalize the antagonistic and acid-forming activity. An example is Acipol.
  • Drugs similar to Acipactus.

Separately it is worth mentioning such drugs as Lineks and Hilak Forte. Linex is considered one of the best eubiotics, it contains lyophilized microorganisms, which are representatives of the normal state of microflora. They have sufficient resistance to antibiotic and chemotherapeutic agents. Due to lactic acid bacteria in the production of organic acids, an acidic environment is created in the intestine, which has an adverse effect on the development of pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the physiological balance is quickly restored. Such an inexpensive drug from dysbacteriosis also has a bactericidal and antidiarrheal effect.

Hilak Forte is used to maintain normal acidity, creating unfavorable conditions for the life of pathogenic microorganisms. It has a regenerating effect and helps in the restoration of the disturbed water-electrolyte balance.

It is worth remembering that the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis in adults should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility in order to avoid various consequences later. Therapy should be conducted in several directions simultaneously. This is necessary in order to obtain a stable result, due to the normalization of bile outflow and pancreatic activity. The course of therapy is about 2 months, and during this time you can completely get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and restore the intestinal microflora.

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