Furunculosis: causes, symptoms and treatment at home

Furunculosis is an inflammation of the purulent-necrotic nature, which affects the follicle and connective tissue near it( it is a question of ordinary furunculosis, not to be confused with cystic acne and sinus pilonidal).Formation of suppuration usually occurs around the follicle itself, nearby tissues are involved in the process only as the infection develops.

With furunculosis develop multiple inflammations. The disease can recur, lasting for several years. About the causes and treatment of furunculosis on the face and other parts of the body, we will tell you today.

Features of the disease in children and adults

  • Most often suffer from male pathology.
  • If there is a boil in children, then it is better not to open it yourself and not treat at home. At the time of inflammation, the child has a reduced immunity, so the likelihood of sepsis and other dangerous complications is very high. Children suffer from boils more often, so prevention should be given very great attention.
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Do not appear chiri in places where hair is not present.

The causes and stages of furunculosis will be described by a well-known specialist in the video below:

Stages of

The furunculosis is divided into several stages:

  1. Light degree. Returns the boil up to 2 times a year, while it is always single, and the process of its appearance is not accompanied by intoxication.
  2. Average severity. Relapse occurs up to 3 times a year, and inflammations occur and multiple. Both intoxication and symptoms are not very pronounced.
  3. Heavy. In this case, furunculosis does not go away, and intoxication is constantly present.

There are several stages in the development of this skin inflammation:

  1. The appearance of an infiltrate. Necrosis and suppuration.
  2. Healing.

Classification for localization

There are no classifications for the localization of scavenging, since it can appear absolutely in any area of ​​the body. You can select only those parts on the body where they develop most often:

  • neck, especially the back surface;
  • thigh;
  • forearm;
  • buttocks;
  • chin;
  • areas on the face with problematic and oily skin;
  • ears;
  • of the limb.

About the causes of furunculosis disease we'll tell below.

Causes of

Staphylococcus is the main cause that provokes furunculosis. It penetrates, as a rule, through a trauma on the skin in any area of ​​the body. Not always such a trauma is a cut - it's sometimes rubbed, the result of hypothermia, intoxication. The following causes can also provoke the disease:

  • chronic intoxication, chronic infection
  • ,
  • hypovitaminosis,
  • poor hygiene,
  • diabetes,
  • obesity,
  • taking certain medications.

Very often furunculosis develops against a background of low immunity.

Symptoms of

  • Inflammation develops at the initial stage of the disease, pus may appear near the follicles. All he gets involved in a purulent process is only a few days later. The tissue around is edematic, painful, inflamed.
  • The inflammation spreads to the sebaceous gland. Visually it looks like a lump rising above the surface. If you probe the place of the lesion, then the cone-shaped stagnant knot is determined. After a short period of time, palpation will be accompanied by acute pain. It is sometimes felt even without touch, but it has a tugging, aching character.
  • Severe edema develops when a chirie appears on the face or neck. The infiltrate accumulates about 4 days, and after pus pressure from the top of the boil( fluctuation zone) pus will separate. The tissue in the place of the follicle melts and a fistula is formed.
  • The separation of pus begins at the stage of autopsy. As a rule, an insignificant amount of it leaves, but even after its extrusion, a purulent stem can be detected, which is a distinctive feature of this skin disease. His rejection will occur only after a few days, and in addition blood and pus are also allocated.
  • After the extraction of the rod, all symptoms begin to decline. There will be a deep trauma in the place, in which necrotic masses or pus can still be preserved. It is very important at this stage to use quality ointments for treatment, otherwise the furunculosis will flow into the chronic stage.

Diagnosis of furunculosis

Diagnostic measures are limited, as the disease has characteristic manifestations - the infectious process, the area of ​​inflammation on the skin and the zone of fluctuations. Differentiate it only from follicle, since in the latter case the pus does not spread to the skin next to the follicle.

Laboratory tests show pronounced leukocytosis, acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation rate. In the study of the tank-separated method. Planting of staphylococci. The same analysis is used to select suitable antibiotics.

The cause of the illness is helped to identify consultations with other specialists and some other diagnostic methods. These include:

  • radiography of the nasal sinuses;
  • thyroid study;
  • consultation of gastroenterologist, otolaryngologist;
  • of the abdominal ultrasound;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Sometimes furunculosis is required to differentiate from deep trichophytosis. Next, we'll talk about folk and modern methods of treatment of furunculosis.

Treatment of

Therapeutic way of

So, how to treat furunculosis?

  • It is advisable to limit the bath during the whole therapy, it is not necessary to wet the inflamed area without special need. Therefore, the baths are rarely used, only in cases where the lesions are severe and extensive. The solution must be disinfectant, so add potassium permanganate to the water. The skin can also be wiped with other antiseptic solutions( furacilin, salicylic alcohol).
  • Bed linen and underwear should not only be changed frequently, but also ironed well.
  • If any cuts occur on the skin, then special attention is paid to their processing, otherwise furuncles may also appear on these areas.
  • Food should contain the necessary complex of vitamins and proteins, because the disease is almost always associated with a shortage of essential trace elements. A full-fledged diet promotes better regeneration.
  • Physiotherapy also greatly helps in recovery. Especially often use UHF and UFO.They are suitable for use throughout the period of development of chirya. At the last stage, they include ozonotherapy, UFOK, autohemotransfusion.

For medicinal treatment of furunculosis read below.

On whether it is possible to cure furunculosis, this video story will tell:

By medicamentous method

Around the furuncle, novocaine and anti-inflammatory agents are injected into the skin. This allows not only to remove pain, but also to prevent further spread of pus to nearby areas.

The doctor selects other medicines. So, if the disease affects several parts of the body or often recurs, antibiotics may be required. Apply them, because of the general weakening of the body, only in the form of injections. After them, the recovery period necessarily begins, including the use of medications aimed at stimulating immunity. In addition, you need to take vitamins.

In severe cases, hospitalization is possible to treat and monitor the patient, in order to prevent possible complications.


It is necessary to open the furuncle in an abscessed flow. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, after which the entire necrotic part of the inflammation is removed. The wound must be washed with hydrogen peroxide. To prevent the disease from flowing into a chronic form, further treatment is the regular application of bandages with ointments and gels that destroy the pathogenic microflora and accelerate healing. The following are best suited:

  1. Erythromycin ointment.
  2. Levomekol.
  3. Synthomycin ointment.

When the wound begins to heal, the above ointments are replaced with ichthyol or Vishnevsky ointment.

About treatment of furunculosis with herbs and other folk remedies at home read below.

At home

When a single furuncle can get rid of it with the help of traditional methods of treatment. Many of them use in combination with therapy prescribed by a doctor. Some of the best recipes for this disease are:

  1. Take beeswax( 100 g), sulfur spruce, lower parts of onions, vegetable oil. The last ingredient is boiled for an hour, add sulfur and wax. After 30 minutes, add the onions to the mixture and hold for another hour on the fire, removing the foam with a spoon. When the ready solution is slightly cooled, it is poured into cans. After hardening, the ointment is applied to the inflamed area.
  2. A clean cut aloe leaf is applied to the skin at night. You can chop it into a slurry and apply with a compress or attach a whole leaf to the boil. The plant heals well, but also draws pus well from the wound, which contributes to a quick recovery.
  3. Wash the laundry soap and mix with water. A bandage with it is imposed on the inflammation. Change it up to 4 times a day. The bandage used to apply the dressing must be sterile.
  4. Yolk egg, honey( 1 tbsp.) And mix the flour, add a little water. The resulting cake is placed on the boil. Decoction of oak and needles lubricate the wound. All solutions are boiled to exclude the effect of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Inside you can take sulfur powder. You can replace it with the food that contains it. So, a large amount of sulfur is present in cheese, eggs, meat, caviar, green peas.

Prevention of the disease

For the prevention of pathology it is enough to maintain your own immunity at the proper level, try not to use medications that degrade the body's defenses. It is important to perform regularly hygienic procedures, avoid supercooling and mechanical rubbing of clothes.

To prevent furunculosis it is possible and in the event that in time to conduct therapy for any chronic diseases, and in the presence of diabetes it is necessary to monitor the level of sugar and general health. It is better to give up alcohol and maintain weight, eat healthy food, because sometimes even some unhealthy eating habits can lead to the appearance of chir.

Complications of

Particularly dangerous are furuncles located on the face. Due to the developed circulatory system, a rapid spread of bacteria through the lymphatic or venous network can occur.

This increases the risk of thrombophlebitis of facial veins, but the main thing is that this development of events entails an even more serious complication - purulent basal meningitis. This is possible because of the spread of thrombophlebitis through the anastomoses. The highest risk of thrombophlebitis in the location of chir in the area of ​​large veins. He can also develop at attempts of independent opening.

It is necessary to pay attention to such symptoms:

  • high temperature,
  • veins are dense and painful,
  • vision impairment,
  • face edematous,
  • occipital muscles are rigid,
  • general condition worsened.

If you have these symptoms, you can talk about the development of complications. There is also a possibility of regional lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, as well as sepsis. The last state is one of the most dangerous.

Absence of treatment and non-compliance with hygiene procedures leads to the fact that furunculosis becomes chronic. There will be inflammation with any provoking factors. The same outcome is also characteristic in the event that no attempts are made to restore immunity.

Sometimes the disease leads to a complication, such as glomerulonephritis.


Recovery is possible and when performing complex treatment the prognosis remains very good.

The famous scientist tells his version of the real reasons for the appearance of furunculosis in this video:

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