Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels: how is the procedure, indication and price

Duplex scanning of vessels is based on the properties of ultrasound signals and allows you to visualize arteries against the background of adjacent tissues. The method is non-invasive, safe for the body and must not be prepared beforehand. There is no contraindication to the method, and the patient does not experience pain with it.

Duplex Vessel Scanning

Duplex Vessel Diagnostics gives the maximum characteristic of the human vascular system, determines the presence of thrombosis and other dysfunctions, assesses the nature and speed of blood flow.

The study is conducted in two stages:

  • Two-dimensional mode - shows the vessels and adjacent tissues, not giving full information about the blood supply.
  • Duplex mode - gives an extended description with a two-dimensional color pattern of blood vessels in them.

To whom a scan is made

The doctor prescribes such studies if a person has:

  • the pathology of the vessels of the head and neck;
  • varicose veins, diabetic angiopathy;
  • instagram viewer
  • endereritis, atherosclerosis;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, vasculitis;
  • syndrome of external vascular compression;
  • postthrombophlebitis;
  • different vessel injuries;
  • control after surgery on blood vessels;
  • screening for the determination of asymptomatic forms of the disease.
Transcranial duplex scanning is one of the main methods of studying the vascular system of the head.

It is carried out with the help of ultrasound with color Doppler coding and spectral analysis.

Indications for duplex scanning of cerebral and neck vessels

The main prerequisites for this procedure are:

  • acute or chronic forms of cerebral ischemia;
  • persistent headaches, dizziness;
  • hearing loss;
  • memory degradation;
  • of hypertension of the brain;
  • diabetes mellitus, vasculitis;
  • various pathologies of the brain with the existing violations of blood flow after surgery.

Vascular problems may occur due to vasodilatation and cervical osteochondrosis. In the article you will find detailed information on this issue.

In addition, cerebral vascular disease can provoke frequent headaches in the temples. How to avoid this can be read here.

Objectives of duplex scanning

Duplex of the vessels of the head, in contrast to conventional uzi, is able to analyze vessels in hard-to-reach places. Especially it concerns the vessels of the brain with various disorders of blood flow.

It was very difficult before the advent of the modern duplex method to examine the brain.

Diagnostics was carried out by ultrasonic Doppler ultrasound equipment, in which the ultrasound guided the sensor into problematic areas and conducted a sound recording with a special apparatus.

Accurate visualization of all the processes occurring in the head vessels was achieved with duplex scanning.

Difference between duplex and triplex scanning

The methods of scanning are practically the same.

The main advantage of the triplex method is that it sees the vessels at once in three planes.

Unlike it, duplex informs only using two modes.

In general, triplex scanning is an additional procedure for duplex examination. And in connection with the fact that the crystal of reception and transmission of the signal is the same, the resolution of the triplex method is considered to be worse than the duplex one.

Therefore, the quality of the work done will be determined by the quality of the uzi apparatus and the qualification of the diagnostician, and not by the method of conducting the diagnosis.

Contraindications for carrying out

Unlike many diagnostic procedures, the methods of duplex or triplex scanning do not have contraindications. You can spend them at any age, and the elderly, and children.

If necessary, repeat the procedure as long as necessary to accurately confirm the diagnosis.

How to prepare for the

survey In order to conduct a diagnostic examination using duplex scanning, no preparatory measures on the part of the patient are required.

The only thing, on the day of the examination, it is necessary to give up nicotine and not to eat substances that affect the tone of the vessels: strong tea, coffee, energy drinks.

About the administration of certain medicines( Fezam, Betaserk and other drugs) should consult a neurologist who prescribes uzi and treatment.

Before the duplex procedure, it is recommended to remove all ornaments from the head and neck, and after the examination - to wash your head thoroughly.

How the

Scanning Procedure Works The procedure of duplex or triplex does not cause pain and does not require local or general anesthesia. Based on what area is being researched, the patient is diagnosed in lying, sitting or standing positions.

A special gel is applied to the skin of the patient to make it easier to conduct a test. Then the doctor installs the sensor on the site of the vessels being examined.

To apply the sensor, use the so-called "ultrasonic windows" - certain zones of the skull, where the bones of the skull are thinner or have holes.

Through them, the ultrasonic beam will be able to get into the cranial cavity without obstacles.

During the diagnosis, the doctor may ask the patient to take a certain position, hold his breath or perform other actions. About half an hour the procedure of the investigation lasts and not the slightest discomfort in the examined person does not cause.

Neuropathic leg pain can also be caused by vascular problems. It describes what it is dangerous and how to treat it.

Another serious consequence of this problem is cerebral vascular sclerosis. All about the disease here.

Clicking on the link will find out why the perinatal encephalopathy is diagnosed http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii /jencefalopatija/ perinatalnaya-entsefalopatiya-u-novorozhdennyh.html.

Average cost of procedure

Duplex is a relatively inexpensive method of diagnosis, which has no contraindications and undesirable consequences. It is widely used even in small towns.

The table below shows the average prices for duplex scanning of cerebral vessels in Moscow:

Multiprofile medical center
Taganskaya, Vorontsovskaya str., 8 p. 6
Clinic No. 1
Multiprofile medical center
Lublino, st. Krasnodar, 52, building.2
Multiprofile medical center
Novokuznetskaya, Ovchinnikovskaya nab., D. 22/24

Advantages and risks of this method

Duplex scanning of the head provides:

  • adequate characteristics of the blood flow state of the cerebral vascular system;
  • revealing early stages of various vascular pathologies( atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and others);
  • can easily diagnose pathological processes with regard to the patency of blood vessels, to detect the presence of thrombi.
The main advantage is the ability to identify the earliest signs of the disease even before the clinical symptoms appear.

It is possible to define functional and organic pathologies of blood flow with it. This type of ultrasound diagnosis does not involve the use of X-ray radiation, so you can conduct it as many as you want.

In addition, this method is non-invasive, that is, does not require the use of any medication during the procedural examination. And this eliminates the risk of allergic reactions and other side effects.

In almost all cases, duplex scanning is the most effective and informative method of investigation.

In the video you can see what happens during the duplex scanning procedure itself:

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