Linseed oil for constipation, how to take( drink), use of flax in the treatment of children, how to use correctly, does the course of therapy help?

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Problems with the work of the digestive organs have long become a scourge of our time. Diet, strong stress, addictions, sedentary lifestyle - all these are prerequisites for long stool delays, accompanied by rather unpleasant sensations. Few people with this ailment turn to specialists, most patients prefer to cope on their own, using for this recipes folk remedies, proven for centuries. That's the use of linseed oil for constipation was for many a salvation during this delicate problem. This product is a magnificent laxative herbal, not addictive. For this reason, it can be taken by patients of any age, beginning with infancy. Pregnant women in cases of problems with stool is also recommended to drink this drug. Treatment of constipation with linseed oil is possible due to the fact that:

  • It contains a high level of fatty acids, which, when introduced into intestinal cells, increase their activity. This contributes to the strengthening of his motor functions and strengthening of muscles;
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  • The use of linseed oil improves the functioning of the intestines and helps digestion. This is due to the fact that it is active, participates in the splitting of fatty excesses, the accumulation of which provokes the development of a person's constipation;
  • The process of defecation is much easier and becomes almost painless.

Many people know about the miraculous properties of this curative product, so the frequent question of patients about how to drink flaxseed oil correctly with constipation is not surprising. Since it has a specific odor when applied in its natural form, it is not very pleasant to taste, and many can provoke vomiting, and when heated, loses its properties, the easiest way that experts recommend is to regularly fill salads with them, and also addin ready meals. Also, in case of intolerance of smell and taste, it is possible to purchase linseed oil in capsules. This pharmacological form of release is very convenient when it comes to application for the child. Any baby after a year with ease will swallow a small gelatin capsule.

If a patient has long constipation, it is recommended to take flaxseed oil on an empty stomach twice a day: in the morning and at night. The duration of treatment in this case is 2 weeks, and a single dose - a teaspoon. But we should not forget that this miracle product has a number of contraindications:

  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • Individual allergic reaction;
  • Biliary pathologies;
  • Poor blood clotting.

This indicates that without prior consultation with a specialist, the use of linseed oil during constipation is strongly discouraged. In addition, it is unacceptable to use it when a person takes antiviral drugs, NSAIDs, anticoagulants and antidepressants, as these drugs do not mix well with each other.

Flaxseed oil for constipation in children

This curative product is a natural laxative that, even with the longest stools delayed for therapeutic purposes, is shown to even the smallest patients. It can be started to give to children even in the first year of life, when the microflora of its intestine is not yet fully formed. The soft effect of the product on the intestines not only helps prevent constipation, but also improves metabolism, and also strengthens the immune system. Its gentle action will not cause any harm to the baby during the course of treatment of constipation with linseed oil. Young children to take linseed oil during constipation should be followed with the mandatory observance of the correct dosage:

  • From 6 months.up to a year - 16 drops in food;
  • From year to four - half a teaspoon;
  • From 4 years twice a day by a teaspoon;
  • With 10 years of a dessert spoon in the morning and evening.

But in a natural way to drink linseed oil from constipation to a child is not recommended. It is best to add it to your food. It should be noted that in the course of the therapeutic course, this medicinal product should not reduce the consumption of other vegetable oils by children. The use of oil from the seed of flax for the child's organism is that the toddlers have improved performance of the digestive system. This is due to the fact that this unique curative product suppresses the vital activity of the pathogenic microflora of the intestine, the growth of which is caused by constipation. It also enhances the motor activity of the musculature of the intestine.

How to drink linseed oil from constipation?

Thanks to the gentle laxative effect that this product has on the body, the digestive organs quickly get rid of the toxins that accumulate in them during prolonged stools. Specialists recommend the following most effective and correct ways of using this unique product:

  • The easiest way of getting the curative substances contained in it is simply adding linseed oil to ready meals;
  • In the event that constipation became a permanent phenomenon, the best option would be to take a teaspoon of the product every morning on an empty stomach. If its taste is very unpleasant, you can use the following recipe: mix the necessary amount with honey and add it to natural yogurt. This mixture is stored in the refrigerator and eaten before bedtime;
  • A good option will be the use of flaxseed oil together with crushed egg lemon juice or products containing calcium. Thanks to this, the assimilation of the useful substances contained in it will be more effective, and the constipation will pass faster.

Contraindications oil from flax, taken from constipation, almost does not. Its use in reasonable quantities does not cause any side effects or allergic reactions. He has only a few restrictions. First, if the dosage is exceeded, nausea or vomiting and hepatic colic may occur. Secondly, linseed oil when getting rid of constipation does not help if the patient has a history of cholelithiasis. This is due to the fact that it has strong choleretic properties and provokes an aggravation of the disease.

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