Blood in the stool after constipation, scarlet stains on the toilet paper, bleeding from the anus at defecation, causes, what to do, how to treat?

Blood in constipation is a very negative sign, which indicates the development in the organs of the digestive tract in an adult or child of serious pathology. With such diseases scarlet traces appear not only in the feces, but also on toilet paper or underwear. Patients who developed such a negative symptom are always interested in the question of what causes contributed to the fact that during excretion from the anus, such discharges went and what to do in this case, what treatment can most effectively prevent the release of such impurities.

If the adult has a prolonged constipation, blood comes from the anus, signs of general malaise and pain in the abdomen, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist to exclude the progression of a serious ailment. The doctor will be able to identify the true cause that provoked such negative manifestations. It can be either sufficiently safe( damage to the hemorrhoidal node or microcrack on the rectum), and very serious, associated with the course of a serious illness in the organs of the digestive tract.

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Diarrhea with blood after constipation can also occur due to various factors. The most terrible prerequisite for this condition is intestinal obstruction and a malignant tumor of this digestive organ. The presence of such a symptomatology, which says that a serious illness can develop and develop in the gastrointestinal tract, requires immediate diagnosis aimed at identifying factors predisposing for such a condition. In the event that the examination shows that the blood in the stool with constipation in adults or its impurities during diarrhea, manifested after a long delay of acts of defecation, indicates a serious ailment, an urgent hospitalization and appropriate treatment will be required to save the sick person. But if the pathology is not revealed, but it turns out that such signs are caused by an anal fissure or hemorrhoids, you can try to cope with such negative manifestations yourself. Only it should be remembered that all actions of the patient should be carried out after consultation with a specialist and under his constant supervision.

Diagnosis for bleeding after constipation

Pathologies such as hemorrhoids or anal fissures always occur as a result of constipation, and when they are present, scarlet blood comes from the patient's anus in the form of drops or clots. Traces of blood remain on toilet paper. Patients are always frightened of such manifestations, as few people know what they can testify about. Only after consulting a doctor and conducting a diagnosis, he can say with the greatest accuracy what caused such a symptomatology and what to do in this particular case. Diagnose the secretion of blood during constipation, associated with damage to the intestine or anus, usually is not difficult. But differential diagnostics is necessary, which will exclude the presence of a fistula in the rectum or a fissure infected with fungi and parasites( tuberculosis or syphilitic lesion).Many people are interested in what an expert is doing to identify the cause, because of which drops of blood or blood clots from the anus during constipation. To avoid dangerous pathology variants, the doctor takes the following actions:

  • Collecting a thorough medical history, during which the characteristics of the disease characterizing the ailment, its duration and possible provoking factors are revealed;
  • Exterior examination to determine the presence of an anal fissure and laboratory tests;
  • Also in the case when a person has bleeding after constipation or during it, the most reliable information about the prerequisites provoking such a symptomatology can be obtained through a sigmoidoscopy, instrumental examination of the mucosa.

Carrying out of such inspection allows to find out in time the presence of pathologies on the walls of the digestive tract and take the necessary measures for their elimination. But it should be remembered that the reliability of any research methods conducted in the case when the patient has scarlet blood during defecation with constipation in both feces and toilet paper or linen is heavily dependent on the quality of preparation for the diagnostic methods being carried out. It should be carried out strictly according to the instructions of the specialist.

Stool with blood after constipation, how to treat?

In the event that when emptying the intestine in a person with constipation is bleeding, therapeutic measures should be performed as prescribed by the doctor, and under his constant supervision. All patients with this symptomatology are interested in what needs to be done to eliminate it in the shortest possible time. Specialists recommend that when adults after a constipation bleed from the anus or have her drops or clots in the stool, and her traces constantly remain on paper after going to the toilet, first of all start struggling with the difficulties of bowel movement and the restoration of a normal stool. Softening the contents of the intestine will facilitate the exit of the emptying of the intestine and prevent further trauma to the mucosa.

If during constipation the blood goes quite often, special attention should be paid to the diet. Diet with constipation should be very gentle. The basis of the diet is recommended to make dishes rich in plant fibers. This will help soften the stool and prevent damage to the inner surface of the intestine, which in turn will prevent the appearance of bloody discharge.

Cal with blood after constipation, especially when the discharge is scarlet, suggests that the intestinal mucosa is injured directly near the anus. Such a symptomatology may indicate that an adult has a hemorrhoidal node. This is also indicated by the fact that after the constipation there are bright scarlet traces of blood on toilet paper. If there are such signs, do not panic much. Get rid of a crack on the rectum or hemorrhoids quickly enough to help the proctologist.

When Dr. Komarovsky gives the best advice on eradicating pathology in case of constipation in the stool, not the adult, but the child, the blood is given. Small bloody discharge from the anus in children occurs if they have no serious medical history. Komarovsky, the most experienced pediatrician, whose advice is listened to by all parents without exception, recommends that you contact a specialist when changing the color of the child's feces to a dark one, due to disturbances in his consistency of faeces( constipation or diarrhea), if it is for certain that this was not affected by nutritional factors. That is, the baby did not eat the day before the products or medicines that can stain feces in dark colors.

Also, according to Komarovsky, a visit to the doctor is also necessary when the child during a constipation not only has blood from the anus, but there is a significant increase in temperature, as well as loss of activity by the baby and his general weakness, drowsiness. All other cases of bowel dysfunction with a change in the color of stool can be easily eliminated by adjusting the diet. In order not to make a mistake with selecting the right menu for the baby and identifying those products that fix and stain the feces in a dark color, you should consult a district pediatrician.

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