Complications and consequences with ulcers of the duodenum. What are they? What is dangerous?

Ulcerative pathological formation is most often located in the upper part of the duodenum. A characteristic feature is the pain syndrome, which often occurs in the chronic course of the disease. Also, severe pain in the abdominal region( to the right of the navel) is manifested with newly formed ulcers.

Pains can be accompanied by heartburn, nausea and frequent vomiting immediately after ingestion. As a result of the activation of the vomiting reflex, the patient is relieved for a while, but it does not last long. Complications of duodenal ulcers often manifest in the chronic stage of the disease.

Sharp and cutting pain can indicate serious consequences. A person often loses his appetite and refuses to eat at all. For this period there are specially developed diets( Table №1а, Table №1б).

In medical practice, the following effects of duodenal ulcer are distinguished:

Perforation ( perforation).At the site of ulcer formation, as a result of the inflammatory process, a through hole appears through which the contents of the organ can fall outside its limits. What is the risk of duodenal ulcer in this complication? Such a process is dangerous because other organs of the abdominal cavity are affected by secretory substances and food residues. The main symptom of perforation of the wall of the duodenum is a sharp piercing pain that can develop into a painful shock. The attack of the duodenal ulcer occurs very quickly, a sharp pain appears in the back area with any movement. This condition of the patient requires immediate hospitalization. Only perforation is surgically treated.

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Stenosis .There is such a complication, as a consequence of the ulcer of the duodenum, which recently healed. There is a pathology in reducing the lumen of the gatekeeper - the transition between the stomach and duodenum. This makes it difficult to further promote food. Her accumulation in the cavity of the stomach leads to nausea and vomiting. The first signs of stenosis of the PDK are loss of appetite, heaviness in the upper abdomen, bloating, heartburn. Among the effects of stenosis, we should note a sharp loss of weight, insufficient amounts of vitamins in the body, electrolyte disturbances. Eliminates the pathology is often surgically. Only in some cases can we do with conservative treatment and physiotherapy.

Bleeding of the .This is a very frequent and serious complication of the duodenal ulcer. In 60% of cases, it begins to manifest itself in adolescence when the phases of the disease are neglected. The main signs of the bleeding revealed include the appearance of blood impurities in the vomit, in feces. The consequence of the ailment is a large loss of blood and its infection with pathogenic microorganisms.

Maligination .This complication consists in the localization of pathological ulcerative formations in the pyloroduodenal part of the gastrointestinal tract. A sign of malignancy is long and dull pain that does not depend on eating. This type of complication is diagnosed in patients extremely rarely, but it is very difficult to treat it. Malignancy can lead to the development of malignant tumors, edemas, and in some cases cause anemia. In general, doctors use an integrated approach to treat such pathology.

Penetration .One of the most life-threatening complications. The main danger is that the ulcer can spread to other organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity( liver, pancreas).To treat this complication, immediate surgery and prolonged hospitalization are indicated.

Under the influence of provoking factors( violation of diet, bad habits), recurrence of the ulcer of the duodenum often occurs. In this case, a strengthened complex of conservative treatment or repeated surgical intervention is prescribed.

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