Causes of morning dizziness and wavering on the sides

1 Benign positional dizziness

Occurs quite often, occurs due to damage to the staticolite apparatus of the inner ear. That's why when a person after awakening changes the position of the head and begins to move, an attack occurs.

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Here are the main symptoms of it:

  • strong spinning when tilting the head, turning the neck, which can last up to 60 seconds;
  • attack soon passes, but for a few hours there is weakness;
  • night dizziness in people with restless sleep, accompanied by arousal after nausea and urge to vomit.

The series of daily seizures is replaced by a weakening of the disease, which can last for years. The disease is confirmed with the help of tests and Hallpike test. If a person tolerates it too hard, seizures do not go away, treatment is required. In the most severe cases, surgical intervention is indispensable. In the rest, patients are exposed to either medication or special exercises. The latter method is preferable, since the drugs do not lead to the proper result.

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2 Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Diseases of the cervical vertebrae are often accompanied by dizziness. When they are displaced, the vertebral artery is compressed, which leads to a violation of the movement of blood along it. As a result, the brain lacks oxygen and nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. That's why the head is spinning.

In people with cervical osteochondrosis, morning dizziness can occur due to an uncomfortable posture during sleep, taken, for example, because of too large a pillow. The condition is normalized after the blood flow is stabilized. Treatment of the disease is necessary.

However, it is not superfluous to follow such advice:

  • use only orthopedic mattress for sleeping;
  • do not put your head on a high pillow;
  • after waking do not make sudden movements, stretch, roll over gradually from side to side.

3 Intracranial hypertension

This term refers to a group of diseases that occur at elevated pressure in the skull. Since this is a closed space, serious consequences are not ruled out. In some cases, pathological conditions may entail even the death of the patient. The most common causes of increased intracranial pressure:

  • brain tumors, both malignant and benign;
  • affection of the central nervous system by infections;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • stroke of the brain;
  • aneurysms of cerebral vessels, that is, pathological local enlargements of the lumen of the artery;
  • head trauma.

Symptoms are pain in the head after sleep, which are often attributed to a migraine. The head also hurts if a person coughs or sneezes. Pain accompanied by dizziness, nausea, urge to vomit. It is necessary to immediately go through a medical examination, according to the results of which a course of treatment is prescribed.

4 Orthostatic hypotension

Represents a sudden drop in blood pressure when a person attempts to get out of bed, mostly after a morning awakening. It can lead to a short-term loss of consciousness. Orthostatic hypotension is not considered a disease.

In this case, we are talking about the individual characteristics of the body, when the cardiovascular system does not react quickly enough to change the position of the body. Orthostatic hypotension is affected mainly by people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, as well as adolescents.

When lying down, the pressure in the vessels and the heart rate decrease, and when raised rapidly increase. However, in some people this does not happen immediately. It is necessary for them to stand up sharply, as the head begins to feel dizzy. The cause is a temporary obstruction of cerebral circulation. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension:


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  • sharp dizziness after getting out of bed;
  • weakness and nausea, vagueness of vision;
  • is an unconscious condition;
  • short-term symptoms( go through a few minutes).

5 Orthostatic test

Is a method of research and diagnosis of the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It allows to reveal violations in the regulation of heart function and diagnose orthostatic hypotension. The human body is tested during the transfer of the body from the horizontal position to the vertical one. The test is performed as follows.

The patient lies down, after which blood pressure and pulse frequency are measured. The following measurements are taken after it rises. Then he lies down again, and the procedure is repeated. It is considered normal if the person undergoing the examination feels satisfactory. In this case, the results of measuring the pulse in the lying and standing positions should not differ by more than 20 strokes, and the pressure by 10 mm Hg. Art.(on the upper digit of the parameter).If the patient is dizzy or the results of the measurements vary significantly, orthostatic hypotension is diagnosed.

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So, if a person often dizzy in the morning, you can not only suspect that he has a serious illness, but also talk about the individual characteristics of his body.

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to ascertain authentically what is the cause of such a state. Without the help of medical workers here is indispensable. A visit to them is better not to be postponed for long.

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