Diet in pancreatitis and after it, diet food for patients, what is needed?

Therapeutic diets for diseases of various organs were invented by MI Pevzner. They do not have names, they are indicated by numbers, some numbers have additional varieties. The diet for pancreatitis is indicated by the fifth number, has two modifications, designated A and P, to find out which of the remaining 14 diets is a preventive food from which diseases can be found on the Internet. All of them are created for sick organs in the process of their recovery after exacerbation or surgery, are dietary.

In order to find out which diet for pancreatitis should be used, it is necessary to take into account the stage of the disease. The following foods are completely banned:

  • does not recommend fast-food of any kind and type
  • fish - carp, sturgeon, catfish, stellate sturgeon and other fat
  • meat - the diet does not accept brains, kidneys, liver, goose, duck, lamb,fatty pork
  • vegetables - sorrel, lettuce, radish, radish, tomatoes, garlic, onions, rutabaga, cabbage, white cabbage
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  • broths - diet food can not include mushroom, meat, fish dishes.
  • vareniki, pies, pancakes, other pastries, confectionery products.
  • diet excludes chocolate, ice cream, soda
  • vinegar, spices, spices in the disease contraindicated
  • smoking, fatty foods, sausage, canned food of all types of patients can not be
  • diet with pancreatitis prohibits any alcohol

Patients for a long time live with this disease, the total rejection of certain foods fraught with emergenciesnew problems. Therefore, the diet after pancreatitis welcomes the combination of prohibited foods in small doses. Find out which of them are safe for patients in combination with authorized dietary nutrition, can only be experienced. For example, a long cooking in a pressure cooker peas, an apple in front of buckwheat porridge, and so on. The disease in this case will not progress.

Dishes included in dietary nutrition with pancreatitis are cooked steamed or boiled. To find out which technology should be used, it is possible by viewing the menu. For all diseases, this preparation is more useful, since the dietary value remains the same, the vitamins remain in the foods. The diet for patients with pancreatitis, whatever it is used( type P or A), is matched with the optimal nutritional value. The daily norm of nutrition in this disease contains 3 000 kcal. The dietary table daily includes all the necessary trace elements, 400 g of carbohydrates, 100 g of fats and 100 g of proteins.

Diet for a patient using pancreatitis uses only vegetarian soups, vegetables and flour are not passaged. It does not matter what kind of variety is used, the porridge is cooked on milk, preference is given to the homogenized product. Nutrition with such milk facilitates the process of assimilation of diet, because, the fat in it is broken into small fractions. Diet in the disease pancreatitis uses fish in which the mass fraction of fat does not exceed 5%.To find out which fish contains as much fat, it is possible in tables on dietary nutrition. It is accepted to divide all fish into three groups:

  • Skinny - fat less than 4%, pike, trout, cod, perch
  • Average fat content - from 8 to 4%, catfish, flounder, herring, salmon( Far Eastern only), carp
  • Fat - higher8%, anchovy, eel, mackerel, herring, European salmon, sturgeon, lamprey

For this disease only a skinny category is allowed. Which of the others is suitable for a patient in diet food, can only be determined by experience at the time of remission. It should be consumed in small doses. In the diet can be present cucumbers and cauliflower in fresh form, since, they contain many useful substances.

Diet for pancreatitis and diabetes

When joint diseases such as diabetes mellitus and pancreatitis, medicine recommends a diet that uses food in the following proportions:

  • proteins - 200 g per day;
  • carbohydrates( fruits, vegetables) - 400 g;
  • fats - no more than 60 g.

It is useful to drink broth of dogrose;kefir( no more than 1 glass a day) and green tea. From the diet should be excluded mayonnaise, sauces, meat broths, raw apples and cabbage, as these products have a bad effect on the state of the intestines and can cause deterioration in the patient with a diagnosis of diabetes and pancreatitis.

What foods are included in the diet for pancreatitis?

For pancreatic pancreatitis, the following products are allowed:

  • boiled vegetables in a grated form( carrots, potatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, beetroot);
  • fruit( baked apples, dried fruits, jelly, compotes);
  • flour products( white bread, crackers);
  • vegetable or cereal soups;
  • lean boiled fish( cod, pike, pike perch, bream);
  • meat( beef, rabbit, veal, chicken, turkey);
  • non-acidic dairy products( kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese);
  • cereals( oatmeal and buckwheat porridge).

Strict diet for pancreatitis

During the acute course of the disease, care should be taken with the pancreas and does not overload it. With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, in the first two days, nutritionists are advised to completely stop eating food. It is allowed only to drink mineral water, weak tea and broth of a dogrose.

If the patient's well-being improves, he is given a strict diet, at which he can, there are only milk porridges diluted with water, and also vegetables that contain a small amount of fiber( cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes).It is recommended to completely exclude from your diet fried foods, raw vegetables and broths.

Gentle diet for pancreatitis

If in the next days the patient feels well, his diet expands. You can use soups, which include vegetables or cereals, fruit purees, compotes, curd puddings. Two months later, in the absence of deterioration, the patient can eat bread, fresh fruit, fish, as well as meat dishes. It is recommended to thoroughly chew all food and not allow long "hungry" breaks.

Tasty diet for pancreatitis

People with a diagnosis of pancreatitis constantly have to eat diet food, which is not always possible to deliver a gastronomic pleasure. However, even from such products, you can prepare delicious and mouth-watering dishes. Consider a few popular recipes.

Cottage cheese soufflé

Curd( 300 g) should be mixed with grated apples( 300 g) and add egg yolks mixed with sugar and butter. Then add raisins, vanillin and whipped proteins. On top of the souffle sprinkled with crushed breadcrumbs and placed in the oven, where it is baked for thirty minutes.

Fish knots

Lean fish( 300 g) should be ground with a dried loaf, and then add 0.5 cups of milk. After that, whipped proteins are added to the mixture, and it is thoroughly mixed. Cook fish kneli necessary in slightly salted boiling water.

Diet for Pevzner

The main purpose of the diet for Pevzner № 5p, is the normalization of the pancreas. It allows the use of the following products:

  • Low-fat fish and meat, cooked in the form of fillets or minced meat. With beef you need to remove all fat, and pork is not recommended. Vegetarian soups made from pumpkin, cauliflower or zucchini.
  • Groats. You can cook porridge on the water from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or mango.
  • Vermicelli.
  • Eggs( it is advisable to consume only proteins).
  • Curd and cheeses with low fat content.
  • Vegetables( potatoes, peas, cauliflower, pumpkin).

It is not recommended for Pevsner to include in the patient's diet milk soups, meat broths, confectionery, raw fruit and berries, as well as spicy sauces and spices.

The right diet for pancreatitis

In order to avoid exacerbation of this disease, patients must follow the basic diet rules throughout their life.

  • Food should be divided, meals should be divided into five or six receptions and in any case not overeat.
  • All products must be cleaned, otherwise, food may irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • It is recommended to include a certain amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the daily diet, which should not be exceeded.
  • Do not eat too hot or cold dishes.
  • Patients should refrain from eating smoked, spicy and fatty foods;as well as from sour juices and from alcohol.

How much to keep a diet for pancreatitis?

People with pancreatitis should eat right the rest of their lives. In case of acute attacks, the medicine recommends fasting for three or four days and drinking only non-carbonated mineral water. Then the patient is prescribed a sparing diet food with a gradual expansion of the diet. After his state of health improves, he follows the diet for 9 months.

Diet for pancreatitis - table of products

Not allowed Allowed
Alcoholic and carbonated drinks Kissels, mashed potatoes on sugar substitute, semisweet weak tea
Eggs only in the form of protein omelette
Refractory fats( beef, pork, lamb) In limited quantities:refined sunflower and olive oil, butter as additives to dishes
Sausages, salted and spicy dishes, smoked products, canned food, condiments
Ice cream Non-acidic curd in naturalform or in the form of steam puddings, cheese Dutch
Raw unprocessed vegetable fiber, sugar and honey in limited quantities Baked unsweetened apples
Cabbage, sorrel, radish, radish, turnips, mushrooms Potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini steamed, boiled or mashed
Fatty fish types, as well as in fried form Low-fat fish, better than river, steamed or boiled, chopped or chunked
Fatty sorts of meat and poultry, as well as in fried form Boiledor steamed dishes from low-fat beef, veal, chicken meatballs, soufflé, mashed potatoes, cutlets, dumplings, rolls
Mash from millet Garnishes and semi-liquid porridges( boiled on water with the addition of milk) from cereals: semolina, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, oatmeal. Boiled vermicelli and pasta, home-made noodles
Meat, fish, mushroom, strong vegetable broths, soups with cabbage, with foal Vegetarian soups: vegetable( except cabbage), cereals( semolina, oatmeal), with vermicelli
Black bread;products from baked dough Bread wheat 1 st, 2 nd grade, stale or dried, biscuits
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