Fluid in the ear behind the tympanic membrane in the child or adult: treatment

The appearance of fluid in the ear should be the basis for contacting the otolaryngologist. This condition may indicate the development of serious pathologies that require medical attention. However, sometimes such problems are associated with the anatomical structure of the organ of hearing. In any case, the cause of an anomaly can be determined only by an ENT doctor.

Fluid behind the tympanic membrane

Usually the appearance of excess fluid behind the tympanic membrane is the result of various inflammations of the middle ear. In addition to discomfort and squelching sounds, fluid accumulation presses against the membrane, which is the cause of severe pain.

In difficult situations, there is a risk of rupture of the tympanic membrane. As a consequence, the liquid flows out. Complications of inflammation, which have been neglected for a long time, can be very serious.

Ear structure

Symptoms of

The main symptom of fluid accumulation is squelching sound. Most often, it occurs when the pressure on the tragus. As you accumulate a large amount of fluid there is a risk of pain.

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For symptoms and causes of fluid in the ear, see in our video:

Reasons for

Children are most often affected by this problem. This is due to the insufficient development of the hearing organ in the child and the frequent occurrence of ear pathologies. In any case, the main reasons for the appearance of such problems include the following:

  • exudative otitis media;
  • penetration of water into the hearing organ;
  • chronic form of purulent otitis media;
  • Otomycosis.

If you get a liquid in your ears, you get a feeling of discomfort and stuffiness. This can occur when the membrane ruptures or liquid penetrates the Eustachian tube. This is often associated with irrigation of the nose in rhinitis.

In addition, the formation of fluid sometimes becomes a consequence of the activity of fungal microorganisms in otomycosis. However, in general, we are talking about an ordinary inflammatory process. With the development of tubootite, the work of the Eustachian tube is often disrupted. Due to the lack of drainage, the released liquid accumulates behind the membrane.

If you do not start therapy in time, there is a risk of a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria. As a consequence, otitis media develops. In neglected cases, it becomes purulent. Such a pathology can become chronic.

In children, the pathologies of the ears most often appear against the backdrop of problems with the operation of the Eustachian tube. The cause of this anomaly may be adenoids. To avoid such problems, you need to treat catarrhal pathologies in time and strengthen the immune system.

Fluid behind the eardrum with otitis


To determine the cause of fluid accumulation, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. The specialist will perform an examination of the ear canal using an otoscope. When this sign is confirmed, the clouding of the membrane and the attenuation of the light reflex are visualized. Sometimes it is possible to examine exudate even through a membrane.

In addition, the presence of secretion is indicated by excreta. Usually they appear after the rupture of the membrane. In this situation, a large amount of purulent or serous exudate is released and crusts are formed. Then the pain decreases, and the patient experiences temporary relief.

Drug treatment

When the fluid accumulates in the ears, the treatment should be selected by the doctor depending on the clinical picture of the pathology. In the absence of infection, the exudate gradually disappears on its own. In this situation, antibacterial drugs are not prescribed.

To cope with the problem, it is enough to provide dry heat. To do this, you can use a cotton bandage or wool bandage. If there is a pain syndrome, you can use anti-inflammatory drops that contain painkillers.

Purulent otitis requires the use of antibacterial drugs. They should appoint only a doctor. If you do not do it in time, there is a risk of spreading the infection, which will cause dangerous complications.

In the development of infectious inflammation, drugs such as levofloxacin, suprax, cefuroxime axetil can be used. The course of antibiotic therapy should last at least 10 days. Several times a day antibacterial drops are injected into the auditory aperture - otoph or normax can be used for this purpose.

In addition to antibacterial drugs, such medicines can be used:

  • anti-inflammatory substances - for example, nurofen or erespal;
  • antihistamines - suprastin, tavegil;
  • mucolytics - ambroxol, rhinofluimucil;
  • local corticosteroids - fliksonase, nasobek;
  • vasoconstrictive drops - galazolin, naftizine.

Alternative methods of

If the appearance of problems is caused by water entering the membrane, the otolaryngologist will be able to cope with them. For this, the doctor makes a blowing of the Eustachian tube and eliminates irritation of the tissues. When penetrating the infection, antibacterial therapy is required.

Independently to cope with a surplus of a liquid in such situation it will not be possible. With the external localization of water from it, you can get rid of a cotton swab or just shake your head. However, if the liquid hits the membrane, this method will not be effective.

How the shunting of the tympanic membrane is performed:

When an operation of

is needed When transforming serous secretions in pus and the appearance of complications with their removal, surgery should be performed - paracentesis of the membrane. For this, the doctor makes a small puncture, after which all the liquid is taken out. Additionally, the ear canal is sanitized. This is required for extensive infection or a large amount of pus.

For the treatment of young children, shunting is often used. Due to this, it is possible to ensure a constant elimination of the fluid and ventilation of the ear canal. This helps to eliminate the causes of accumulation of exudate. This approach is justified with prolonged purulent otitis.

Shunting of the tympanic membrane

Possible complications of

If treatment of the pathology is timely, complications are extremely rare. Most often, their appearance is due to the penetration and subsequent spread of pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, streptococci, etc. If the timely failure to cope with the violation, there is a risk of such consequences:

  • meningitis - inflammatory disease of the meninges;
  • labyrinthite - an acute inflammatory process in the inner ear;
  • mastoiditis is an inflammatory process in the mastoid process of the hearing organ.

If there is a seal or perforation of the tympanic membrane, there is a risk of full or partial hearing loss. To restore it, surgery may be necessary. With minor damage, the membrane usually overgrows itself in 2-3 weeks. In this situation, additional therapy is not required.

Fluid accumulation and untimely treatment can lead to a dangerous complication - hearing loss. More on this in our video:


If the problem is identified and treated in time, there will be enough conservative methods to completely eliminate the anomaly. In more neglected cases, there is a need for surgical intervention. If you do not start therapy in time, there is a risk of dangerous health consequences.

The accumulation of fluid behind the tympanic membrane can indicate a variety of abnormalities in the hearing aid in both adults and children. To determine the causes of this disorder, you should contact an experienced otolaryngologist. The specialist will conduct diagnostics and, according to its results, will select the optimal therapy.

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