Laser polyp removal, laser treatment, moxibustion, coagulation

Today laser removal of polyps is performed in stationary conditions. This method usually removes, as a rule, single benign neoplasms of small sizes. The main condition is that the head should be larger than the base. Before the operation, the patient surrenders all standard tests, undergoes desensitizing therapy, takes laxatives. Immediately before the intervention, he cleans the intestines several times. So the treatment of polyps with a laser begins. It has its own indications and contraindications, advantages and disadvantages. Knowledge of them helps to make the right decision.

Coagulation of the polyp

Most often, electrocoagulation is used to treat the polyp, the essence of the method is that a loop is thrown on the neoplasm, it is tightened and the leg is cauterized by means of a current. The head is removed by forceps through the biopsy channel. Then, when the leg has a wide base, it is not possible to throw a loop. Here, in this case, it becomes effective and justified to remove the polyps with a laser.

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During the operation, a flexible laser light guide is inserted into the biopsy channel instead of the loop. Its end is brought directly to the polyp, at a distance of not less than 0.5 cm. The maximum power of the installation is 60 watts. This is enough to ensure that the light beam can penetrate deep into the tissue by 1 cm. The available treatment radius is 0.5 cm.

The tissue of the polyp is welded under the influence of the laser, and the vessels are literally sealed, so there is no bleeding during the operation. As the blood supply stops, the tumor is necrotic and discarded within 4 days. On the site of the former polyp is formed burn wound. It has an irregular shape, but it heals very quickly. Cicatricial deformity is not formed. In the postoperative period, the patient is recommended to adhere to a sparing diet and take enveloping agents.

Burning polyps has two functions:

  • When benign neoplasms are removed with a laser, evaporation of moisture from the surrounding glands occurs. This helps to minimize the re-formation of the polyp.
  • After surgery, scabs are not formed on the walls of the mucous membranes. There are no necrotic spots on the mucosa. And this also prevents the risk of bleeding.

Laser coagulation of the polyp assumes constant subsequent quality control of the applied method. With the help of endoscopy, the gut state is monitored twice. And between the diagnostic sessions, homeopathic treatment, reconstructive medication and immunological therapy are carried out. It is important to understand that by performing the operation, and while not eliminating the cause of the appearance of tumors, it is difficult to expect a full recovery.

Advantages of cauterization of polyps

Physicians note that cauterization of polyps with a laser has a number of advantages over other ways of removing them. Denote the main advantages of laser removal of polyps:

  • This is, in practice, a bloodless operation.
  • The procedure takes only fifteen minutes.
  • For the procedure, the patient does not need to go to the hospital, the operation is performed on an outpatient basis.
  • Polyp coagulation does not require any preliminary preparation.
  • Risk of bleeding is minimal.
  • The laser beam reliably cauterizes the vessels.
  • After treatment the patient returns home, the rehabilitation period is completely absent.
  • It is noted that after moxibustion of neoplasms, the risk of complications is minimized.
  • It is possible to carry out removal in this way even in the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Microcirculation improves, so recovery processes are much faster.
  • Does not cause addiction and addiction.
  • The use of laser in the affected area destroys all pathogenic bacteria.
  • The use of this method excludes the possibility of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from the outside.
  • Contraindications to the holding are also as limited as possible.

Disadvantages of removal of polyps with laser

But it is necessary to note and disadvantages:

  • In one session, it is sometimes not possible to completely remove one pathological tumor.
  • Laser coagulation of a polyp is not possible if it has a morphological verification.
  • The described procedure is much more expensive than usual surgical resection of the intestine.

Summing up, we can safely say that removing polyps with a laser helps to get rid of single benign tumors very quickly and efficiently, which is difficult to remove by electrocoagulation. Cauterization is very rarely accompanied by complications. Sometimes coagulation is used as an additional or auxiliary therapy, but together with electroexcision the laser is not used. And all because such a tandem can lead to a diathermic lesion of the intestinal wall.

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