Associated gastroduodenitis with Helicobacter pylori( HP), Helicobacter pylori

The diagnosis of "associated gastroduodenitis" is made when the bacterium Helicobacter pylori becomes the cause of inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It enters the body with saliva from the outside, along with dirty products or through the use of poorly washed dishes. The bacterium has spiral tentacles, with the help of which it reliably clings to the walls of the stomach. Parasitizing on them, it produces the products of life, which, mixing with urea, form an alkaline environment that neutralizes the acidic environment of gastric juice.

Bacteria Helicobacter pylori is also dangerous because it destroys the mucin protein, which is in the mucus. Due to this circumstance the mucus's consistency becomes more liquid, therefore it does not cope with its protective properties. The bacterium is attached only to the mucus-forming cells. It multiplies rapidly, its vital activity leads to the destruction of cell membranes, alkalization of gastric juice leads to the onset of an inflammatory process that affects both the stomach and the duodenum. This is how helikobacter gastroduodenitis develops. Symptoms of it differ little from signs of other types of similar pathologies.

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Symptoms of Associated Gastroduodenitis

The gastroduodenitis associated with Helicobacter has symptoms similar to those of any other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The patient is concerned about pain in the epigastric region, which occur on an empty stomach and in hunger pauses. An hour and a half after eating, there is a characteristic discomfort. The stomach is very grumbling, guts are "walking" in the intestines, a feeling of heaviness provokes sour eructations. Then invariably comes a severe heartburn, which is removed only after taking an antocid.

Appetite is not disturbed, but the chair is inclined toward the constipation. As the pathology progresses after swelling of the abdomen, severe nausea and vomiting appear, bringing clear relief. But the associated gastroduodenitis also has its own characteristic symptoms. The presence of the disease may indicate:

  • Densely coated with white tongue.
  • Zalomy in the corners of the mouth.
  • Soreness that spreads in the epigastric region.
  • Weight loss, even despite the presence of a good appetite.

Several diagnostic methods are available to confirm the presence of the disease.

Diagnosis of gastroduodenitis with Helicobacter?

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient will have to undergo roentgenography and endoscopy. The latest study will help the doctor visually see all the signs that Helicobacter pylori can have, as well as the depth and size of the lesion, along with the exclusion of ulcers or oncology at the same time. When carrying out an endoscopy, the doctor pinches off a piece of affected tissue and passes it to a histology. The laboratory technicians have separate chemical reagents, which also give an opportunity, investigating it, to determine the presence of infection. A gastroduodenitis associated with HP is also confirmed by a breath test. A specialist in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the exhalation of the patient can also determine the degree of infection with the described bacteria.

To determine the further tactics of treatment, additional tests are performed to determine the amount of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice.

How is the treatment of associated gastroduodenitis treated?

If gastroduodenitis is associated with Helicobacter, then it is treated with complex therapy. The main emphasis in it is the elimination of the underlying cause. To get rid of a bacterium it is possible only by means of two, and when and three strong antibiotics accepted simultaneously. It can be De-Nol paired with Clarithromycin or Tetronidazole with Amoxicilin and Erythromycin. In parallel, Omeprozol can be prescribed, which creates favorable conditions for the action of a pair of antibiotics.

During the exacerbation of the disease, antibacterial drugs are added to antibacterial laughter, helping to restore the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, and also to level the acidity of the gastric juice. These can be Almagel, Ranitidine, Gastrotsepin, Retaboil and Gastrofarm. As practice shows, with properly selected therapy, the gastroduodenitis associated with HP is easily treatable.

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