Acidity with gastroduodenitis - increased and decreased, symptoms, treatment, diet

Gastroduodenitis can vary very differently, the acidity of the stomach affects the formation of a particular subspecies, so it is so important to know the parameters of this parameter when diagnosing a disease. How does the organism increase or decrease its level? How is gastroduodenitis treated with high acidity? How does it differ from the therapy of a malaise with lowered indices? All this in the article.

What is the acidity of the stomach? This is the level of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. There are units of measurement for this indicator, this is one pH-unit. The substance is actively involved in the digestion of food. To ensure that all these processes are normal, special enzymes are needed. One of them is called peptin. It can only exist in an acidic environment. But in the intestine the medium should not be acidic, so at the exit from the stomach there is a department in which it is neutralized.

Allocate her cells to the base glands. They work continuously, in the same rhythm and very intensively. When the cells of the fundal glands die for some reason, its concentration drops, and a low acidity is formed. If the number of cells increases, an increased acidity is formed. It is important to understand in which part of the stomach the described processes occur. This fasting parameter is measured:

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  • Normally, the pH should be in the range of 1.5-2.0 pH
  • Maximum minimum is 0.86 pH.
  • Maximum of 8.3 pH.

How is acidity determined in gastroduodenitis?

The described indicators can be defined in two ways:

  • The most common is the conduct of pH-metry. As the main tool used acidogastrometers, equipped with probes and sensors. They are injected directly into the body of the stomach, and there they make measurements. Using acidogastrometer can measure the level in any part of the stomach.
  • The second method is aspirating. With it, the gastric juice is taken by means of a pump probe. Lack of use - the inability to measure the level in different parts of the stomach.

How are gastroduodenitis and acidity associated?

The duodenal glands also produce acid. The secretion indicators fit in the parameters from 7 to 8 pH.Violation in one direction or another and indicates the emergence of pathology. The imbalance of the processes of acid production and acid neutralization, which occur simultaneously in the stomach and duodenum and gives rise to gastroduodenitis with high acidity. If the pH rises to a level of 5 units or more, the diagnosis of gastroduodenitis with a decreased acidity is determined. Its cause is most often the atrophy of parietal cells located in the mucous layer of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it possible to treat such pathologies? Modern methods of medicine can achieve full recovery in the initial stages of gastroduodenitis, acidity is regulated by medications. The special diet, which is used to treat peptic ulcer, also helps. This is table number 1 and table number 5.

Symptoms and treatment of gastroduodenitis with low acidity

Symptoms of this type of disease are very characteristic. The patient is constantly unpleasant smell from the mouth and burp with the smell of rotten eggs. He is concerned about upset stomach. Due to a lack of acid, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, as a result stagnation occurs, they form gases, a swelling, heaviness, flatulence. Gradually, they manifest themselves and pain. The main sign of reduced acidity is the presence of undigested food in the stool.

Incomplete digestion of food leads to a weakening of immunity, and this opens the way for the penetration of any type of infection. A person starts to get sick all the time, experiencing a strong malaise and weakness. So gastroduodenitis with low acidity makes itself felt, the treatment is aimed at restoring normal parameters. If there are no ulcers and erosions, the therapy is reduced to the following actions:

  1. Drugs that stimulate the production of gastric juice are prescribed.
  2. Antacids are then used.
  3. A scheme is used to kill the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
  4. Most symptoms are removed by a strict diet.

Since low pH values ​​are a sign of cancer tension, gastroduodenitis with a low acidity can be very dangerous, treatment in this case should only take place under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.

Treatment of gastroduodenitis with high acidity

Usually the disease begins with the onset of acute pain. It concentrates in the left upper abdomen. Aching pain replaced by cutting. It appears most often at night or after long hungry pauses and immediately passes after eating.

Because of the large accumulation of acid there is a constant casting in the larynx, there is a strong heartburn and an acidic eructation. If the level begins to exceed the allowable values, vomiting opens. This is a protective reaction of the body. Since food can not digest well, putrefactive processes develop, mucus is formed in large amounts, it enters the intestine and disrupts its work. There are malfunctions in motor-evacuation functions, stagnant phenomena occur, constipations are formed. It is the sum of these symptoms and indicates the development of gastroduodenitis with high acidity. The patient's appetite persists. Eating a meal can significantly improve the condition.

If you ignore the process or improper treatment develops chronic gastroduodenitis with high acidity. In this case, the symptoms are muffled, the acute phase is replaced by remission, but then the seizures, nevertheless, return.

Treatment of a chronic disease with an elevated pH is based on the intake of drugs that help to reduce the level of production of hydrochloric acid. There are a lot of anti-sector drugs. The most popular of them are Ranitidine and Gistak. In addition, the treatment regimen includes antacids, antispasmodics, as well as antibiotics if the cause of the disease is the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, as well as a therapeutic diet.

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