Catarrhal focal bulbitis of the stomach - what is it, what kind of treatment?

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Against the background of special hormonal changes in the human body, a focal bulb often arises, what it is, visually shows duodenoscopy. The endoscopic picture clearly shows the inflammatory process, which seizes various parts of the mucous bulb, located between the stomach and duodenum. The lesions are not local in nature, they are located in different parts of the designated organ. In the advanced stages of inflammation spread further, moving forward and toward the intestine, and towards the stomach, then the doctor makes a diagnosis of focal bulbit.

How does the focal bulbit appear?

Symptoms of focal bulbitis are similar to those of peptic ulcer. The patient has intestinal disorders, in the morning he is sick with nausea. After meals, often there is an acidic eructation, bloating, a feeling of heaviness that goes into pain in the epigastric region. It is given to the umbilical region, and also is felt in the right hypochondrium. Exacerbation of the chronic stage almost always leads to the appearance of headaches, a strong muscle weakness, which gives rise to a general malaise.

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The exacerbation of the disease occurs against the background of the development of vitamin deficiency, after abundant feasts or prolonged fasting. The catarrhal bulbous cough lasts for a week, but it can also be prolonged for two months. The acidity of the stomach can remain normal. This phase of the disease is dangerous because bleeding occurs frequently in advanced stages.

What can be caused by the formation of pathology?

Different causes can provoke catarrhal focal bulbitis, the treatment of pathology will be aimed at their elimination. Therefore, it is so important to list the most common of them. This:

  1. Weakening of the hormonal function of the duodenum.
  2. Incorrect power.
  3. Smoking and alcohol abuse.
  4. Glistular invasion.
  5. Bacterial infections.
  6. Chemical and mechanical injuries of the stomach or duodenal mucosa.
  7. Concomitant diseases( gastritis, duodenitis).

Young women are at risk. They have a very difficult course of focal bulbitis, what it is to know, they just have to in order to prevent the emergence of dangerous complications. It is in young women that focal bulbitis of the stomach can provoke the development of dysfunction of the endocrine glands and nervous system, so it is so important to start treatment at the earliest stages of the disease.

Features of therapy of focal bulbite

Therapy will be complex and time-consuming. All the activities included in its composition are designed to radically change the way of life of the patient. He will have to abandon his bad habits once and for all and revise his daily diet. Gastroenterologists advise the use of fractional food, increase the number of daily meals, bring them to six and reduce by half the portions themselves.

Under the ban, dishes that irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa. It's all fried, spicy, salting and smoked. You can not eat sour and spicy food, drink coffee and black tea. Food should be intensively vitaminized, warm, easy to digest. It is allowed to eat sour-milk products, cereals, meat and fish, steamed.

The correct diet can independently eliminate focal bulbitis, treatment with medications is prescribed only after revealing the root cause of the described pathology. So, for example, in the case of pH detection, the patient is given a course of taking antibiotics. When detecting hormonal imbalance of the duodenum, prescribe drugs that restore the motility of peristalsis of the intestine. If neurasthenic syndrome is detected, the patient will be forced to use sedatives.

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