Atrophic bulbitis gastritis of the stomach, hypertrophic and subatrophic species

When an eructation with a characteristic acidic aftertaste appears in the mouth, accompanied by persistent heartburn, an atrophic bulbitis is diagnosed. If you do not start treatment in time, such symptoms will only increase and increase. There will be a feeling of constant heaviness in the stomach, rumbling and gurgling. Often there are constipation or diarrhea.

The presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach can provoke the described disease. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with atrophic gastritis of bulbits. It causes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bulb - the organ that is located between the stomach and duodenum. It interferes with the complete absorption of trace elements by the body, so very quickly the patient begins to feel a general malaise, increased fatigue, weakness in the whole body. As a result - the appearance of severe dizziness and loss of efficiency. The person loses appetite, quickly grows thin.

Due to a decrease in the absorption of vitamins, iron deficiency occurs, anemia develops. On the face appears pallor, the skin becomes very dry. All this together is a clinical picture that accompanies atrophic gastritis of bulbits.

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Diagnosis of atrophic bulbitis

If you have at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis or refute it, three methods of modern diagnostics help.

  • First, with the first visual examination, the doctor performs palpation of the stomach. It reveals a moderate tension in the anterior wall and pain in the epigastric region, which is deposited in the back in the subcostal area.
  • Then the patient goes to the X-ray room. If you have a history of atrophic gastritis bulbit, the picture will show a violation of intestinal peristalsis. Bulbostasis of the bulb is also found - a pathological increase in its size.
  • To put the final point in the diagnosis helps duodenoscopy. With atrophic bulbite, the mucous bulb becomes thin and pale pink, but there are no ulcers on it.

Subatrophic and hypertrophic bulbitis and their treatment

The described disease is preceded by subatrophic bulbitis. Subatrophy is the initial stage of mucosal atrophy, rapidly progressing, therefore requiring immediate treatment. It passes almost asymptomatically, the patient feels only mild ailment.

When the pathology is at an early stage, a two-day hunger and a subsequent strict diet help eliminate it, eliminating fatty, fried, salted, spicy food, canned food, smoked foods and meat delicacies from the daily diet. During the first two weeks you will have to eat often( 5-6 times), but in small portions. The prohibition includes alcohol and smoking. From bad habits will have to completely abandon. The patient can eat dairy products, porridge on the water, jelly, then gradually in the diet are added meat and fish dishes cooked for a couple.

Chronic stages can be overcome only by complex therapy. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, mandatory intake of anthracite drugs and drugs that can restore intestinal peristalsis is recommended. If you ignore the described disease in the mucous bulb, there may be changes that can cause deterioration and development of peptic ulcer.

Often against the background of atrophic phenomena, hypertrophic bulbitis develops - a rough, deep deformation of the mucous bulb. The disease develops, in fact, into a benign tumor, so it is so important to turn to specialists in time and begin treatment, of which the traditional medicine can become a part.

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