Diet with duodenal bulbar and gastritis, food menu for a week, foods that you can eat?

Inflammation of the mucous bulb or loop that connects the stomach and duodenum is eliminated by complex therapy, the diet with bulbite is an important part of the treatment. Patients are advised to revise their diet once and for all and change their eating habits. Products that can be consumed during treatment in each case are selected by the doctor. But there are general rules that must be followed during and after treatment.

Basic dietary rules for bulbite

Often described disease is a consequence of the development of other more dangerous and complex pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, there is, for example, a common diet for bulbite and gastritis, duodenal ulcer. Patients are advised to adhere to the following recommendations in the diet:

  1. You will need to eat small meals 5-6 times a day during the treatment according to the following scheme( breakfast-lunch-lunch-snack-dinner-glass of warm milk before bedtime).
  2. All food should be only warm and wiped out.
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  4. For one meal, you can not eat more than two different dishes.
  5. The amount of salt is minimal, it is allowed to consume up to 8 g per day.
  6. The daily allowable sugar in the diet is 50 g.
  7. White bread and other flour products are prohibited.
  8. For the duration of treatment it is necessary to completely abandon alcohol and smoking.
  9. You need to be more out of the open air.
  10. It is useful to keep bed rest and sleep well at night.

Authorized products and forbidden dishes in the diet

In the first week of treatment, the diet with bulbite and gastritis is especially strict. Two days after starting therapy, patients are recommended to starve. And then from hunger to go out gradually, completely giving up fried dishes. The menu at the bulbite includes vegetable soups and soups made from cereals, mashed through a sieve, scrambled eggs, scrolled meat, cooked too, steamed, low-fat fish. In day it is necessary to drink up to five glasses of natural fresh boiled milk, there is jelly from sweet berries and oat jellies.

Tea and coffee diet allows you to replace cocoa, at the time of eating, doctors recommend taking 50 ml of olive oil. It is acceptable to use puree from potatoes, cauliflower, beets and young pumpkin. In a small amount it is allowed to eat green peas, sweet ripe fruits, compotes and jam. It is important to comply with the drinking regime. Proper nutrition in the bulbite implies the use of large amounts of water( up to 2.5 liters).Part of the liquid can be replaced with herbal tea and tea, brewed on the hips.

You can not eat foods that have artificial synthetic ingredients, such as food colors, preservatives, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, it is worth completely giving up all the spicy, sour, smoked, pickled, tea and coffee.

Features of the diet in the second week of the disease

After the first week, the diet with bulbar of the duodenum significantly widens. In the menu you can include black bread, crackers and a sweet biscuit. You are allowed to eat butter, low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, steam cutlets made from lean pork, curd, chicken fillet.

In addition to boiled vegetables, vegetables can be added to the diet, baked in the oven. In the menu at the bulbite at this stage it is allowed to include tea and fruit freshly squeezed juices, prepared from those ingredients that do not cause bloating. But vegetables with coarse fiber should not be eaten, so cabbage, carrots, sorrel and spinach are not included in the diet for the second week with the bulbite.

The basis of the diet in the bulbite is mashed rice, buckwheat, oat porridge, cooked on water, seasoned with milk and butter. Allowed vermicelli, low-fat meat, mild cheese, smoked ham, salads from vegetables and boiled sausages.

Totally forbidden are meat broths and ears, mushrooms, dough, grated fresh fruits and vegetables, ice cream and chocolate, carbonated drinks, kvass, mayonnaise, ketchup, onions and cucumbers.

Key Features of the


In the stage of chronic course, the diet with bulbite suggests some relief. The energy value of a daily diet should be 2500-2800 kcal, its mass is not more than 3 kg. In one portion should be about 100 g of protein, 90 g of fat, 400 g of carbohydrates. In the menu for a week in the bulbite you need to include foods that will not irritate the damaged mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, so the temperature of the dishes should not be more than +57 degrees and not below +15.It is allowed only puree-like consistency, the diet should not be present semi-finished products.

The described diet with bulbite and gastritis can cure diseases at the initial stages of development, neglected forms are eliminated by complex treatment, in which diet restrictions are combined with drug therapy and the use of highly effective methods of traditional medicine.

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