Comparative characteristics of the procedure of MRI of the brain and CT

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1 When to think about the diagnosis of

Diseases and brain disorders lead to changes in the performance of other internal organs and the whole body as a whole. The most common diseases of the head include:

  • stroke - acute circulatory failure, which leads to tissue damage;
  • Alzheimer's disease - the body produces a pathological protein that atrophies nerve cells;
  • tumor - neoplasms, which, increasing, promote the growth of intracranial pressure;
  • disorders of brain function - accompanied by loss of consciousness, seizures.

Timely access to a specialist and the passage of a survey will identify violations and eliminate them as a result of effective therapy.

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Modern research using the latest technology and computer technology can identify the disease at an early stage. One of the most common methods of such studies is MRI and CT.It would seem that there is no difference in these techniques, because the term "tomography" is in two names and it shows images of the soft tissues or individual organs being examined. But an experienced medical professional will refute this version.

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If there is a choice before MRT and CT of the brain, then to say which procedure will be better is very difficult. Both drugs are capable of giving accurate information. Only a doctor for certain indications will help to choose a procedure suitable for the patient. The prerequisites for the diagnosis of the head are:

  • , the presence of symptoms characterizing the stroke;
  • changes in the pituitary gland;
  • received injuries of the skull;
  • permanent headache or dizziness;
  • appearance of symptoms associated with neoplasm;
  • presence of pathological development of the jaw section.

There are special cases where for full information it is necessary to carry out two diagnoses, using both MRI and CT.

2 Principle of working process for CT and MRI

So what's the difference between diagnostics and how do they affect the body? CT, or computed tomography, is based on the absorption of X-rays by the body, as a result of which the computer writes off information and processes the data. CT and X-rays have similar moments, but the further work process and radial load are specifically different.

During CT diagnosis, a beam of X-rays is sent to the area of ​​the patient's body, which, taking into account the density of the tissue, is absorbed by the body to a greater or lesser extent. Further, the data read from the survey area is processed on high-quality computer equipment, and the result is a three-dimensional image. Such a picture is able to maximally reflect the investigated areas of the body or a certain organ. But it should be borne in mind that computed tomography due to strong radiation exposure should not be used often.

The study of a patient by MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is characterized by obtaining data by applying a strong magnetic field. Due to the powerful magnetic effect, the positions of the hydrogen atoms in the body of the patient are able to change, and the device, using electromagnetic pulses, intercepts the change of atoms, processes the data and reproduces three-dimensional images. The analysis of the results of the head is performed by the doctor on the basis of the finished clinical picture. If the image is not clear enough or additional research is needed, the procedure should be repeated to obtain effective images.

Thus, the procedure of CT from MRI of the brain is significantly different. In addition, computed tomography lasts a few seconds, and the study with MRI can be delayed by 20 minutes. Long-term examination should be carried out with the patient's immobile state, which is extremely difficult, especially for children. In such cases, an anesthetic is injected to obtain a reliable result. The patient during the procedure is allowed only to swallow saliva, blink and conduct a dialogue with the doctor. At inspection between some programs it is authorized to move, but not to change an initial position.


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But in connection with the high achievements of modern medicine, vertical magnetic resonance tomographs also appeared. Such a device shows a similar image and is actively used by patients who suffer from claustrophobia.

3 Circumstances for the appointment of a tomography and its decoding

For performing magnetic resonance imaging and obtaining a qualitative result of soft tissue examination, specialists disclose the following indications:

  • changes in blood circulation in tissues and blood vessels;
  • presence of lesions in the region of the spinal cord or brain;
  • appearance of formations in muscle tissues, cells, organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis;
  • examination of intervertebral discs and joints;
  • determination of the location and condition of parts of the spinal cord and brain.

In the case of an MRI scan, the indicator of light and dark areas depends on the concentration of the signals that come from the electromagnetic field. The main component, giving such signals, is hydrogen. The number of atoms of a given substance determines the degree of concentration of a signal that a radio frequency coil can capture and record. As a result, the water in the picture will be reflected in light shades, and the bone tissue, which contains salts, minerals that do not have hydrogen atoms, are dark areas.

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According to the data, with MRI of the brain there is no radiation load on the body, so this method of investigation is considered the most harmless. But in connection with the fact that MRI is a young enough method of diagnosis, it is difficult to judge how much influence the body has on magnetic fields. What is the difference between MRI and CT?The main difference between the two methods of diagnosis is the safety of a magnetic tomograph. The magnetic field does not affect the muscle tissue, but only affects the hydrogen atoms, which do not affect the performance of the cells.

Computed tomography can be assigned to a patient with problems such as:

  • lung disease;
  • damage to bones with the resulting injury;
  • presence of diseases of the abdominal cavity or pelvic organs;
  • vascular disorders of an atherosclerotic nature;
  • lesions of the skeleton by tumor formations in the first and subsequent stages;
  • diseases of the spine and joints.

After the patient was diagnosed with computer equipment, the equipment produces a result in a three-dimensional image. Computer tomography shows the brain, cerebrospinal fluid, in which the cerebrospinal fluid is circulating. Directed X-rays affect their intensity, as a result of which high-density tissues in the picture are indicated by light tones.

If the patient has an intracranial pathology, the tissue density changes, which will immediately be reflected in the examination. The level of pathology and other deviations from the provided image will be determined by a radiologist who will diagnose. Computer tomography of the brain is performed in a special X-ray room with a qualified specialist. Before starting the procedure, the patient is put on his back, and the cervical department is placed on a special support. Special preparation for the tomography of the patient is not required, and after the end of the survey the regime of life is not limited.

In general, the procedure is performed to clarify the diagnosis, which is accompanied by certain symptoms that characterize the presence of abnormalities in the vascular and endocrine system, the brain.

The medicine distinguishes separate cases when in the CT of the brain, vessels, some internal organs and urinary tracts, iodine-containing substance is injected into the patient's body to get a clear picture. Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to determine whether the patient has an allergy to iodine.

Each type of tomography is effective in certain brain diseases, it is better to conduct CT or MRI, it will help to identify a specialist after the examination of the patient.

4 Contraindications to

examinations Due to strong X-ray irradiation, computed tomography contraindications exist for women who are in the position or are breastfeeding.

Magnetic resonance imaging has other contraindications and is excluded with the following factors:

  • the patient suffers from claustrophobia;
  • the presence of foreign metal objects or electronic, implanted in soft tissue;
  • pathologies of a nervous nature that will not allow the patient to remain stationary for a long period;
  • if the patient is obese and body weight exceeds 200 kg.

In addition, contraindications to MRI are allergic rashes or reactions, as well as the presence of an acute respiratory infection, which is accompanied by coughing, sneezing. Diagnosis in this case should be postponed until the patient is fully recovered.

Based on contraindications, the choice of an MRI or CT of the brain should be done in a specific situation and with the patient having certain characteristics. And in complex situations, both CT and MRI of the brain and other organs are categorically contraindicated. In this case, it will be better to conduct a gentle ultrasound examination of a specific area of ​​the body, according to the results of which the doctor will prescribe treatment, and in the future, possibly, a tomography.

Certainly, with conventional fractures and other simple diagnoses, it is best to use an X-ray. But when identifying the disease or when determining the localization of the disease, it is necessary to conduct more accurate and effective examinations with the latest technology.

In any case, the choice of the study will be prescribed only by the doctor, when tomography is necessary, and the degree of irradiation of the organism will be justified by the result obtained.

5 Choosing the right research method for

MRI and CT of the brain do not always refer to alternative methods of investigation. The sensitivity of the methods depends on the physical capabilities of the patient's tissues, in this case the areas that contain a lot of fluid but have good bone tissue protection are the dorsal or brain, joints, intervertebral discs. It is more effective to carry out MRI.Another situation is when, when examining the lungs and the skeleton itself, it is better to encounter X-ray beams of a computed tomography.

When a situation requires an emergency diagnosis of the digestive system, internal organs or brain, it is best for the patient to do CT.A quick survey method remains unchallenged in contrast to MRI.

Thus, two diagnostic methods are used to identify various diseases or to confirm an established diagnosis. The difference between CT and MRI is significant. The main difference between MRI and CT is safety and the elimination of the risk of side effects. However, the low cost of computed tomography is benefiting from MRI.The patient's choice of a particular method of examination should take place taking into account the advice of a specialist.

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