How can I quickly get rid of a headache without taking pills

1 Taking medications

For full exposure to a large number of pain killers, it takes about 1-2 hours. Proceeding from this, remember that it is necessary to take such funds at the first signs of this unpleasant illness. The earlier a person takes a pill, the better for him. But even when a person did not take the drug on time and the painful pain in his head did catch up with him, the following medicament means can alleviate suffering: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen and even Capsaicin, which is presented in the form of a nasal spray.

Remember that you can take various painkillers daily, only based on prescriptions and doctor's advice. The fact is that, taking painkillers every day, a person can independently provoke the appearance of a syndrome of excessive intake of medicines, in the process of development of which a person takes medications constantly, as he is afraid of feeling unbearable pain again. This intake of medications can increase the incidence of headaches, as a result of which the main cause of their occurrence will be the medications themselves.

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In case a person takes all kinds of painkillers more than 3 times a week, he simply needs to seek help from a specialist. The more drugs a person takes, the faster his body begins to get used to them, and this leads to the fact that these funds will cease to function over time. This, in turn, can also lead to frequent headaches.

In order to get rid of headaches caused by excessive intake of drugs, you just need to stop taking painkillers. This fact should also be discussed with a specialist.

A person should know exactly in which situation he needs to urgently seek help from a specialist.

If a person, in addition to a headache, shows other symptoms, then this may indicate the development of more serious diseases, for example, a heart attack or even meningitis. Immediately call the ambulance team if the pain in the head is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • impaired vision and walking, incoherent speech;
  • feeling of tightness in the neck;
  • feeling of nausea and even vomiting;
  • strongly elevated body temperature;
  • complete loss of consciousness;
  • violation of half of one part of the body;
  • strong sense of weakness, deafness and even paralysis.

In addition, immediately seek help from a specialist you need, if a person has headaches often, but their perceptibility is strong enough and even unbearable. In addition, with such painful sensations, absolutely no medication helps, and living with this pain becomes simply unbearable.

2 Caffeine consumption

Caffeine is one of the components of almost every pain medication, which can somewhat weaken the feeling of pain, but the dependence of the person on caffeine can lead to a rapid manifestation of these same headaches. Caffeine completely blocks the level of adenosine, which can increase with every attack of headache.

To use caffeine in order to get rid of a severe headache, it is allowed not more than twice a week. If you take it much more often, then it becomes addictive. Especially it concerns young people. If a person consumes more than two cups of coffee a day, a sharp refusal from it can provoke the occurrence of headaches. This is very easy to explain by the fact that during the daily use of caffeine, all the vessels in the brain begin to expand in man. At the moment when caffeine stops its entry into the human body, the vessels shrink sharply, which leads to pain in the head. In the event that a person still consumes a large amount of coffee, it is worth trying to reduce the amount of his intake gradually, since this will prevent the occurrence of intolerable headaches.


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If a person suffers from constant headaches, then it is best not to get rid of this problem with coffee.

3 Drinking fluid norm

Provoking a headache can also dehydration, especially when it is caused by vomiting or a hangover. Once a person has a sensation of pain in his head, you should immediately drink just 1 glass of water. After this, you must continue to drink water in small portions throughout the day. Applying this simple method, a person will very quickly notice that the pain in the head is gradually receding.

Every man should drink at least 3 liters of water daily, while the norm for a woman is 2.2 liters. You can use more water, especially if a person does sports or lives in a fairly humid and hot climate. In addition, it is allowed to take more water to nursing mothers and those people who have diseases that can cause vomiting and even diarrhea. The necessary rate of drinking water can be calculated based on the weight of a person. It is calculated as follows: for 1 kg of weight of 15-30 ml of water.

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If a person suffers from constant headaches, then in no case should you drink ice water. The use of very cold water can cause migraine, especially in cases where a person is prone to such a disease. It is best to use water at room temperature.

4 Herbalism

Natural remedies are used carefully. There are substances that can help in getting rid of a headache, but it is important to know about what side effects this or that drug has and whether it can provoke the appearance of an allergy. It is necessary to familiarize with all contraindications of the chosen preparation. It is worth remembering that the people's means do not have even the slightest scientific justification.

Herbal medicine is needed to fight headaches. To date, there are many ways that you can get rid of a headache without pills. Herbal medicine is just one of them.

It is best to find herbs that are contained in capsules. Thus, a person can take the same amount of the drug all the time. There are many herbs that can somewhat weaken the feeling of pain in the head. But do not be completely sure that folk medicine will not cause any side effects. That's why in the process of taking drugs based on herbs you need to be extremely cautious.

Very good relieves headache ginger. By the way, this tool is capable not only to muffle a strong sensation of pain in the head, but also to prevent a feeling of nausea and vomiting.

What else helps with a headache? Willow acts as a good actor. Its leaves are part of the tablets. The desired dosage is 300 ml. This beautiful plant can significantly reduce the number of migraine attacks, especially with daily intake.

If a headache, tension in the head, then tea from rosemary, lavender or passionflower will help. In the case of chamomile or mint tea, a person can rest, moreover, the entire body relaxes.

How else to quickly get rid of a headache? The answer to this question is quite simple. Use aromatherapy. It includes a large number of various oils and solutions. As for the headache, then in its treatment in aromatherapy use chamomile, lavender or major. Their oils can be used for massage in the neck area, to add water to the bathroom.

5 Preventative measures

Need to know what helps with the headache, how to carry out prevention:

  • Get enough sleep.

If a person has a regular and high-quality sleep, it helps to improve overall health, several times reduces the number of bouts of headaches. Every adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. If a person simply can not fall asleep, then the following should be done:

  1. spend as little time as possible in front of the TV screen or in front of the computer monitor a few hours before bedtime;
  2. bed should only be intended for sleep, for physical proximity;
  3. restrict itself to taking caffeine in the evening;
  4. turn off or muffle the light a few hours before bedtime. This will allow the body to relax and prepare for rest.
  • Avoid strong odors.

Even considering that perfumery and various aromatized products have a pleasant enough smell, they can still provoke the appearance of a headache. Try to use those means that have no smell. In addition, it is necessary that all members of the family use the same means. Try to get rid of all kinds of air flavors both in the house and in the workplace.

  • You need to adjust your diet.

This method, of course, can not immediately relieve the occurrence of headaches. Proper and balanced nutrition is, most likely, a preventive measure. If a person does not know where to start and how to start a proper diet, then it is easy to take the help and advice of specialists and nutritionists.

First you need to find out if a person is allergic to any food. If any, then harmful foods must be immediately excluded from the diet.

Use caffeine, but in negligible amounts, as excessive consumption of it can provoke the appearance of headaches.

  • Yoga classes.

The main direction of yoga is complete relaxation of the entire human body.

It is able to relieve of such problems as headache, tension. The best way is to roll the head from one side to the other. This will help improve well-being.

There are many more ways to deal with problems such as headache, stress. Everyone should choose for themselves a more effective and reliable method of treatment, which will lead to a positive result. But do not forget to consult with experts who know exactly how to quickly get rid of a headache.

Stay healthy!

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