Cortical myoclonia - types of the disease, the course of the disease, concomitant causes and treatment

The involuntary and unexpected for human jerking of some joint muscle groups or a separate part of them is not considered a rare phenomenon and is designated by the medical term - myoclonia. Neurologists share a physiological, i.e., benign myoclonic disease that occurs at the time of the person's transition to the phase of sleep and pathological, developing due to the influence of certain provoking factors.

Clinic of cortical myoclonia

Myoclonia is manifested by lightning-fast contractions of the muscles developing suddenly without any preliminary symptoms.

Myoclonia can be a one-time episode or repetitive jerking, proceeding with different frequency and duration over time.

It is customary to distinguish between generalized abbreviations covering the whole body and local, recorded in separate muscles.

Kinds and forms of myoclonium

Benign myoclonia

These forms do not need a specific course of treatment and are divided into:

  • Sleep Myoclonia( nocturnal) - occurs at the time of transition from the waking phase to the stage of falling asleep, observed in most healthy people periodically or once and does not continuemore than a few minutes.
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  • Myoclonia of fright. Basically, it manifests itself by a sharp jerk at the external stimulus-a cry, the fall of an object, a flash of bright light. It can be accompanied by tachycardia, rapid breathing, sweating.
  • Hiccups are manifested by contraction of the internal diaphragm and larynx, arises as a response to the irritation of certain sections of the brain stem, diaphragmatic and vagus nerve. Hiccups can be caused by overgrowth of the stomach, chronic diseases of the digestive system, pericardium, intoxication.
  • Myoclonia of physical activity is caused by intense work, myoclonus of the calf muscles or eyes can manifest.

Benign myoclonia of an early age is recorded in the infant of the first months of life, occurs during wakefulness, in sleep and during feeding. Children of early age may also experience myoclonies of falling asleep.

It is manifested by contraction of the neck muscles( nod of the head), all limbs and trunk. In most cases, it takes several months without a drug correction.

Negative myoclonias

Negative or pathological myoclonias have an epileptic or non-epileptic mechanism of the disease, requiring clarification of the cause and purpose of the appropriate therapy regimen.

The most famous example of a "negative form" is asterixis - a non-rhythmical tremor of the hands that occurs in the position of the elongated limb. Asterixis can also appear with tonic tension of other muscle groups, including language.

A similar form of myoclonus is more often detected with toxic or metabolic encephalopathy.

Myoclonias can manifest themselves in separate parts of the body and are divided into:

  • Focal, that is, involving one group of muscles - oculomotor, mimic.
  • Segmental - in this form, a number of located muscle groups are involved in the pathological process.
  • The generalized form is manifested by visible convulsive twitching of all muscle groups. Often this form leads to the fall of a person.

Polimini-klonus - fast non-rhythmic muscle contraction, similar in clinic with tremor. It can be prolonged or last only a few seconds, sudden movements can provoke them.

Often this form of hypertension is localized in the eye muscles and is manifested by the disordered movement of the eyeballs, their amplification occurs when trying to fix a glance at a certain point.

Classification of myoclonias by anatomical location

The following types are distinguished:

  • Cortical myoclonia is defined by an epileptic discharge of a neuron located in the cerebral cortex hemispheres. The cortical form is often recorded with generalized seizures of epilepsy.
  • Subcortical myoclonia develops with increased excitability of the motor centers of the brain, cerebellum, basal ganglia.
  • Spinal myoclonia is associated with a pathological increase in motor neuron activity at a certain level of the spinal cord. It often develops after the trauma and inflammation of the spinal cord in the spine.

It is necessary to distinguish myoclonias from convulsive syndrome in children. In this article you can read about their differences.

Seizure syndrome can be a sign of very dangerous diseases. For example, such as, the protoplasmic astrocytoma of the brain. Read more here.

Concomitant diseases

Myoclonias often accompany such acute or chronic ailments as:

  • epilepsy,
  • infectious or toxic damage to the cerebral cortex,
  • autosomal recessive diseases,
  • tumors.

In newborns, myoclonic manifestations are often associated with diseases with hereditarily degenerative transmission routes.

Causes of the disease

Among the reasons contributing to the emergence of primary signs of myoclonia, are:

  • Metabolic disorders - phenylketonuria, hepatolenticular degeneration.
  • Exchange failures in the body that occur with hepatic and renal failure.
  • Hypoxia of the brain.
  • Acute or chronic intoxication with salts of heavy metals or organic components of certain substances.
  • Hereditary disease with autosomal dominant type of pathological genes.
  • Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Injuries.
  • Treatment by some groups of pharmaceuticals.
  • Vascular and cerebral diseases.
  • Toxoplasmosis.

The main symptoms and manifestations of various myoclonias

Myoclonia is manifested by involuntary and uncontrollable twitching of muscle groups. The symptomatology is similar to a sudden shock of current.

The reduction continues from a few seconds, minutes to hours.

Multiple myoclonus often develops with a sharp lack of oxygen. Twitchings may appear in the legs, hands, mouth, the generalized form is accompanied by an unexpected fall.

Myoclonia increases with emotional experiences and is practically not observed in sleep.

Disposable muscle contractions that occur at the time of going to sleep or at the time of waking up, are registered in most people and are a variant of the norm.

Myoclonic epilepsy

Epileptic myoclonias outwardly resemble a sudden flinch of the body with a strong fright. In this case, the hands are sharply divorced or reduced to the sides, when the object is in them, it falls out.

If a person falls, it immediately rises, it can be repeated several times, the consciousness is clear, only in some cases there can be a small, fast-paced deafness.

The attack lasts a few seconds or with short breaks in time for several hours. A similar form of myoclonus for the first time often occurs in childhood or in adolescence, adolescence.

Myoclonias can occur on a background of alcoholism. In this article you can read about drops from alcoholism, when they are appointed and for what.

The most common drug from alcoholism is "Kolme".Read more. ...

Following the link, you will learn how the complex treats alcoholic encephalopathy http: // bolezni-nevrologii /alcogolizm/ alkogolnaya-entsefalopatiya-golovnogo-mozga.html.

Nocturnal myoclonia

Myoclonic nocturnal occurs at the onset of falling asleep or during sleep, manifested by motor, sensory, or mental visible to surrounding changes.

According to the symptoms, they are:

  • Syndrome of "restless legs" - sharp jerking of the legs, leading to spillage.
  • Stereotyped movements - dreaming, sucking fingers, chewing, talking in a dream, bruxism, asthmatic attack, paroxysmal vomiting, paroxysmal movements, a feeling of suffocation, night terrors and nightmares.
  • Myoclonia fright

Myoclonia in children can occur with sudden fright - a sharp drop in the subject, attack the dog, shouting. It manifests itself with a sharp jerk, palpitations increase, it is possible to stop breathing, followed by its rapidity, flush of blood to the face, excessive sweating.

The likelihood of convulsive muscle twitching increases with anxiety and emotional instability.

Myoclonia calf muscles

Myoclonias of the calf muscles are often confused with leg cramps, but this is not true. In myoclonias, there is simply a sharp contraction of the muscles without losing consciousness.

Most often they appear during sleep.

In women, the cause of such myoclonias can be a banal leg fatigue associated with wearing high heels.

Also provoke such cuts can such harmful habits as smoking and alcohol.

When they are used, the sodium and calcium are washed out of the muscle layer, which leads first to weakening it, then severe convulsions occur.

It should be noted that myoclonies of the legs may appear when a person develops varicose veins. At the same time, there will be a worsening of the blood supply to the extremities and their swelling.

If the convulsions appear extremely rarely and before that the person was experiencing serious physical exertion, then there is no special reason for concern, it is just necessary to fill the mineral balance and rest.

But, if the myoclonia of the gastrocnemius muscle causes a lot of discomfort and is accompanied by pain, then you should immediately consult a doctor so that he performs the examination and prescribes treatment.

Treatment of myoclonies of the calf muscles is most often reduced to a reduction in exercise, the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs( extremely rare and only if there is a strong pain syndrome) and a number of preventive measures.

Treatment of myoclonia

Benign myoclonias developing at the time of falling asleep usually do not require a course of treatment.

With frequent repetitive seizures that disturb the life and performance of the patient, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination of the organism before choosing a correction scheme for the disease.

The main stages of the treatment of myoclonus:

  • Correction of metabolic failures. With an elevated level of creatinine, elimination of renal pathologies is indicated.
  • Myoclonic contractions are eliminated by clonazepam, valproic acid-based drugs.
  • The epileptic nature of the origin shows the use of anticonvulsant drugs.
  • Sedation therapy, compliance with the regime of the day, short courses of drugs with a hypnotic effect.

In the treatment of nocturnal myoclonias in children, it is necessary to exclude the viewing of evening telecasts, noisy games before bed. Children for several evenings can be given valerian in the dosage indicated by the doctor.

You may also be interested in why the legs cramp. Here you will find the answer to this question.

And about the neuralgia of the thoracic spine will tell this section.


The main preventive measure of prevention of a repeated attack of myoclonia is a calm situation, adequate therapy of concomitant ailments and psychoemotional stability of the patient. The positive effect is achieved due to complex therapy.

So the person suffering from myoclonia, the doctors advise not to run the disease and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • To lead a healthy lifestyle, to give up smoking and alcohol
  • Get more rest and take a walk outdoors
  • Proper nutrition, include vitamins and minerals
  • Massage andexercises to strengthen the muscles
  • Also physiotherapy and acupuncture are well proven.

Treatment of myoclonus is difficult, but with the patient's perseverance and with a properly formulated treatment plan by a doctor, it is quite possible. Sometimes for the elimination of unpleasant symptoms only the therapy of the underlying disease is required.

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