Consequences of a stomach ulcer, than a disease and risk factors are dangerous

Throughout the time of the existence of medicine, stomach diseases have been and remain one of the most pressing problems. Erosive damage to the mucous membrane and deeper layers of the intestinal wall, as well as resulting through holes, destroying and located nearby organs are all consequences of the ulcer, which is a serious and, unfortunately, very common pathology.

Not very noticeable, but in fact a significant consequence of a stomach ulcer is a change in the image and a deterioration in the quality of life, which have to be adjusted for "illness."In addition to physiological changes in the body, there is a psychological inversion. The patient becomes nervous and irritable, as he is constantly tormented by pains, acid belching, heartburn and nausea, due to which one has to give up many of the things that are usual for him.

However, for the stomach ulcer, the prognosis is far from always unfavorable, and the diagnosis made by the gastroenterologist should not be taken as a verdict. But, certainly, it is necessary to understand, to what the ulcer of a stomach results, if it or her to not treat. And you need this first of all in order to immediately go to the doctor at the first signs of the disease.

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What is the risk of gastric ulcer in neglected state?

For those who do not understand what an ulcer is dangerous, there are many examples where, due to the reluctance to go to the doctor, perforation occurs, resulting in holes in the stomach, and all the food entering it enters the abdominal cavity. The consequence of this phenomenon is the development of peritonitis and death of a person for three days, if he does not receive urgent medical care.

What else threatens a stomach ulcer? Internal bleeding, arising from the fact that erosive formations expose the wall of the blood vessel, and hydrochloric acid corrodes it. For this reason, blood loss occurs, the consequences of which can be very severe.

Gastric ulcer - it is dangerous also that, in due course pathology can cover and neighboring organs, for example a pancreas. And although the ulcer remains closed, acute pancreatitis develops, the consequences of which are even more dangerous than the erosive lesion of the organ.

Based on all of the above, the question of whether a stomach ulcer is dangerous, you can give an unambiguous affirmative answer. Its consequences are bleeding, destruction of neighboring organs, peritonitis, pancreatitis and even cancer. In addition, there are so-called long-term consequences. They are formed slowly and absolutely unnoticeable for a person, but manifest themselves in cicatricial changes at the place where erosive pathology used to be. As a result, the lumen of the stomach narrows, the food does not pass well, which leads to a disruption in the digestive system and metabolism.

So the stomach ulcer is a really dangerous disease that threatens to turn into an irreversible process if you do not start treatment on time. Moreover, the development of the disease almost always has a pronounced symptomatology, which simply can not be ignored.

Risk factors for peptic ulcer disease that affect the appearance of

pathology The main cause and main risk factor of peptic ulcer disease is the bacterium Helicobacter pylory. It is transmitted along with saliva, by airborne droplets, when using the same hygiene products. That is why the members of the family of the infected person are the first to fall into the risk group.

Another significant factor is the presence of bad habits, and first of all it is smoking, which not only provokes the disease, but also slows the healing process, increasing the likelihood of relapses. In addition to the risk factors for ulcers can be attributed to the wrong mode and the nature of nutrition, heredity and long-term acceptance of certain medications, such as those that are included in the category of NSAIDs.

But the widespread view that people who abuse alcohol, who are often nervous and who prefer spicy foods, are also at risk, has not been confirmed by clinical studies.

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