Massage with peptic ulcer. Does it help? Which massage is effective?

Many patients are often interested in the question - does massage help with peptic ulcer disease? The doctors give an affirmative answer to this question, but you should remember that you can not always do it. During periods of exacerbations, with severe symptomatic manifestations, it is contraindicated. Therefore, it is used, mainly, in the period of remission, or in the absence of progressive symptoms characteristic of the disease.

Basic contraindications massage with gastric ulcer:

  • Fresh sores.
  • Bleeding from pathological education.
  • Periods of seasonal and recurrent exacerbations.
  • Ulcer accompanied by purulent cholecystitis.
  • Recently suffered pancreatitis.
  • In women, inflammation of the female genitalia, pregnancy, postpartum period( up to 8 weeks).
  • Manifestation of complications of ailment.

Massage with gastric ulcer helps accelerate the process of repairing the mucous membrane and damaged walls of the digestive organ, stabilizing blood circulation in the digestive tract and balancing the motility of the stomach. This type of physiotherapy also inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid, which facilitates the patient the course of the disease.

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Principles of palpation physiotherapy consist in the sequential effect on several zones. First, the back muscles are massaged, then the transition to the neck and trapezius muscle is smoothly performed. After that, the stomach and the chest area are massaged.

Begin the treatment procedure with stroking from the waist to the neck and axillary cavities. After some time, the masseur moves to the squeezing movements. The zone of influence shifts to the blades. They should be grinded with the help of pads of the thumbs or with the ribs of the palms.

A very important element in the massaging of the dorsal muscles is alternating their kneading in the area of ​​the transition of the thoracic zone to the lumbar region( this is where the nerve endings that pass from the brain to the digestive organs are located).Efficiency is a procedure that is carried out with both hands simultaneously.

After the back, the healing process moves to the neck. The first ones are circling circular movements with the palms. Then you need to do a few stroking and squeezing movements. Mashing is carried out by applying a series of exercises.

After the end of back massage, the specialist moves to the thoracic and abdomen. As for breast massage, the same techniques are used here as on the back.

Massage the abdomen begin with circular, stroking movements of the palms clockwise. Much attention should be paid to straight and oblique muscles. To them it is necessary to apply beak-shaped circular kneading( 5 fingers collected in the form of an outlet).

Massage for stomach ulcer lasts about 15 minutes. During this time, the specialist makes a full set of necessary exercises. The general course of this physiotherapy is about 14 sessions. It is also used as a prophylaxis of peptic ulcer.

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